How many women here believe in THIS type of variety?


Flirtin' an' stalkin'
Nov 7, 2002
I have this tendency to change things up unexpectedly while having sex...and wondered how many women this appeals is the situation and what I like to tell me if you like it or not....

I am taking my time licking you...and alternating between tongue and fingers as I play with you. Sometimes my finger(s) find their way inside for some strokes and caresses, sometimes they never make it past either side of your clit....but the fingers do get alternated with my tongue back and forth for a lengthy amount of time usually (think 45 minutes or so).....

Then when I am stroking inside you, I like to alternate the pace and depth of each stroke....some times VERY deep but VERY slowly...other times fast but short....changing occasionally....all this in an attempt to make things different and unique....

However, the variety I am talking about happens NOW...when you are about to cum hard as I stroke into you.....I am forceful in telling you I want to know the instant that you start cumming...force you to speak up and make noise...because as soon as your orgasm starts, I stroke hard one last time, then pull out and immediately start licking and sucking on your clit...very firmly and forcefully....making you continue cumming as I am licking your clit...until you are about to cum again quickly from it...then, as before, I am forceful in telling you to let me know as soon as you start cumming...and when you do...I lick fast and firmly while you cum...then suddenly stop and mount you again and start stroking deep and fast while the orgasm subsides.....

Is this type of variety...happening over and over again...would you crave that?

Well variety is the spice of life.

Everyone's different and finding what they like and what you both enjoy is the key.
i would thoroughly enjoy that type of "variety" - my clitoral orgasms are much stronger than my vaginal orgasms - so although i certainly enjoy penetration, my favorite stimulation is oral clitoral - and to be "forced" to orgasm over and over - a dream cum true ~

are you sure you don't know me???? LOL - this in addition to something you wrote me last nite makes me wonder
A woman after my own heart....

...perhaps you are the type that enjoys my length......of oral that an hour OK? I can go for two before my tongue starts to get tired....

Unless there is a rest...then we can do an hour shot over and over and over again.....

Then again, we could alternate...that's how long I last when receiving oral as well....
Does that mean.....

...that you do not get too tired as you do it? I like a woman that can last as long as I can...
my jaws would give out before an hour of just sucking - LOL - but give a man oral pleasure for an hour??? no problem ~
jeff_is_smiling said:
as soon as your orgasm starts, I stroke hard one last time, then pull out and immediately start licking and sucking on your clit...very firmly and forcefully....making you continue cumming as I am licking your clit...until you are about to cum again quickly from it...then, as before, I am forceful in telling you to let me know as soon as you start cumming...and when you do...I lick fast and firmly while you cum...then suddenly stop and mount you again and start stroking deep and fast while the orgasm subsides.....

Is this type of variety...happening over and over again...would you crave that?

Variety and change-ups are great. However, you loose site of the possiblity that we get sensitive too. Suppose I get a vibrator and start working the big stiff dick of yours. And as I run it up to the top and down again. And as your dick starts to quiver, I hold the vibrator on the head of your cock as you cum shooting all over the place. But even though you have cum, I don't move the vibrator but keep it there on the head of your cock. How much pleasure do you think you'd have? If unsure, take a vibrator and keep it on your dick after you've cum?;)
Just a thopught but I know when a womanis about to cum I dont need to be told.

I think what you are refering to is rolling orgasms and From my experiance when your partner staerts to slide up the bed it is not to get leverage it is to get away. There is point at which pleasure turns to pain and the line between the two can be very fine.

michaelmt1 said:
Just a thopught but I know when a womanis about to cum I dont need to be told.

I think what you are refering to is rolling orgasms and From my experiance when your partner staerts to slide up the bed it is not to get leverage it is to get away. There is point at which pleasure turns to pain and the line between the two can be very fine.
mike i'm not sure that jeff "needs"to be told when his partner is about to cum - i think it's more that jeff "wants" to be told - he wants her to follow his instructions - he wants to hear the words and the passion in her voice

and it is a very fine line between pleasure and pain - to walk that fine line is exquisite - a man who can bring me to that line and not cross it is the key to my sexual fulfillment ~

..but I can see how people might interpret what I wrote differently....and you are correct, I want to hear the passion in her voice..."force her" to try and tell me what she's feeling as it is is a sort of control....

It is the passion in the change of breath, the change in voice....the body movements that I crave....never pain or torment...just taking it to the edge....and I always hear the words, "Stop" or "No"....and take it seriously....

I guess the best part is when a woman is trying to say she loves it, and I change up on her subtly...and in mid-sentence I hear her voice change as she speaks....the excitement in it.....perfect!
michaelmt1 said:
Just a thopught but I know when a womanis about to cum I dont need to be told.

I think what you are refering to is rolling orgasms and From my experiance when your partner staerts to slide up the bed it is not to get leverage it is to get away. There is point at which pleasure turns to pain and the line between the two can be very fine.

I agree with Mike - point is not to get to the line, much less cross it. Also, as hung as he is, well.. I think he's speaking with some experience on the pleasure side;)
plesmone said:
I agree with Mike - point is not to get to the line, much less cross it. Also, as hung as he is, well.. I think he's speaking with some experience on the pleasure side;)

:) Thanks, my tounge is not overly long but I have always put it good use, its is getting just an inch from that line that I like to do. I have to say that 45 minutes seems to me that it would go way over the line no matter how enjoyable it would be for the first bit.

And yes love to hear that sheer lust in a womans voice but I hate to hear stop it hurting. Jeff I think you must be very skilled with your tounge and sensitive to your lover if you last out that long with oral. You must have really strong muscles in your mputh as well.

Actually...yes and no...

I see the concern about going too far...and it is a great point...definitely do NOT want to take away from the excitement being generated because of going too far....excellent point...

As to my oral technique and length of time...I have gone as long as 2 hours before...but I MUCH prefer alternating tongue and is restful and not stressful to do, and leaves a LASTING impression...making the first 45 minutes easy to accomplish and fun for all....
michaelmt1 said:
Just a thopught but I know when a womanis about to cum I dont need to be told.

I think what you are refering to is rolling orgasms and From my experiance when your partner staerts to slide up the bed it is not to get leverage it is to get away. There is point at which pleasure turns to pain and the line between the two can be very fine.


Hey I love those rolling orgasms and if Jeff is alternating fingers and tongue....sounds great to me. An hour sounds just about right.....if a man does it right I never cross that line between pleasure and pain.:cattail:

mike - i certainly agree that an hour of direct clitoral stimulation could hardly be enjoyable - i would be saying stop long before an hour

i think the point of this thread is "variety" and the effects it can have on prolonging the session - i have had lovers who have "manipulated" me so during oral sessions that my mind lost track of exactly what was being done to me - one action flowed into another - it was heaven ~
Re: read my mind....again...

hmmmm - does that make us soulmates or something???? ;)
soul mates....not sure...

...but oral lovers and wanters...I think seem like the type of woman that LOVES being awakened gently...not by the light of day...but at 3AM due to slowly cumming out of a sexy dream...only to find that your man has slipped under the covers and has been licking your pussy ever so softly for the last 10 minutes..trying to NOT awaken you..but see if he could make you cum in your dreams....

I LOVE trying that....
What a horny thread. Jeff, I love your technique but would want two hours of this at least :)
In all seriousness the first time I take a woman to bed while they are interested in oral and lets face it it is a mandatory prerequsite when im involved. Most just want to feel me inside them. I am telling the absolute truth.

michaelmt1 said:
In all seriousness the first time I take a woman to bed while they are interested in oral and lets face it it is a mandatory prerequsite when im involved. Most just want to feel me inside them. I am telling the absolute truth.

Personally I'd just like to find a guy that could make me feel something, don't care how. Would like to know what it's like just once anyway.
kikmosa said:
Personally I'd just like to find a guy that could make me feel something, don't care how. Would like to know what it's like just once anyway.


Wish I could help you really I do. It will happen im sure.

