How many people on this Board do you know...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
who are fond of name-dropping and telling us the famous people they know in real life?

Besides you and Dixon and Sparky I can't think of many.
I know EV-RY-ONE of you sons of bitches!! And I'mmmmmmmmmmmmm commmmmmmminnnnnnnnn ferrrrrrrrrrrr you!!

You're all dead.
That' a bad thing, eh?

Touuuuuuuuuuuuuch - n gooooooooooooo (and very satisfying, might I add. Scurry).
Goldie Hawn lives two streets over from us...the bitch.

edited to add.......sorry, now I guess I'm a name dropper.
I was once in the same room as...

Prince Charles.

I waved at him but I don't think he saw me, he didn't wave back...


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After this thread, that makes six name droppers.

I notice no one is saying, "I know MissT!"

p_p_man said:
who are fond of name-dropping and telling us the famous people they know in real life?


Aren't we all famous in some way or another?
You know its funny - Jack Nicholson and I were having the same conversation last night over dinner at the White House.
Dillinger said:
You know its funny - Jack Nicholson and I were having the same conversation last night over dinner at the White House.

Yes, Jack told me about it after we ....

MissTaken said:
Yes, Jack told me about it after we ....


Oh yeah - he told me about that the next day - though I heard it wasn't just you but you, Jack and Foxinsox! Of course I heard this from Madonna and J Lo as they took turns giving me blowjobs.