How long till you had sex with spouse?


Really Experienced
Feb 14, 2002
Ok people, give it up--how long did you see/date your spouse before you had sex together? Did anyone really hold off till they were married--maybe some of the older people here but pretty hard to imagine today. How many ok you (and I know there were some) did the deed on your first date?

Do you think your decision to have sex affected your relationship--and if so, negatively or positively? Do you wish you had done it sooner or later?

Personally, I'm in my 50's and dated my wife for about two years before we finally did it at the age of 17. Long time but we were physically separated for about a year of that time. I love the sex and wish we'd done it sooner.

Give us the scoop--inquiring minds want to know.
alrighties.. hows bout you just keep your threads in the appropriate forum? I've answered this thread in the GB, but it's something of an annoyance to other members when people post the same thread in multiple forums, and when the thread is not relevant to the specific forum.

Moved from the amateur pics boards, since it don't have anything to do with that topic.