How much do you know about the Second Amendment? A quiz.

Imagine being so obsessed with the second amendment that you take quizzes about it and report the results to people who don't give a rat's ass.
It comes after the first and apparently has something to do with ursine limbs.
Actually the answer given for this question is disengenuous and false:

10. Does the Second Amendment guarantee a personal right to own fully automatic military-issued combat rifles, heavy machine guns, and perhaps even shoulder-fired missiles?

Answer: Probably not

Real answer is: No.

There were i think two answers given with half answers of probably. They should be stricken from the quiz.
Actually the answer given for this question is disengenuous and false:

10. Does the Second Amendment guarantee a personal right to own fully automatic military-issued combat rifles, heavy machine guns, and perhaps even shoulder-fired missiles?

Answer: Probably not

Real answer is: No.

That's what happens when lib Christians make a quiz. :D

Does the word "Casino" mean anything to you?

Those lazy American Indians drink firewater all day then go home and sleep.

The next day, they repeat what happened the day before.

It's a never ending cycle.

I missed 0.
I am niether a gun owner nor republican but I DO understand the arguments.
I support handgun and hunting rifle ownership but I do NOT support use of any assault type weapons.
I also believe the amendment should be reviewed and revised to meet the times. It was enacted in a time when we NEEDED a "well armed militia". We now have an army, navy, airforce, the marines, the coastguard, national guard, police forces and sherriffs. We do not NEED a "well armed militia" to protect ourselves.
For those who are responsible gun owners, I would say that it would be reasonable to ask that we all know and prove that we know how to use firearms safely and responsibly. THAT is common sense and doesn't infringe on anyones rights.
I missed 0.

I support handgun and hunting rifle ownership but I do NOT support use of any assault type weapons.

All the "assault" rifles you speak of are just hunting rifles with post 1800's/early 1900's ergonomics. Still mag fed semi auto rifles/pistols.....

Sure they might be a little lighter, more adjustable, have better/easier to manipulate control/accessory features.

But they don't have any more (in most cases less) firepower than the hunting rifles you speak of.

Care to esplain why the disapproval of them? :confused: Is it because they look scary?? I'll save you the hassle of an argument you cannot win, and have nothing to support with except emotional appeal....

The only reason you have to be against the ownership of "assault" rifles/pistols as described by US legislation is b/c you bought into liberal hype and scary looking pictures on the news.

They are not military weapons, not even close, they are not more powerful or deadly than any of the "hunting" weapons you speak of beyond ergonomic comfort allowing slightly faster target acquisition/ID/engagement and even then that advantage really only comes to fruition in the hands of the most experienced and trained individuals. All the other "assault" features spoken of in US legislation are purely aesthetic and have no effect on the weapon or it's effectiveness as such beyond adding extra weight to "look" tacticool.

I also believe the amendment should be reviewed and revised to meet the times. It was enacted in a time when we NEEDED a "well armed militia". We now have an army, navy, airforce, the marines, the coastguard, national guard, police forces and sherriffs. We do not NEED a "well armed militia" to protect ourselves.
For those who are responsible gun owners, I would say that it would be reasonable to ask that we all know and prove that we know how to use firearms safely and responsibly. THAT is common sense and doesn't infringe on anyones rights.

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Actually the answer given for this question is disengenuous and false:

10. Does the Second Amendment guarantee a personal right to own fully automatic military-issued combat rifles, heavy machine guns, and perhaps even shoulder-fired missiles?

Answer: Probably not

Real answer is: No.

Then it also doesn't guarantee the right to own a gun. Some SCOTUS could come along and say that crossbows and swords are sufficient to count as arms while firearms are too much of a threat to the public.
Don't answer BotanyBoy. He's been willfully ignorant of the realities of assault weapons for months.
Yeah totally agree with you. Establishing basic proficiency not just on firing a gun but storing and handling it safely should be a requirement.

I'm all for training/education requirements.....and not just basics either. Target acquisition/discrimination, collateral damage risk assessment on the fly (looking behind the target and judging the shot angle safe, reflexively), marksmanship and legal education. If it were up to me in the universe of BotanyBoy I would include urban combat training too....want a gun to defend your home? You need to know how to be an effective gun fighter inside of a house....there is an art to it and without knowing what you are doing you're liable to get yourself killed. It would all culminate in a Go/No Go stress shoot test that would weed out all non hackers.

The morons I see carrying guns horrify me to the point had they been one of my soldiers I would have knocked their fucking teeth out for some of the shit I see. The only exemptions for training I would see being reasonable would be Military/LEO folks. But I figure most of them would love some more training anyhow....

Even as an instructor myself...I still take other class's when I can and participate in my own training's a use it or lose it skill.

Don't answer BotanyBoy. He's been willfully ignorant of the realities of assault weapons for months.

Says the guy who thinks a bayonet lug somehow makes the rifle more dangerous. :rolleyes:

Tell me Sir many children were killed by one of these?

Maybe 1 or 2 choked on one that was laying around???
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Yeah totally agree with you. Establishing basic proficiency not just on firing a gun but storing and handling it safely should be a requirement.
You guys make me feel deliciously evil — me, with no firearms "training" whatsoever, in possession of deadly weapons! Oh, the huge manatees!
You guys make me feel deliciously evil — me, with no firearms "training" whatsoever, in possession of deadly weapons! Oh, the huge manatees!

Don't be confused, what I think would be a good policy for society as a whole and giving a shit about it are two diff things.

I'm surgically proficient with every weapon I own, and after so many years surrounded by idiots with machine guns trying to kill me I couldn't give 2 shits if anyone in america doesn't know what they are doing...I'm used to it.

The only thing that piss's me off is I can't just haul off and fuck someones shit up/kill them just for pointing a gun at me here....there I could. Esp given my record/licencing etc....if it's not a 150% CLEAR open and shut self defense case, they will hang me out to dry so fast they might as well just skip the trial and lock me up.