How likely is it to catch something giving a blow job?

It can happen

but it's rare. The woman is much more likely to be infected than the man though.

I searched the history but couldn't find anything. Obviously, condoms are a must for safe sex. But what about blow jobs?

If a person says they are clean (ya ya you never really know without a test do you?)
how likely is it that you could catch something from giving a blow job?
Well lets talk Herpes here, shall we. In the past there were two types of Herpes and there still are, more actually but for this the main two will do.

There was a type 1 and a 2 and 1 liked to hang out around the mouth and 2 around the genitals. (keeping it simple here ok) Along comes a new game called oral sex and soon 1 was downstairs and 2 upstairs.

In the early 90's a Dr S Sacks was on the radio and he said this was epidemic. I doubt that there is much difference now between where you find 1 and 2.

The point is you can get Herpes by giving a blow job or having oral sex. The ONLY full proof way not to get anything is to not have any kind of sex. Sorry but that is what I keep hearing from all the professionals who are in the field.
but it's rare.

That depends on the disease. Some (e.g. syphilis, gonorrhea) are easily spread via oral sex.

If you're not sure of your partner's STI status, I'd recommend using barrier methods for protection during oral sex. Condoms (look for one without horrible-tasting lube) or dental dams will protect you against most things - they're not completely foolproof but they're far better than nothing.
Do a Google Image search for STDs in throat.

You're welcome. :)
Thank you, Eilan, for not attaching a link that I would be helpless to ignore. Now, if I can just avoid the morbid curiosity of that tempting google search, I'll be ok. :)
I searched the history but couldn't find anything. Obviously, condoms are a must for safe sex. But what about blow jobs?

If a person says they are clean (ya ya you never really know without a test do you?)
how likely is it that you could catch something from giving a blow job?

Well that is what I am asking... my risk as a woman giving a blow job to a man.

You don't really hear about it that much? People seem to consider it "safer" then sex.

Hello NewGirl,

Your partner may claim he's clean because a) he is, b) he believes he is, or c) he's not really sure but would really love a BJ from you, or d) he's lying.

Are you willing to take this risk, especially if it is not someone you know well? Or perhaps you know more about him than he thinks.

Curious... are you considering oral negotiations with someone and are weighing options, or have you already participated and wondering about the appearance of a cold sore?
My advice is to avoid anonymous "hit and run" sex if you can. I suppose for some people it's too much of a temptation or they just don't have any willpower. My personal opinion was always that "hit and run" sex with somebody you hardly knew and might never see again is only one rung up from masturbation and a lot riskier.

If you're serious about some sort of "relationship" with someone, and that doesn't necessarily mean your ready to walk down the aisle with them, then you should both head off and get tested together. If someone isn't willing to do that, then they're attitude about you isn't much more than a kleenex or a cucumber. If you get tested, then you know what you're dealing with. You can make rational decisions about continuing a physical relationship with knowledge rather than speculation.

Frankly, this was my approach because I essentially hate condoms and much of my personal enjoyment of sex was associated with the "messier" aspects of it. I could never see the rational of eating a pussy hidden behind a "dental dam" or in getting your cock sucked wearing a condom. Kind of like chewing rubber gloves for fun. If a woman wasn't willing to go for testing, then that made me very doubtful that she was clean. If she felt "insulted" by it, then I knew she had no respect for me and my desire to have a respectful, fun, nasty, and "messy" sexual relationship. I think maybe it's about growing up, being responsible, and thinking of your partner as something more than a one-night quickie. Just my $.02 worth.
Just considering and it's not a hook up one time thing. Someone I'm developing a friendship with that I would like to grow into a sexual relationship.
Just considering and it's not a hook up one time thing. Someone I'm developing a friendship with that I would like to grow into a sexual relationship.

In that case, have an honest discussion with him, try to determine if he's interested in a monogomous relationship with you, and suggest both of you getting tested for peace of mind. If he balks, think twice as to what he thinks of you. I never balked at getting tested and in my opinion, it's only reasonable and respectful.

Having an open discussion before any intimate relationship also helps to determine where the boundaries are, what sorts of things you are both into, and where you might be willing to expand the boundaries. It saves embarrassment, arguments, and emotional potholes later. Besides, such an open discussion, especially when done in "street language" versus "medical language" can be quite arousing and erotic. Discussing your concerns about blowjobs or cock sucking or pussy eating is much more erotic than a discussion about "oral sex". But then, I may have a different view on things than some people.

Good luck.
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Thanks I appreciate the advice. I did ask him and he said he doesn't sleep around or have anything. I know him fairly well. It seems so intense to ask for the tests! But one never knows without it.
Thanks I appreciate the advice. I did ask him and he said he doesn't sleep around or have anything. I know him fairly well. It seems so intense to ask for the tests! But one never knows without it.

It may seem intense but it also shows maturity. I should think someone who is in (or at the very least beginning) a relationship would appreciate your wanting to make sure both of you are clean. Not only should you ask him to take a test but you need to take it as well. Then both of you can feel informed and comfortable with the next step.

Good luck!
It may seem intense but it also shows maturity. I should think someone who is in (or at the very least beginning) a relationship would appreciate your wanting to make sure both of you are clean. Not only should you ask him to take a test but you need to take it as well. Then both of you can feel informed and comfortable with the next step.

Good luck!

Nice to see another sensible person out there. If everybody did that and treated the sexual part of a relationship as something sincere, respectful, and mature as well as lustful and "intense" then a lot of problems people face because of haste, alcohol, or embarrassment would disappear.
Thanks I appreciate the advice. I did ask him and he said he doesn't sleep around or have anything. I know him fairly well. It seems so intense to ask for the tests! But one never knows without it.

The above two posters nailed it. It does seem a little intense I'm sure, but if you really care for him and the feelings are reciprocal, he'll appreciate it.
And who knows, oral activities may lead to something more done the road. Once tested, you can relax and not have that worry (you won't have to start a thread about the chances of catching STDs through intercourse even when wearing a condom ;)) about those "what ifs", when there are plenty other things to be intense about when your relationship gets to that stage.

You can go and do it together or, as my wife and I did when we started dating, go to your respective doctors, get tested, and open the test results together and share.

Good luck!
If the woman has any open sores in her mouth she will be infected more often than not. Open sores include internal cold sores, minor cuts from bitting the inside of you cheak, cancers, etc. USE A CONDOM unless you really know s/he is STD free or you want to die young.
Blood and the bodily fluids associated with sex will transmit STD's. His pre-cum in your mouth is just as likely to give you VD as a full-blown ejaculation in your vagina. Likewise, performing cunnilingus on you is just as dangerous as full-blown intercourse. Anal sex is often riskier because the walls of the rectum are thinner and rip more easily. Micro lacerations and abrasions (cuts and scrapes) lead to bleeding which will again cause transmission.

Vaginal tears though less likely may also occur. Your period will also make transmission more likely as there will be blood. Kissing is a viable way of transmitting VD as your toothbrush can and will cause bleeding at the gum-line increasing the risk of both transmission and reception.

Condoms and dental dams offer protection but they aren't a 100% guarantee. The only two sure fire ways to insure you and who you're with neither pass on nor receive an STD are abstinence (the worst word in the human language) or blood work (bad but not on the same level as abstinence).

EVERY sexual act has some risk of infection. Oral, manual stimulation (your hands) and full-blown penetration can and will lead to infection if you aren't careful.

Don't ever take a man or woman's word that he or she is "clean" or on birth control. I'll let you in on a little secret: PEOPLE LIE. "Yeah baby, I've fucked well over 20 partners but I feel fine, don't worry." Fact: A lot of STD's don't have outward symptoms but can lead to the scaring of reproductive organs and sterilization. In this day and age, it's a form of natural selection; don't let Darwin keep you from having babies.

Note: I am not a professional healthcare provider. I strongly recommend that you consult a doctor and use another means of educating yourself aside from the Literotica or any other forum. There are a lot of stupid people on here who have no idea what they're talking about. "I used a Lysol wipe after I fucked her, should be good," or "Sandwich bags and plastic wrap are clutch condom replacements." Yeah - no...

Edit: I recently read an article that oral sex among teens and young adults is on the rise. Over 80% of women and 90% of men say that they have received some form of oral sex. As stated earlier, this will not prevent the spread of STD's (in-fact, as mentioned earlier in the thread, oral herpes in young adults is on the rise - go figure). The only thing that this will prevent is pregnancy. If you do engage in oral sex or "outer course" (mutual masturbation or masturbating each other) keep his goo away from your hole or you'll end up like the Virgin *cough* Marry did.

Last edit, promise: While your skin does act as a natural defense/barrier, it's imperfect. To everyone who said: "VD from blow-jobs are rare": you're wrong. Educate yourselves. And for the love of fuck, don't go to Yahoo answers... Try WebMD or better yet; your doctor.
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