How many of u are Financially Independant?


Are you looking for a visa and green card?

Ya know...we independent american women can make it real easy for you .

My mom always taught me that a real woman should always be able to support herself financially and therefore could be with her partner out of choice and not need. So, yes. And, 18.
yayati said:

No one is financially independant. Everyone relies on other people to accept their money (otherwise nearworthless paper and metal or digits in a computer) in exchange for things of real value. That's the whole point of money.

yayati said:
how old were u people when u first were all on ur own?

I hope never to be all on my own. I'd probably get quite lonely, even if I had limitless books to read and writing materials. I'd probably stop taking my meds, find some interesting hallucinogenic plants and create a whole new universe in my head.
When I was seven years old I devloped some new circutry that revolutionized the computer industry. After my millions of dollars came in I began to think about how to better my self. I soon realized that I had cheated myself out of a great I became a kid again. This time I (when I grew up) I became a tradesman...I have always liked to work with my hands:devil:

I don't miss the wealth or prestige at all. My intelligence is intact and that is all that matters to me.
I don't have to ask anyone else for money. I haven't had to since I was seventeen.

However, donations are accepted.

And, technically age 18. But I usually consider my life actually starting when I decided to leave my husband, so, 25.

It's my lifelong dream to tell my parents to get off my case.
But they pay the bills so . . .

Not for long though. :D