How do you spell Goddamnit?

According to the urban dictionary, it's the second one. I prefer that one, too, although goddammit doesn't trigger spellcheck.
I'm going with the with option.

no, I'm sorry, the 3rd.

nope, nope nope...none of the above.

It's spelled godamnit
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By putting the letters in the correct order, goddamnit!
I'm trying to get "motherfuckit!" to catch on.

So far it doesn't look promising.
godamnit or godammit, depending on how your character's pronouncing it which will depend, as you are fully aware, on their accent/background.
The answer is in the connotation.

If the phrase is an imperative, it is three words, commanding Figits (fake invisible guy in the sky) to damn something: God Damn It.

Should you be talking of an Englishman during the war of English Aggression (1810-1815) - it would be: Goddamn It (capitalised).

The common usage (noun) is spelled goddamn it.

If you are partially illiterate, you probably haven't reached this line, but the silent 'n' can be dropped and the phrase can be spelled, "goddam it."

If you are from the south, it is godamit.
Allah damn it.

God didn't do it, and you don't believe anyway, so at least make it productive.

Tooth Fairy damn it is also acceptable.
No love for gudummit or gosh darn it?

I suppose if I'm guest starring on a remake of 'Leave it to Beaver' and my character is about to be admonished for cursing, the latter would be ok.

The former is how I imagine the word 'government' would sound coming from the mouths of most of our Lit RWCJers.
When one is at work and hurts themselves as much as I do, the correct phrase is gosh darn it.