How many time have you cum today?

The first time...three. The next time, two.

Notice I didn't say the last time?:)
So far

Please post your totals so far.

For me it is 0 but the closer to 5:00 the better!

None yet, but I may work on that a little later. Sadly I won't have any help with it :(
Once. Hey, that's a major feat for me, considering my disability.
So far none, but today is my anniversary so I hope that'll change!
(It damn well better or someone is in biiiiiiig trouble!)
How do you define ''today''? Should it based on GMT? Or should it be defined as ''since waking up this time around''?

IF this call is being recorded the answer if five.

If not the answer is none.

Don't ask me how.

But I had about ten the other day, so don't feel sorry for me. :p