How stupid do I feel?


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
I set every clock in the house back one hour except for mine...

It is too early to be on cup #2.

It is what it is . . . .

You're not a smart man.

I know - I have the same sickness.
Squeeze it on fish.

I have done the same thing.

Then I got a Hemi clock, so . . . .
The Hemi knows how to run, as long as we know how to drive.

Maybe the horned toad can drive and we can ride in the back.

Put the fish in the trunk.

Okay, off to be stimulated . . . .
Mah fenders are clickin' the guard rail posts,
The toad beside me is as white as a ghost...
I was wondering, on both counts.

Now it makes sense. It the old KANSAS joke; now the wheat has longer to grow...

;) ;)