How to avoid lay-out getting f-ed-up


Really Really Experienced
Oct 21, 2002
I've seen severel times now that stories posted do eventually not appear in the lay-out that I thought I posted them.
This can be disturbing, since wrong lay-out can create difficulties to read and just doesn't make a story flow like you'd wanted to.

Is posting stories in rtf-format a solution?

Thanks for any help,

PaulX35 said:
Is posting stories in rtf-format a solution?

RTF isn't really a solution if you're expecting the formattingfeatures of your word processer to translate to HTML exactly.

Tab characters aren't recognised in HTML, and leading or trailing spaces are ignored. White space before and after paragraph breaks can't be implemented in HTML (at least not without much more processing than the scripts do here at Lit.)

I wrote a how to essay on checking the way your story will appear on Lit to expose theplaces where your word processer's formatting and/or special characterswon't be handled properly by Lit's story formtting scripts.
Thanks again

Alex De Kok said:
And I wrote a 'How-To' on the mechanics of the actual submission.

Very useful information, thanks again! :)
