How irritating is this?

* is seeing spots...or lines...or blurry darkness...lots n lots of darkness....*

~ Rora :rose:
Harsh if you're epilpetic, or suffering certain kinds of colorblindness. Otherwise, just garden-variety annoying if it's confined to a single post.
well, now I know how important your words are. Those colors are sooo meaningful in making your point. Oh wait, nope, I meant it.
Looks like a letter my eight year old wrote.

(only she used bigger words) :p
well thats pretty , i wanna be able to type like that too, lol, i guess it would get kinda aggravating after awhile though :rolleyes:

ohhhhhhhhh just had to tell someone, woohoo i am no longer a LIT virgin, I am now experienced woohoo :D :p
Re: Re: How irritating is this?

Re: I think I got it
