How many people in real life know you write erotica?


Literotica Guru
Jul 17, 2012
(If this has been asked before, please point me to the thread.)

I was wondering how many people you tell, people you see face-to-face, that you write erotica? Personally only my spouse knows.

I can't even think how to bring it into the conversation, and if I did, I wouldn't want to reveal my pen-name. The reason for that is, my pen-name lets me write stuff without worrying about "what will my friends/family think?" if they read some of my plot-lines (to say nothing of the language).
My wife, and a semi-secret community on Facebook (offshoot of a much bigger community).
My friends. Most of them.

I'll probably keep it under wraps for when I satart a Career, but for now, I honestly don't care. My mother highly suspects, but that's because when I was still in high school she found a 60 page draft of my first series, 'Poor Simon' on the computer and deleted it. I had to rewrite the whole thing from memory.
My husband knows all of my stories. My parents are aware that I've written some stories, but mostly just the romance and nonhuman stuff. A few friends via Facebook.
Just a few friends know. I don't really spread the word. I do get a bit embarrassed when my Asian friends read through my stories and realize how attractive I find Asian women, though...
My SO, my(grown) kids, my friends, my ex, my neighbors, my siblings, my doctor, assorted other family members . . . I'm sure I missed someone.
I'm just now starting out, but right now my hub and one friend know. I can't really imagine anyone else knowing!
To the best of my knowledge just my slave and myself. Slave and I joined at the same time now she has more posts, more stories and better scores. I've just decided she needs a spanking. (G)

To the best of my knowledge just my slave and myself. Slave and I joined at the same time now she has more posts, more stories and better scores. I've just decided she needs a spanking. (G)


that must be the oddest form of positive reinforcement I've heard. ;)
I tell everyone. I'm proud of my writing and not embarrassed to say I write erotica. The only thing that surprises them, is that I write lesbian.
Right. Well the funny thing is that (apart from those who disclose their location maybe) any of you could be my friend, my spouse's friend, my brother or sister, parents, employer, employee. The local shopkeeper, the mailman, anyone. Strange to think, isn't it?
Right. Well the funny thing is that (apart from those who disclose their location maybe) any of you could be my friend, my spouse's friend, my brother or sister, parents, employer, employee. The local shopkeeper, the mailman, anyone. Strange to think, isn't it?

Well, I believe we all fit the 'anyone' category. :)
A few freinds. Used to have a circle of them that new, but lost touch over the years. Not really so much of an embarrasment issue. It just never comes up in conversation.
Depends on whether or not you include fan fiction stories with sex scenes in them....

If yes, then my fans on Facebook (most are from the same city as I).
If no, then no one cause I haven't written and published anything yet under this account here. I'm confident I once posted an incest story on a site other than this one, but I've lost the link to it, probably because I had the account deleted. :(
A couple of trusted co-workers know that I have self-published a novel that is steamy/smutty enough that I can't talk about it at work. Past that, nobody at work knows it, 'cause it's genuinely not work-appropriate conversation at my job. (I say that with agreement; I'm not bitching about it at all.)

Outside of work, though? Pretty much everyone. My girlfriend knows, approves, encourages and offers editorial help. Friends know. My mother knows... and demanded to know what my novel was, 'cause she had to read it.

Yeah. THAT was awkward. But we're past it now.

My girlfriend only recently got around to telling her father (who is himself about to self-publish something entirely non-erotic). She was a little worried about that, but luckily all he had to say was, "Good for him!"

I should note: I live in Seattle. People are largely very open-minded out here, and I love this city for that.
(If this has been asked before, please point me to the thread.)

I was wondering how many people you tell, people you see face-to-face, that you write erotica? Personally only my spouse knows.

There are about a dozen people I've met face-to-face that I've told. Most of them are on my smut filter, and my partner and girlfriend are my beta readers.
I've only told a few people in real life about my erotica, mostly because I write a lot of bi-male stories, which have limited appeal. Interestingly, the list of people of I've met through writing erotica is probably longer. Mostly other writers, but a few "fans" along the way, too. There are a few wonderful people in my life whom I met because of my writing.
It would be easier to say who doesn't know i write erotica. :D

At my age it really doesn't matter one way or the other. Anyway, the shock value is funny as hell in a lot of cases.

"You write what?" :eek: