How do you rate yourself


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
people always rate others of the oposit sex (or same sex)

on 1-10 on how hot they are.

well time to rate ourselfs

How hot are you?

I'd put myself at a 6-7

i'm not the best looking but I've learned over the past year or so I'm not ugly.... so i'm in the average range I think.

I won't rate myself, but my pic on hotornot got a 9.3. I'm happy with that.
lilminx said:
I won't rate myself, but my pic on hotornot got a 9.3. I'm happy with that.
this the heiniken pic? that one's about a 15
Johnny Mayberry said:
I'm giving myself a way I would fuck me!

I'd fuck my self ...but I'll wait 'till later ;)

MY self esteem varies from day to day ... today it's 50%
How about...

Less than 0? If you need me, I'll be in the steeple ringing the bells!
SpiceCake said:
I would rate myself around a 4.:rose:

if you're a 4, that throws me into negative numbers.... you're way too pretty to be a 4, hon
lilminx said:
I won't rate myself, but my pic on hotornot got a 9.3. I'm happy with that.

My HoN picture is at 8.8...which is fine by me.

I'd say I'm about a 6.5 to 7.
