How to Finish Faster (wink)


Oct 2, 2022
Hello fellow horny writers,

I've posted several stories here, mostly to positive feedback - which is awesome! However, writing them always takes forever, as I get incredibly turned on by narratives. I do my best writing when I'm aroused (to my mind, anyways), but said arousal makes it difficult to finish the story, or even a section, before I...well, finish.

Is this a problem for anyone else? If so, how do you deal with it (besides your normal cleanup routine, anyways)?
Hello fellow horny writers,

I've posted several stories here, mostly to positive feedback - which is awesome! However, writing them always takes forever, as I get incredibly turned on by narratives. I do my best writing when I'm aroused (to my mind, anyways), but said arousal makes it difficult to finish the story, or even a section, before I...well, finish.

Is this a problem for anyone else? If so, how do you deal with it (besides your normal cleanup routine, anyways)?
I use a special keyboard to type with my genitals. Don't ask where I keep the mouse.
I don't masturbate while writing. One needs both hands to type with the proper alacrity.
Interesting question. I usually take a break when I'm too turned on to continue writing well. I watch an episode of something and come back. Sometimes when Lisa comes home from work she reaps the benefits of my day's labors. She hasn't complained yet. :) :sneaky:
No, I write very sober. Finding the right phrases and words is tricky enough in my native tongue, let alone in my second language. Dealing with Text-to-Speech helps to keep shit cerebral. The payoff (and author) comes afterwards.