How safe is your Sex?


Dec 18, 1999
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my vasectomy. About 6 weeks after that I was officially certified as sterile after jerking off into a cup twice in a two week period and having no pesky sperm found in the results.

I've also been having sex with the same woman exclusively for over 8 years now. I don't use IV drugs, have never had a blood transfusion, and won't even get in an elevator if another person is within spitting distance, lol.

So I think that it's safe to assume at this point that I'm also STD free.

So given that fact that I'm disease free and physically incapable of impregnating anyone, I may very well be one of the safest potential sexual partners in the entire world.

I feel like I should be wearing a sash that reads "Sanitized for Your Protection"
Lasher said:
Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my vasectomy. About 6 weeks after that I was officially certified as sterile after jerking off into a cup twice in a two week period and having no pesky sperm found in the results.

I've also been having sex with the same woman exclusively for over 8 years now. I don't use IV drugs, have never had a blood transfusion, and won't even get in an elevator if another person is within spitting distance, lol.

So I think that it's safe to assume at this point that I'm also STD free.

So given that fact that I'm disease free and physically incapable of impregnating anyone, I may very well be one of the safest potential sexual partners in the entire world.

I feel like I should be wearing a sash that reads "Sanitized for Your Protection"

That's awesome.

Safe sex is a padded headboard, and construction cones around the bed.
Hmmm...well, sex with a sperm carrier could result in my death, so were I not married to a man who's been snipped I would say not safe at all.

However I have been in a monogomous relationship for over three years, I am totally desease free so I'm going with super duper safe.
I'm pretty damn dangerous. I'm unhygeinic as hell and I don't believe in condoms. I haven't had many partners if it's much of a consolation.
Damn Lasher you sound like I am but I had a hysterectomy.
Lasher said:

So I think that it's safe to assume at this point that I'm also STD free.

This Assumes A Faithful Spouse.


• 10-20 percent of spouse's cheating begins as Internet affairs in chat rooms or at game websites.

• 30-40 percent of adultery victims are men. This number has increased dramatically over the past decade and a half, due in part to the increased presence of women in the workplace.

• 50-75 percent of extramarital affairs take place with someone from the workplace.

• 70-80 percent of the time, extramarital activity lasts six months to a year but not longer.

• 20-25 percent of adulterers frequent motels or hotels.

• 75 percent of sexual activity occurs in a residence, apartment, or office location.

• 50 percent of extramarital affairs take place under cover of darkness or in the shadow of the night.

• 50-65 percent of extramarital affairs occur on weekends.

• 99.9 percent deny they are having an affair and hide the truth

It is now believed that many women who have AIDS today likely got HIV as long as 10 to 12 years ago. But because many women weren’t being tested for HIV or considered at risk, early statistics misrepresented the number of women who were HIV positive.

Women who are HIV positive often have the following symptoms:

Persistent yeast infections
Persistent vaginal infections
Menstrual irregularities
Severe herpes simplex virus
Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause genital warts or cervical cancer.

CDC Cumulative Aids cases, Pennsylvania 26,369
storm1969 said:
This belongs on the personals board

This was not meant to be an advertisement, lol.

More of a moment of reflection.

Or something.
Re: Re: How safe is your Sex?

Lancecastor said:
This Assumes A Faithful Spouse.

LMAO... I'd say you have a one-track mind, Lance, but that would be crediting you with one track too many.
How safe is my sex?

Well, let's see......

We usually do up our seat belts, to be good examples to any kids we may have.

We keep pan handles well out of the reach of small hands.

We always carefully test bath water before dunking the squirt.

We keep band-aids, metamucil, tensile bandages and a thermometer in the bathroom cupboard.

We make sure we're either on the pill, not ovulating or have condoms in the bedside table.

We lock up at night.

We don't walk alone on dark streets.

I'd say - for the most part - we're a pretty safe sex. :)
I believe that my sex, specifically the male gender, is quite safe.

Re: Re: Re: How safe is your Sex?

Luscious Lioness said:
These things DO NOT indicate any type of STD.:rolleyes:

What Lance may be saying is that it may be a good idea to get tested for HIV if a woman has those symptons.

Women who are HIV positive often have the following symptoms:

I don't think he was saying STD's as a whole.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How safe is your Sex?

HeavyStick said:
What Lance may be saying is that it may be a good idea to get tested for HIV if a woman has those symptons.

I don't think he was saying STD's as a whole.

Hey, I'm not the Sturgeon General, but if something smells fishy, you might want to have it checked.

The material on women and aids is on the CDC and Health Canada sites and a zillion others...because AIDS was at first thought to "bypass" women and their early sypmtoms or precursors are different than in men, there's a spike of data now showing up, resulting in a (seemingly) large increase in women's AIDS cases.

And no, yeast infections etc are not "for suresies" that you have HIV.

My point was simply that just because a guy is neutered and has been monogamous/faithful to his woman for 8 years doesn't necessarily mean they are "clean".

AIDS has a 1-12 year gestation period in women....and that's assuming she's been faithful.

Unless Lasher is tested and tested often, he can't advertise as he has claimed. Them's just the facts.

I think I have been hitting the caffeine too hard. Lasher, your title has conjured the spirit of the BeeGees for me, doggone it.

Now all I can think of is

How safe is your sex? (how safe is your sex?)
You should have made a poll
Cause we're living in the land of Lit
Home to some pervs
Where they let it all hang free
Safe sex for you and me

doo doo doo doo doo, la la la la la la la la la

Damn it.
Agent99 said:
I think I have been hitting the caffeine too hard. Lasher, your title has conjured the spirit of the BeeGees for me, doggone it.

Gotta love those Bee Gees.
I have my hand checked regularly for rashes, scabs, lesions and torn cuticles. I abstain from sex during that time of the month when my hand has 'cramps'.

Oh, and I never use my other hand. I don't know where it's been.