How many of you that are pro-war are just La-Z-Boy warriors?


Lit Class of '02
Apr 17, 2002
It may just be me, but I've noticed a lot of pro-war remarks on Lit coming from people who can only talk the talk. They are all for other people going out and dying for them and their rights, but they would never have the inclination or guts to go out and fight themselves.

So, what's your excuse?
I will kill the filthy A-rag's in their millions as soon as I've finished polishing my bell-end;)

I played lots and lots of Army Men when I was a kid.

I have served with the Marine Corp. till I got caught with my hearing aids

now I am a member of the V.F.W post 99**
That's like saying you can't talk about fighting crime unless you're a cop.
miles said:
That's like saying you can't talk about fighting crime unless you're a cop.

You're right Miles, but I'm not talking about people openly supporting our troops or the war, because I support the troops directly and hope that all sides at least support the troops, if not the war.

I am talking about people who bash others who are opposed to the war, yet would never put their own asses on the line for the freedoms they hold so high.
USMC here, too...

I'm not pro-war. I'm anti being in fear of the latest incarnation of the Barbary Pirates.
I also simply refuse to be held hostage by fundamentalists be they Secular, Christian, Jew, or Muslim because, "They don't like the way I live..."

My back is tight, my legs bowlegged...
-----forgive --- said this earlier today in an earlier thread... It's appropriate as an opinion here methinks.

I am tired of the bashing that America takes. I don't give a rat's fanny if political agenda happens to coincide with action I personally feel is justified. I'm of the opinion that if there are ulterior motives so what? I'm not a person easily duped even if I am not a world-renowned political genius. I can read and form my own opinions.

I can't dazzle with vocabulary or my writing. I can't spell for squat, but I feel that we have taken necessary proactive steps in stabilizing a situation that has gone on for far too long. We could have waited yes, until the Statue of Liberty, Sears Tower, Hoover Dam, Mt. Rushmore or any of our other symbols are smashed and in ruins. We could wait until another plane filled with Americans is used as a weapon. Or until a little crop-duster passes over with a little surprise.

I was in Italy when Qadaffi erupted. I was intimate with the Gulf war - Desert Shield and Storm. I watched the towers fall and the Pentagon burn. I've been on a bus that was overturned by Anti-American protestors. I've been jeered at wearing my US Navy Uniform doing my duty.

Call me naïve, call me silly. Hell, call me anything. I'll just continue doing my level best to support the causes that I believe in - without mockery (and boy is that hard on me), without casting stones, and without a doubt of the veracity and necessity of taking necessary preemptive affirmative action. We have been reactionary long enough. I’m glad we are off our bloated asses.

Now all this is just my opinion… I have no qualms that I am a war-mongering extremist. I am just me. Flawed and human. And I am with my President and our troops, the many men and women that will make the world a better and safer place.

Do I think this is done out of the goodness of our hearts? Doubtful - we have a lot to gain in it. But that doesn't mean our heart isn't in the right place.

Thank you all, Kitty - Dreamer - Texan - Xstatic and CV for allowing me to have my say and offering your insights. I am appreciative of this forum that allows us to do just that. Try that in Iraq or Iran or ... well you know.

US NAVY - Retired. And damn proud of it!
I keep reading and hearing about this whole "push-button war" thing.

I got a remote, and I ain't afraid to use it.


What really gets me is the number of people on the extreme ends of both positions who have no fucking idea of what they are talking about.
I'm a 6-year veteran of the U.S. Army. While I am not pro-war (which is a misnomer, I believe), I am certainly in favor of military action against a rogue state like Iraq.

Sometimes war is in our nation's best interests.
Annabelllee2003 said:

I am tired of the bashing that America takes. I don't give a rat's fanny if political agenda happens to coincide with action I personally feel is justified. I'm of the opinion that if there are ulterior motives so what? I'm not a person easily duped even if I am not a world-renowned political genius. I can read and form my own opinions.

America is getting bashed because of its ulterior motives, 1 cruise Missile costs 800,000. (approx pounds) If America was to spend some of the defense budget on helping other countries, Not aiding dictatorships, if it were to stop is agrecultural facism , Encouraging other countries to grow export crops which are processed by the US then sold back, making the nation dependant on America for feeding its people. if it stopped trying to force GM seeds that will only germinate once, forcing the farmer to buy new seeds evey year making them dependant on th US.

If The US was to invest in sustainable energy sorces and stop interfering in the global movement for change (enviromentally)

if the Us stopped thinking having more wepons than anyone else gave them the right to do what the fuck they want for thei own commercial (you admit it) interests,

Then prehaps people would stop bashing Americans.

I would like to say I don't hold all Americans responsible for the actions of a few powerful men, but will debate those that blindly defend their actions.

I can't dazzle with vocabulary or my writing. I can't spell for squat, but I feel that we have taken necessary proactive steps in stabilizing a situation that has gone on for far too long. We could have waited yes, until the Statue of Liberty, Sears Tower, Hoover Dam, Mt. Rushmore or any of our other symbols are smashed and in ruins. We could wait until another plane filled with Americans is used as a weapon. Or until a little crop-duster passes over with a little surprise.

The situation is only unstable because you have made it so, and the current WAR is only going to make the WHOLE WORLD a hell of a lot more dangerous from now on. You may have more wepons and superior firepower but as the Isralies are finding out unless you totally whipe out those who do not agree with you, thay will become more and more desperate and inhumane in their responses.

I was in Italy when Qadaffi erupted. I was intimate with the Gulf war - Desert Shield and Storm. I watched the towers fall and the Pentagon burn. I've been on a bus that was overturned by Anti-American protestors. I've been jeered at wearing my US Navy Uniform doing my duty.

Call me naïve, call me silly. Hell, call me anything. I'll just continue doing my level best to support the causes that I believe in - without mockery (and boy is that hard on me), without casting stones, and without a doubt of the veracity and necessity of taking necessary preemptive affirmative action. We have been reactionary long enough. I’m glad we are off our bloated asses.

necessary preemptive affirmative action is what bin laden would have called 9/11 If the world believes you will attack first because you want to it has nothing to loose by doing the same.

It is also very very didgy ground morally and legally if The Us hadn't destroyed the World court yopur premier would be up on charges.

Now all this is just my opinion… I have no qualms that I am a war-mongering extremist. I am just me. Flawed and human. And I am with my President and our troops, the many men and women that will make the world a better and safer place.

Do I think this is done out of the goodness of our hearts? Doubtful - we have a lot to gain in it. But that doesn't mean our heart isn't in the right place.

I do not doubt your heart, If Bush had to rely on men with the same morals and heart as himself there would be no war. Anyone who risks their life for what they believe is right deserves respect and admiration, Bush is not risking his life. he is risking the lives of those who have inlisted (some in order to pay for their education) and I do not believe he gives a fuck for principals, life or the honor of service (Didn't he go AWOL for 18 months?)

US NAVY - Retired. And damn proud of it!

I hope your country respects you with a decent pension and sickness benifits now you are no longer serving.