How much does the way someone looks..



affect you?

Are you simply not attracted to someone with certain looks, hair, or body size?
I have never dated someone that I was not physically attracted to. My standards aren't strict, but they are not all inclusive.
I always try to look beyond the outward appearance of the person, loook into what the person might be. That seems more a realistic for me.
I don't really care what a person looks like.. every face and body is beautiful in it's own way.
well, generally, if someone doesn't fit into what a person would normally consider to look attractive, they tend not to feel the need to persue them.

you can't see personality from across the room. even if you ARE a telepath (in which case you sense their personality).
I am surprised at the answers so far..

Personality is my biggest attraction... If the person has the ability to make me laugh...and feel emotion... I become attracted to them. For me, it's never been about physical beauty. True beauty lies within.
I admit looks play a role...but the he stimulates my mind, body and soul is what is important. If you can't even stimulate my mind...the rest doesn't bother to follow.
Depends on how long I've known them. If you mean someone I've just met, appearances play a more of a role in my attraction to a person. If they're someone I've known a while, appearances mean less.

Edited to add: Ooooh! Mischka! You like it! You really like it!! lol
this is how i see it:

looks are what grab your attention. personality might very well be what keeps you attatched, but looks are still what grab your attention in the first place.
Dammit, Nora, you stole my post!! I agree completely, if it is a relative stranger, looks mean alot. On the other hand, people grow on you...I've known women for years, and out of the blue started thinking of them as attractive, mostly because the more i like someone, the more attractive they seem.
jadedpast said:
I am surprised at the answers so far..

Personality is my biggest attraction... If the person has the ability to make me laugh...and feel emotion... I become attracted to them. For me, it's never been about physical beauty. True beauty lies within.

Problem is scylis hit the nail on the head.. You can't see personality. You can only experience personality after talking to a person and nine times out of ten the only reason anyone - man or woman - will go across a room to talk to someone is if they have caught their eye with physical looks.

I for one can speak from experience...
Johnny Mayberry said:
Dammit, Nora, you stole my post!! I agree completely, if it is a relative stranger, looks mean alot. On the other hand, people grow on you...I've known women for years, and out of the blue started thinking of them as attractive, mostly because the more i like someone, the more attractive they seem.

There's actually quite a bit of research on familiarity leading to attractiveness. It's pretty neat stuff.
jadedpast said:
Personality is my biggest attraction... If the person has the ability to make me laugh...and feel emotion... I become attracted to them. For me, it's never been about physical beauty. True beauty lies within.
You didn't ask about physical beauty, you asked about physical attraction. What a person finds physically attractive may not be considered "beautiful" to others. I am a sucker for detached earlobes - I love nibbling on them and gently biting them. I actually go out of my way to see if a person has detached earlobes. That's not exactly a beautiful part of the human body.

I have one friend that is simply wonderful, personality-wise. He is caring, thoughtful, ridiculously intelligent, funny, artistic, analytical, and just an all-around great guy. I am not even remotely physically attracted to the guy. I can't point out a specific reason, I'm just not. On paper, I'd love a guy like that. In reality, it doesn't play out.
Liontamr said:
Problem is scylis hit the nail on the head.. You can't see personality. You can only experience personality after talking to a person and nine times out of ten the only reason anyone - man or woman - will go across a room to talk to someone is if they have caught their eye with physical looks.

I for one can speak from experience...

I agree on those points. But if you mainly talk to someone online or on the phone... then you have to go by something else other than the physical...unless they have a webcam or send you a lot of pictures...

I guess I am the 10th person... I talk to people just to see if they interest me and can spark a good convo.
Nora said:
There's actually quite a bit of research on familiarity leading to attractiveness. It's pretty neat stuff.
I've read some of it..and how the reverse is also true. When you hate someone, they appear unattractive to you in proportion to your loathing of them.
Mischka said:
You didn't ask about physical beauty, you asked about physical attraction. What a person finds physically attractive may not be considered "beautiful" to others.

in my thoughts... the two are connected. But I meant to stay on the attraction part, not beauty :)
Jadedpast, if the physical means nothing, then why do you use your picture as your avatar? Surely your physical existence - separate from your personality - means something. The physical doesn't have to be the primary means of determining attraction, but it does play a role in our daily lives. it's quite impossible to ignore what our senses tell us about others.
Mischka said:
Jadedpast, if the physical means nothing, then why do you use your picture as your avatar? Surely your physical existence - separate from your personality - means something. The physical doesn't have to be the primary means of determining attraction, but it does play a role in our daily lives. it's quite impossible to ignore what our senses tell us about others.

I have to agree that it does play a role, but...I think that people can limit how big of a role. I am not going to say that I don't notice when someone is physically attractive. I just like to pay more attention to what thoughts go through their head.

As for my av...I guess I felt the need to be me... instead of a cartoon...or a piece of artwork created by someone else.
jadedpast said:
I have to agree that it does play a role, but...I think that people can limit how big of a role. I am not going to say that I don't notice when someone is physically attractive. I just like to pay more attention to what thoughts go through their head.
That I can understand. I just thought you were saying that the physical never plays a role. I have dated many people that were not conventionally attractive, but that spark was still there, and their personalities were awesome. On the other hand, not all people that are purely physically attractive have the personality to back it up.
I agree.

Some people who have outer beauty...have hearts that are pure evil..
Basically most everyone here feels the way I do. Looks play SOME part in it, but not all. Like someone said up top (I don't feel like scrolling up), looks get your attention and their personality makes you stay with them.
jadedpast said:
affect you?

Are you simply not attracted to someone with certain looks, hair, or body size?

No. Either they grab my attention or they don't. It has nothing to do with certain coloring or weight or height.
Pretty people are just eye candy for me. I may seek to get to know a person based on physical attraction but I wouldn't continue a relationship based on that reason alone. Nor are looks the only object of initial attraction for me.
One has to find the outside appealing to care what is on the inside. Each person will have a different standard of appealing, and reasons that a person will be appealing. The opposite is true only when we meet people that are not introduced into our lives as a possible sexual conquest. We get to know them regardless of physical attractiveness, and occasionally find that the more we know them the more attractive they become to us.
I have met people who were totally unattractive to me, but became attractive because of their personality. The reverse has been true as well.