How the fuck do women drive in high heels?

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Do you take them off? Do you have special driving shoes? I have no idea. My wife wears mostly sensible shoes, and when she is in some stilleto heeled torture nightmare of foot apparel, I'm usually driving. I've already given up trying to figure out how you walk in those things, but driving I just have to know. How the hell do you get more than two blocks without your stupid shoe slipping or sliding of the accelarator, or falling off your foot altogether, or your six inch heel preventing you from pressing the brake?

I'm convinced that the reason men rule the world is because of our shoes.
Like running in heels, driving in heels is a learned behavior and not for the faint of heart.
Then I have to ask how the hell do you drive in bare feet (or stockings)? I've done that a few times coming home from the beach -- it ain't easy.

May I suggest a pair of driving Nikes tucked under the seat? The life you save may be my own.
Are your feet slippery? It is actually more fun to drive barefooted.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Then I have to ask how the hell do you drive in bare feet (or stockings)? I've done that a few times coming home from the beach -- it ain't easy.

May I suggest a pair of driving Nikes tucked under the seat? The life you save may be my own.

Once rode my motorcycle to the nieghbourhood cornershop with just a crash helmet and shorts on, when I think about it now I can't believe what a wanker I was....I mean if I'd come off I'd have needed a shitload of skin grafts.
Emerald_eyed said:
I usually press the pedels with the ball of my foot, not the heel.

Good point, BTW I just saw the animation in your sig line, very nice!:D
calypso_21 said:
Are your feet slippery? It is actually more fun to drive barefooted.

BTW it's illegal to drive barefooted in the UK.
I don't have a problem with high heels, barefoot or in between. Perhaps women's feet are more agile than men's. I too tend to use the ball of my foot and toes more for the pedal -- not the entire foot. I've never had any problems with control.

Ooooohhh, but fucking in high heels, now that's a different story. That takes much agility and coordination, but is well worth the effort!
I keep a little elf tucked away down by the floorboards that pushes the pedals for me. They're really cheap labor outside of the Christmas season.
It seems to me a man invented those stiletto torture devices. It also seems to me that many a man likes to see women wearing them. As far as driving, I use the ball of my feet. Works just fine.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
May I suggest a pair of driving Nikes tucked under the seat? The life you save may be my own.

he's saying women are bad drivers lynch him :p
I heard the guy who invented the heel(s) to kill his wife.
Why it's sexy, I have to idea. Heels kill my feet.

Carry flip-flops (sandals) in the car. The ones the beauticians use to pedicure the feet.
It's ton's easier and more comfortable.
Heels are the work of the devil. Am a flat-shooed girl, me. gotta be able to make them quick getaways;)
There are sometimes I do take off my shoes , because of the heel. But the majority of time I drive without shoes. I have always driven barefoot, since I began to drive, and it is not hard at all .. in fact its better for me.

I especially love driving barefoot during the summer & spring. :)
Shiner said:
BTW it's illegal to drive barefooted in the UK.

I'm not sure about every state but it is here where I am too. I have a pair of sandals I keep under the seat if I need to toss them on fast. I've gotten good at quick changes in the car. Long boring story.
It's legal to drive barefoot in MA, although it used to be illegal. I have no problem driving in heels, though. I, too, tend to use the ball of my foot, not the heel. I've never had a problem staying in control of the vehicle. However, I've found cleats to be dangerous. Never ever drive in cleats. :p
Depends on the heel size.

Three inches and under I can drive in.
Anything above that I slip on a pair of flats.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
If you don't start using punctuation soon I'm taking away all your frogs.

you can take away my frogs but you'll never take my freedom !!! :) (that had some punctuation :p)
I drive a standard and doing it in heels isn't a problem. I just sorta use the heels as a pivot. Driving barefoot is both illegal in Texas and highly uncomfortable for me.