How to go deep with anal toys


Jun 11, 2022
I guess you can call me a bi male. I am not “attracted” to men per se, but I am very interested in dicks and also getting penetrated. I have had a few experiences but one issue has been that my rear end is tight. I have had some recent success in loosening myself up and have been experimenting with a few toys. My concern is how do you get a dildo beyond the rectum wall? I have some idea but have always experienced sharp pain as whatever is up there just hits a wall. Seems like it would be easier to get more than six inches up my butt, but I sure as hell don’t want to hurt myself in the process of trying. Any direction that can be provided is welcomed. Not something I want to talk to the doctor about!

Just call me a bit clueless!!
I have had 19 inches inside of me but I did have to work up to was 1.5 inch x 19 inches. Before this I had a 18 inch x 2.75 buried to the balls, again it took lots of time and a boat load of lube....I love the feeling of have my ass filled and I hope someday to have the real thing in my ass. I usually start with a 20cc syringe of lube injected into my ass then my 7 inch x 1 inch, Then my 9 inch x 1.5 inch, then my 12 inch x 2 inch. In between each cock shaped dildo I shoot 20cc of the time I get to the longer cock shaped dildos I am into this for about 2 hours......take your time and enjoy!!!!!
I've had as large a dildo as 9", but I actually don't see the point... I see videos of monster horse dick looking things and I too wonder why do that? But to the OP's question, my experience was something with a suction cup, and doing it doggie style like, just slowly probing a little deeper here a little deeper there... it is about angles, relaxing, and taking it slow...
I have had 19 inches inside of me but I did have to work up to was 1.5 inch x 19 inches. Before this I had a 18 inch x 2.75 buried to the balls, again it took lots of time and a boat load of lube....I love the feeling of have my ass filled and I hope someday to have the real thing in my ass. I usually start with a 20cc syringe of lube injected into my ass then my 7 inch x 1 inch, Then my 9 inch x 1.5 inch, then my 12 inch x 2 inch. In between each cock shaped dildo I shoot 20cc of the time I get to the longer cock shaped dildos I am into this for about 2 hours......take your time and enjoy!!!!!
Never had anything that deep, but I have had a real 12" x 2" cock all the way in with his balls slapping against me and it felt fantastic
I guess you can call me a bi male. I am not “attracted” to men per se, but I am very interested in dicks and also getting penetrated. I have had a few experiences but one issue has been that my rear end is tight. I have had some recent success in loosening myself up and have been experimenting with a few toys. My concern is how do you get a dildo beyond the rectum wall? I have some idea but have always experienced sharp pain as whatever is up there just hits a wall. Seems like it would be easier to get more than six inches up my butt, but I sure as hell don’t want to hurt myself in the process of trying. Any direction that can be provided is welcomed. Not something I want to talk to the doctor about!

Just call me a bit clueless!!
6 inches feels good to me...I think most of the pleasure of enjoying something in my ass is just beyond my anus anyhow...going more than 6 or so inches does not increase my pleasure as much as just feeling it entering me. I also think girth is more pleasurable than depth so I practiced a lot and gradually was able to increase the size of my anal toys and enjoy the feeling much more once I was able to slowly go bigger rather than longer...takes practice though. I also found that enemas tend to relax my hole and allow me easier entry too ;) ...hope this helps :)
I've had as large a dildo as 9", but I actually don't see the point... I see videos of monster horse dick looking things and I too wonder why do that? But to the OP's question, my experience was something with a suction cup, and doing it doggie style like, just slowly probing a little deeper here a little deeper there... it is about angles, relaxing, and taking it slow...
I agree is true for me too that relaxing and taking it slow is the key to my anal pleasures ;)
I have an eight inch rubber cock that I use and I think I could handle something much larger. Take it slow, use lots of lube.
I use it twice a month so that I'm prepared for the day I let someone put a real cock in me.
Newbie here
I'm at the point where I can enjoy about 2 inches of a dildo the size of a big cock.
It feels amazing and I'm working my way deeper e ach time
Don't believe everything you read on the internet ffs. If something hurts there's a reason. Stuffing a rubber horsecock up your chuff might look amazing in a porn vid but can cause you serious internal damage especially in the heat of the moment. Go easy and have sensible hot fun! Bowel incontinence isn't a fun deal
It took me a couple of years to work up the John Holmes 16 inch by 4" thick..........Now I can take an 18 inch by 4" to the balls but I have to work up to it........DAMN it feels so good!!! I am hoping to have my girlfriend strap it on someday......right now she doesn't know I play like this.....
I guess you can call me a bi male. I am not “attracted” to men per se, but I am very interested in dicks and also getting penetrated. I have had a few experiences but one issue has been that my rear end is tight. I have had some recent success in loosening myself up and have been experimenting with a few toys. My concern is how do you get a dildo beyond the rectum wall? I have some idea but have always experienced sharp pain as whatever is up there just hits a wall. Seems like it would be easier to get more than six inches up my butt, but I sure as hell don’t want to hurt myself in the process of trying. Any direction that can be provided is welcomed. Not something I want to talk to the doctor about!

Just call me a bit clueless!!
very cool!
I guess you can call me a bi male. I am not “attracted” to men per se, but I am very interested in dicks and also getting penetrated. I have had a few experiences but one issue has been that my rear end is tight. I have had some recent success in loosening myself up and have been experimenting with a few toys. My concern is how do you get a dildo beyond the rectum wall? I have some idea but have always experienced sharp pain as whatever is up there just hits a wall. Seems like it would be easier to get more than six inches up my butt, but I sure as hell don’t want to hurt myself in the process of trying. Any direction that can be provided is welcomed. Not something I want to talk to the doctor about!

Just call me a bit clueless!!
I was very tight myself. I startet with a butt plug starter set that had 3 different sizes small to large. I would use the small plug for 1 hour intervals for about 2 weeks. I then worked up to the medium plug until I felt I was sufficiently ready for the large size. The large plug took a while to get used to the size of it. After using the plugs, I bought different sized dildos, and started using them as I worked up to the largest I could handle. I can now take a toy 8" x 2" and enjoy a lot of pleasure. Even now when I'm putting it in, I usually do a slow insertion and stretch slowly. After a couple of minutes of completely relaxing the muscle it goes in easily. A little discomfort is ok, a lot of pain is not. Once you figure it out, there is a lot of enjoyment with it especially if you get one with a vibrator in it. I hope this helps
Be aware, you can do yourself some real damage if you are not careful and try something too big too fast - and I mean REAL FATAL damage. Always be gentle with yourself (or your partner). As A HCP (Health care professional) with several years working in ED (Thats ER To you guys in in the US,) have seen a few people come in with various foreign bodies inserted into various orifices. It sounds funny but the guy who had to have most of his bowel removed and ended up with a colostomy bag wasnt laughing.

dont stop playing, and have fun - but please - take care.
I appreciate the feedback. I am not sure how much effort to ”put into it” (pun?). I agree with the potential to injure and that is why I can only handle about 5-6” in length. I am also tight but after taking my time I can squeeze in about 1.5” wide maybe 4-5” cir cum ferance The length issue is the main one. I simply don’t know how people do do it without killing themselves.

I'm now at the stage where I can slide this in and out and it feels great, ready for the real thing I think
That’s impressive. I have also been practicing deep throating with a dildo and would really like to try out the real thing there….but, might not be in the cards….
For me, I push. It's relaxing and working the same muscles. Personally, I feel like I need six inches minimum to really get it a good place. Girth wise, as thick as my own and a little thicker. Anything else is uncomfortable.

Have you tried a graduated series of plugs? They're pretty awesome. The first time that bulge goes through....
I've always been wary of stretching too much. I regularly use toys, and the more cocklike they are the better, but they have to have a skin-friendly surface. I don't go above about 1.5 inch diameter and most of mine are 6 inches from balls to tip.
I know many others prefer something bigger.
First it starts with a finger, then two. Next we put a condom on her dildo which was a big step up. Then it off to the store to get a harness and a strap on. They have a big selection so over time you try different shaped and material. Then you find something you like and play for awhile. Then you get a new one a little bigger and then a new one and a new one. Next thing you know you buying lube by the gallon and your wife is sporting a 9.5“ cock 2.25” thick and you sound just like her when she’s fucking you.
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I have had 19 inches inside of me but I did have to work up to was 1.5 inch x 19 inches. Before this I had a 18 inch x 2.75 buried to the balls, again it took lots of time and a boat load of lube....I love the feeling of have my ass filled and I hope someday to have the real thing in my ass. I usually start with a 20cc syringe of lube injected into my ass then my 7 inch x 1 inch, Then my 9 inch x 1.5 inch, then my 12 inch x 2 inch. In between each cock shaped dildo I shoot 20cc of the time I get to the longer cock shaped dildos I am into this for about 2 hours......take your time and enjoy!!!!!
Thanks for clarifying the importance of the lube! Wow, you inspire me!