How to get him to fuck me...



Okay...this may seem like a really inane question, but I am somewhat stumped. I have known this guy for a while, he was at one time dating my best friend, that has been over for 5+ years, and she is NOT at all weirded out about my attraction to him, she is dating someone new, and has NO sexual feeling for him...

Okay, well he told me I am am very attractive, but that was in a PHONE conversation...when we see each other things are great, we are friendly, we talk, laugh...But the problem is I want him, really bad, sexually. I am not emotionally available for any type of "relationship", but damn do I want him.

He is that isn't an can I put my feelings out there, in a way that lets him know I just wanna fuck??? And also how can I put it out there so that If he's not into me like that, I won't have to feel like uncomfortable, because either way I want to stay friends....Please help...Thanx
I would just ask him how he feels about being friends with benefits... Then you can see his reaction and if he starts acting weird you can just shrug and play it off as if that's not what you're looking for. If he acts interested... well... I'm sure that'll work it's way out from there, lol.

a guys perspective

Touch him. Make physical contact with him at every chance you can. If you listen closely to what he is saying you can "hear" that there are 2 ways to "hear" what he is saying. You have to listen and "hear" like a guy would. Interpret everything that he is saying with sexual overtones to it and start touching him! Play off the conversation and touch him. Touch him on the arm and shoulders, give him a hug. Start slow and if the conversations goes like it should move your touching to more stimulating areas. If he is not interested he will let you know early on. However if he is interested, ( I am betting that he is ) he will react positively toward you and start touching you back. My advice to you is Go forth and be BOLD!

Good luck and Please let us know how it goes.

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I like Holden's idea...

Something else you could try...

Do that old "I have a friend..." ploy. It goes something like this:

"You know, I was talking to my friend the other day, and she told me about this guy she's kinda seeing. She's not really looking for a relationship, she said, but she and this guy are sleeping together. It's one of those friendship-with-benefits type things. What do you think about those?"

Of course, he will probably know you are talking about what you want, and his response will give you a clue to what he wants.

You know us women, we're coy as hell. :)

A couple things here.....he is a man that is already talking to you which means there is a 99% chance that he wants to sleep with you. secondly, for some strange reason if he falls into that 1% just ask him if he would like to have sex with. he probably won't be in that 1% any more. Thirdly, (is that a word) if he is still in that 1% tell him you want to have sex without having an emotional relationship and if he doesn't jump on board he is gay.

Just my two cents.
Hey all...that MARILYN thing was weird...I dunno how it got there or even who she is??? Sorry bout that!!
Ever tried

just telling him that you'd certainly appreciate a fuck?
<B> You have to listen and "hear" like a guy would. Interpret everything that he is saying with sexual overtones to it and start touching him! </B>

As a woman I want to say I REALLY HATE IT when a guy I'm not interested in does this. However, if he does hate it, you'll be able to tell and that will answer your question.
Sit beside him at a table or bar, look into his eyes, put your hand in his crotch and start rubbing his dick. You'll get some.
Carp said:
Sit beside him at a table or bar, look into his eyes, put your hand in his crotch and start rubbing his dick. You'll get some.

Oh My god....I am not sure If I could do this!! BUT...It does sound very effective!! I think I could do this better if Alcohol was involved... good or bad idea???
Try asking him to go out to movie, dinner etc., and just tell him how you feel (I know this is hard) sometimes just being blunt and to the point works. He may be feeling the same as you. All he can do is say yes or no.
Sit in his lap...

...and talk to him..."feel" if he enjoys the position...if so...squirm a little and you have the answer....
Been following this thread for a little bit and have seen every piece of advice from the subtle to the blantantly obvious. Have you considered telling how you feel and what you want?

This might be a naive strategy, but I often find that in life the simpliest things work the best....
And if the above doesn't work, just try the old line:

"Wanna come back to my place for sex and coffee?"

Shortly followed by your reply: Whats the matter, don't you like coffee?"
as332 said:
And if the above doesn't work, just try the old line:

"Wanna come back to my place for sex and coffee?"

Shortly followed by your reply: Whats the matter, don't you like coffee?"
Ooooh this is a good one!! If it;s an old one, I wonder why I have not heard it?!
I've been in this situation a few times - on both sides, so here's my input. Alcohol helps, one - it will most likely lead to him saying yes and two - if things don't work out (he says no or it wasn't what you expected) you can always blame it on being drunk. However, make sure that he knows what type of relationship you want (girls you have to tell us, we don't pick up on hints very well!) And beware this will most likely change your friendship, even if neither one of you wants nothing more than sex, feelings are a hard thing to control!!

Good input PowrDragn.
just walk up to him tell him point blank you want him to fuck you hard and long. i dought he will say no.
the best way to get a guys attention is to tell him you wanna butt fuck him with a dildo ( NO LUBE) as your calling him franky. but be sure to tell him that he has a nice ass....and dont forget the REACH AROUND.....then if my calculations are correct.....he may.....and i mean MAY ...wanna have sex with you......if not..tell him you wanna butt fuck him with a dildo...AND some lube...this works all the time cuz its a way of joking...........yet bringing up sexual content..........god im good......and that will be able to break the ice!...damn it.......i need to get drunk

cuz if i wanted to fuck a girl i would look at her and say " hey ..could i eat your pussy".....of course you have to be talking already.......and if she smiles you in..........but if she doesnt.. i just smile and start laughing...then she will think i had to much to drink and start laughing to..........:p and if you dont like my advice....fuck you
jamescarter91 said:
the best way to get a guys attention is to tell him you wanna butt fuck him with a dildo ( NO LUBE) as your calling him franky. but be sure to tell him that he has a nice ass....and dont forget the REACH AROUND.....then if my calculations are correct.....he may.....and i mean MAY ...wanna have sex with you......if not..tell him you wanna butt fuck him with a dildo...AND some lube...this works all the time cuz its a way of joking...........yet bringing up sexual content..........god im good......and that will be able to break the ice!...damn it.......i need to get drunk

cuz if i wanted to fuck a girl i would look at her and say " hey ..could i eat your pussy".....of course you have to be talking already.......and if she smiles you in..........but if she doesnt.. i just smile and start laughing...then she will think i had to much to drink and start laughing to..........:p and if you dont like my advice....fuck you

You're real intelligent asshole.
Ever make it out of the first grade?
Weeelllll...this is how the story ends...

Hey guys and gals...thanks ever so much for all the response:) I gotta tell ya'll what ended up happened:

Thursday (Thanksgiving) we began emailing, it quickly turned to VERY erotic emails...Then I posed the question "Hey why don't I come over and try some of this with you??" At first he seemed hesitant...saying we were Too good of friends to take this any further than fantasizing.

So I called him, we had a little phone sex....

The next morning he emailed me: ..."This emai and phone stuff is great, but god I want to fuck you, I want to....."

Naturally I emailed him back, and we spent most of the afternoon, having a very, very good time. Oh, and we got together Saturday night too....

Kisses and Hugs....
hey nav

i said if u didnt like my advice to go fuck did my its time for you to fuck yourself