How many times do you think you’ve…


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
Posted “I”, “I’m”, “me”, or “my” in a thread reply in the last … say 24 hours?
J.B. = 20x’s! Shit! that’s not counting the title.

self-centered huh?
I tend to not post about me too often. I have a feeling that my thoughts are mine and made to share with people other than me. I am glad that this subject has been brought up. My feelings on this are that I am not that important in the scheme of things, but I do have feelings. My way to handle my thoughts are to think about my past and realize that I am important, but not all encompassing.

heh heh ummm...14?
J.B. said:
Posted “I”, “I’m”, “me”, or “my” in a thread reply in the last … say 24 hours?
J.B. = 20x’s! Shit! that’s not counting the title.

self-centered huh?

Maybe so, but you have nice tits.
I use all of them. I do not think it is just about me, but the only opinion that I can give is mine. I find it very irritating when some uses "they." Who do they think they are? Qualified to answer for the whole universe? Everything we say is colored by our own experience, so what else can a person do?

If I am finger pointing, I will use "You."

Otherwise, I take ownership. I don't want to talk for everyman, just this one woman sitting at the computer every now and then while she goes about life. There, third person about me, myself and I. :)

13. I was probably in the thousands yesterday...
Quite a bit I'm sure.

But when you're expressing a thought or opinion you tend to do so. :)

Me? Bloody hundreds. I love me, I love me, I love me, tee,hee,tee,hee,hee,hee.

I like to talk about me. I am my best subject. I wish more of you would see I to I with me.

I'm just me.