How does the God loving people of Bush's America...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
justify destroying entire countries and forcing others to have a 'change of regime' by using weapons of mass destruction...

Have you ever wondered why you're now disliked so much?

And don't say jealousy. It ain't that. Nobody could be jealous of a country led by George...

It has to be something more fundamental and widespread.

In a way it's the same as the world's attitude towards the jews...

p_p_man said:
why you're now disliked so much?

The better question would be "Who gives a fuck?"

Why is it that a handful of Europeans seem obsessed with the fact that we are out to promote some 'positive image'. You don't like us...who fucking cares.
i refuse to answer any questions on the basis that i am not god loving.
Re: Re: How does the God loving people of Bush's America...

The Plunger said:
The better question would be "Who gives a fuck?"

Why is it that a handful of Europeans seem obsessed with the fact that we are out to promote some 'positive image'.

A warlike, destructive image is nearer the truth...

And it might be better if you came to terms with the fact that it's not a 'handful of Europeans' and think in terms of the rest of the world...

But then as you don't give a fuck you're probably one of those misguided arseholes firmly on the road to self-destruction.

Bob_Bytchin said:
At least we're going out with style

I'm accepting that as one of those much loved Hollywood retorts...

p_p_man said:
I'm accepting that as one of those much loved Hollywood retorts...


Oh no....unlike the Greek, Roman, and British Empires, we're going out as one whole piece.
Your friendly grammar buddy says

How DO..........

See you have a new audience of newbies, pp.

Let's see how long their interest holds.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Oh no....unlike the Greek, Roman, and British Empires, we're going out as one whole piece.

Vapourised would be more like it...


p_p_man said:
justify destroying entire countries and forcing others to have a 'change of regime' by using weapons of mass destruction...

Have you ever wondered why you're now disliked so much?

And don't say jealousy. It ain't that. Nobody could be jealous of a country led by George...

It has to be something more fundamental and widespread.

In a way it's the same as the world's attitude towards the jews...



Zeig Heil, you alcoholic slime.
morninggirl5 said:
Your friendly grammar buddy says

How DO..........

See you have a new audience of newbies, pp.

Let's see how long their interest holds.

I hope they're better than the orginal crowd...

Hi mg5...

Thought you didn't read my threads any more.

p_p_man said:
justify destroying entire countries and forcing others to have a 'change of regime' by using weapons of mass destruction...

Have you ever wondered why you're now disliked so much?

And don't say jealousy. It ain't that. Nobody could be jealous of a country led by George...

It has to be something more fundamental and widespread.

In a way it's the same as the world's attitude towards the jews...


It's the way the world is and has always been dear.

Might I remind you of your own country's proud assertion that "the sun never sets on the British Empire". Same principle, different century.

Have a wonderful day!
:) :rose:
...and today, playing the role of a racist, Jew-hating, alcoholic in deep denial, is pp_man.

He was born for the role.

p_p_man said:
I hope they're better than the orginal crowd...

Hi mg5...

Thought you didn't read my threads any more.


The glaring grammatical error in the title screamed at me, i couldn't let it pass by uncorrected.

Think of my post as a great big red X.
Syria voted to oust Saddam and they're his gawd-damned neighbors p_p_...

That speaks volumes.

Even the great fixers of ice-skating competitions joined in the chorus once the realized Bil Clinton was no longer the comeback kid.
Andra_Jenny said:
Syria voted to oust Saddam and they're his gawd-damned neighbors p_p_...

That speaks volumes.

Only under extreme pressure from America...

I doubt if that's what they really wanted. After all if I was a neighbour of a madman like Saddam I'd make sure I'd keep him at arms length, not threaten him with destruction. But if the Syrians have been forced into this on the Security Council vote and have also been promised American protection if things go wrong then they have a lot to worry about.

The US is not noted for keeping its promises...

We also have elections which change policy...

Unlike Saddam and Syria.

Thugs know thugs p_p_ and the Syrians are closer than thou!
Because the conservatively liberal media never tells the truth, and Americans don't care if they don't know.

Because all Americans care about is their TiVOs.

Because King George is promoting "Democracy" by placing a more "liked" dictator in charge.

Because Afghanistan is better now isn't it?

Because the "herded masses" of America enjoy supporting the agendas of the extreme rich minority.

Because watching the Iraq War (or whatever cool name they come up with for it) will be better than watching repeats of Friends and Will and Grace.
Massive Grooves, your post reeks of bitterness and resentment, not to discount the factor that there is no meaningful content within it. It makes me laugh to see how pissed off and bitter all of your sad fucks get about the whole situation, and how much of your time you spend doing something constructive. Hey Massive Grooves, since you obviously have a keen interest in Afghanistan, and don't think it's a better place, I ask you...what have you done? Let me guess, nothing? Sit at home on your computer and spew your propaganda bullshit?
Why are the roads in France lined with trees?

Because Germans like to walk in the shade!

Dont worry about the Europeans too much, they'll only hate us until they need us again.
Britain's place on the UN Security Council as a permanent member would cause many to believe that it was a winner of WWII. Yet, by 1950, the British Empire, as it had been known, ceased to exist.

I've dealt with a number of immigrant Brits who were as arrogant as any people I've ever met, and for what reason I couldn't tell you. They seem united in their hatred of the US.

It all sounds so much like a truckload of sour grapes.
Nothing Changes, only the weapons get bigger

Do you call yourselves Christians? Does then the religion of Him whom you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not. It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease, then, to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease, too, to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they."
~ Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) Mohawk
p_p_man said:
justify destroying entire countries and forcing others to have a 'change of regime' by using weapons of mass destruction...

Have you ever wondered why you're now disliked so much?

And don't say jealousy. It ain't that. Nobody could be jealous of a country led by George...

It has to be something more fundamental and widespread.

In a way it's the same as the world's attitude towards the jews...

LMAO:D The world hates us? Damn who would have thought that? Next thing you know people will be flying planes into buildings.