How important is shower sex to you?

Lately it's been shower masturbation, but, yes, having sex in the shower is muy bueno. Physically able to live without it, but I wouldn't want to.
Stuff hurts as one ages, and there is the risk of a fall.

But this is still true:

A new translation for Indoor Plumbing.

*puts your ass out on the front porch*
The banished cats will keep you company.

Besides, it's summer for three more months yet.
Four, four . . . do I hear Five???

Gimme 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . . . .

Five!!!! Six? Going once, twice . . .

Sold!!! to the retard in the corner!!! For a snow shovel!!!!
We usually have summer until mid-September anyway.

This year was weird. Spring lasted for a couple of months instead of the week we usually get.
Likewise . . . time to act responsible, even if I'm not really feeling it.
I can't live without it.:D

I love clean sex. When everyone is smelling good and clean. Well I pretty much like sex period but that is my favorite. I don't care about doing it in the shower. I'd rather be on my back or on all 4's when I am having sex. TMI
never? you poor thing

its fun, as long as you have sure footing.
and don't hold on to the towel bar thingy too much, those things break off.
shower sex is a nice occasional variant but not the norm for me. you should try balcony sex at 2am! wowzahhh!!!