How Much to Buy Mexico?

i hear the asking price for federales isn't too high.
Bank of America

i don't know much about money laundering or banks, but this makes me interested. are there any good reads?

eta. the article is 7mo old.
Bank of America

i don't know much about money laundering or banks, but this makes me interested. are there any good reads?

Money laundering 101:
"Mr. Crooked Banker, I have 100 million dollars that I can't report."

"That is indeed a touch spot you're in. Allow me to float you a loan for 100 million dollars and you can pay it back with interest only you really only pay the interest which I put in my pocket."


Then end.
Money laundering 101:
"Mr. Crooked Banker, I have 100 million dollars that I can't report."

"That is indeed a touch spot you're in. Allow me to float you a loan for 100 million dollars and you can pay it back with interest only you really only pay the interest which I put in my pocket."


Then end.

it's just another service fee.
Who the fuck would want it? It's a dump.

Natural resources, cheap labor.

It's also worth pointing out that Iraq stands on top of one of the world's largest confirmed oil reserves and Afghanistan has one of the world's largest virtually untapped deposits of lithium, a vital competent used in the manufacture of high efficiency batters. Oil for now, lithium for the future.
Alaska was 7.2 million or something like that, or several hundred billion in todays dollars.

You could probably buy Mexico for about a trillion, which would get you:

- an easy out on the immigration issue,
- more oil,
- lots of pot,
- save a ton on border security,
- and you could once again claim that Cars Are Made in the USA.
Alaska was 7.2 million or something like that, or several hundred billion in todays dollars.

You could probably buy Mexico for about a trillion, which would get you:

- an easy out on the immigration issue,
- more oil,
- lots of pot,
- save a ton on border security,
- and you could once again claim that Cars Are Made in the USA.

Actually, the U.S. did consider annexing Mexico at the end of the Mexican-American War, but John Calhoun stood up in the Senate and said, in effect, "Waitaminnit! These people just aren't white!" :eek:

[W]e have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the very first instance of the kind, of incorporating an Indian race; for more than half of the Mexicans are Indians, and the other is composed chiefly of mixed tribes. I protest against such a union as that! Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race.... We are anxious to force free government on all; and I see that it has been urged ... that it is the mission of this country to spread civil and religious liberty over all the world, and especially over this continent. It is a great mistake.[36]