how do you know if your wifes ready for another man in bed?


Literotica Guru
May 28, 2002
I got my wife a real life looking dildo for an early xmas present 3 weeks ago and its been fitting in real well in our sex life, when I'm fucking her she sucks the dildo and we switch around to where Im fucking her with the dildo and she sucks my cock, I've recently had these fantasies of sharing her with another man, ever since I introduced the dildo into our sex life shes been alot more vocal and more enthuisastic about sex, and having alot more orgasms, and is letting me do anal sex with her alot more also. I just want to see my wife filled with hard cocks and being satisfied beyond belief, does anyone have any advice?
I know this is a truly novel concept, but....

Why not just trying asking your wife how she might feel about a threesome?
I almost did last night but chickened out :( have you had any 3 sums before? if so is there any advice you can give on how to bring it to the table?
Gods_Favorite said:
I almost did last night but chickened out :( have you had any 3 sums before? if so is there any advice you can give on how to bring it to the table?

I'm presuming by threesomes, you are speaking of MMF? Yes, I have - but I was very young at the time. My then b/f told me he wanted to see me with another man, but I was frightened, uncertain what to expect or do. I agreed, but more to please him than out of my own desire. One night he showed up with a friend, and before I knew what was happening, we were all in my bedroom. I didn't like it. I felt used and cheap. (His friend had the idea that I was there to please them and could have cared less if I received anything out of it.) It took my b/f all that night and few more to help me gain back what I had lost that night.

However, now, almost 20 years later and little more experience under my belt (so to speak!), I would be open to a MMF threesome. How to approach? While in a non-sexual situation, share with your wife that you have had fantasies of another man joining the two of you. Let her know why these fantasies turn you on - i.e. watching her receive the maximum pleasure she can receive. Let her know that you are just sharing this with her and are willing to live with it as just a fantasy, but ask if she had ever had these same thoughts, or would she be open to talking/sharing fantasies.

Do NOT present it as something you would want to do. Present it as a fantasy. Let her know that when she plays with the dildo, the thoughts that are running through your head. Allow her to think about all this first.

She might surprise you and tell you she has the same fantasies, but she is uncertain how you might feel. She may also feel that since you are interested in an MMF, that you might soon want a FFM - and that could be intimidating for her. Reassure her. Plant the seed and let her think about it. Don't push or pressure. Let the idea develop in her mind as well.

One thing that she may have doubts about is who the other man is. Unless you already have some one in mind, let her know that the other man is mystery. If she inquires, tell her that he is some one both of you would agree on - she has equal say, if not more.

You will need to present this as completely non-threatening as possible, and let your wife take the idea and grow it. If she is not fully on board, and does this only to please you or because she feels pressured, it won't be a good thing for either of you.

She's your wife. She's the one person you should be able to communicate with above all others. Just remember that. She may say no, yes. Especially initially, if she hasn't thought of it. But if you put the idea out there, and continue playing with the dildo, she may come up to you one day and say, "Let's try it."

Good luck!
This is the kind of response I was hoping for, thanks alot for the information sexychelle, I'll probably present this to her either today or tomorrow, me personally I want the other guy to be a stranger, someone we just do it with and we never see him again, but I'll see what the wife wants.
If she is doing her nails and answering phone calls while you are trying to do her-she's ready for another man.
lol no she does none of those things, not that it matters anyways because she said shes not interested.
Gods_Favorite said:
lol no she does none of those things, not that it matters anyways because she said shes not interested.

SO--you asked her?

Don't drop it there--keep using the dildo...add some monologue about what you fantasize seeing, hearing while you do it! PLANT the seeds and wait for her to come to you!

Another seed you can plant is "do you think Mel Gibson is hot?"
And later, do you think[my friend[ Jum is hot?"

If it's a hot fantasy while you're alone together, you're halfway there--If it never becomes real, you still had fun!

Also, it may be something she has a hard time admitting a fantasy for...perhaps she will surprise you given the right third-wheel, and given enough social lubricant (of your choice).

And finally, move on to other forms of play--have you checked out the G-spot thread hosted by Mr. GGG? DO!

ullr said:
SO--you asked her?

Don't drop it there--keep using the dildo...add some monologue about what you fantasize seeing, hearing while you do it! PLANT the seeds and wait for her to come to you!

Another seed you can plant is "do you think Mel Gibson is hot?"
And later, do you think[my friend[ Jum is hot?"

If it's a hot fantasy while you're alone together, you're halfway there--If it never becomes real, you still had fun!


I disagree with this. You asked her. She's not interested. End of topic for now.

The wife and I had this discussion a while back. For her, the idea of introducing a third person into our bed was an issue. She was not going to do it and did not feel it a safe fantasy. Life is good. Why push it and fuck it up?
Amfig said:
I disagree with this. You asked her. She's not interested. End of topic for now.

The wife and I had this discussion a while back. For her, the idea of introducing a third person into our bed was an issue. She was not going to do it and did not feel it a safe fantasy. Life is good. Why push it and fuck it up?

Excellent advice, this! To keep bringing it up is to pressure her, and she may withdraw from even using the dildo, believing it might be fueling the fantasies.

He has stated his fantasy, therefore the seed is already "planted". She has said no, that does not mean it isn't running through her head periodically. It also doesn't rule out the idea that in a year, two years, or five she will come to her husband and say she is ready.

Kick back and enjoy what you have. Without the constant pressure, you never know just what you might get!
Thanks for all the respone guys, I asked her what fantasies she has and she told me she wants to have sex outside or in our car in a empty lot, I'm gonna try to satisfy her fantasy to get her to open up more, because shes kind of shy about her fantasies, so I'm going to be looking for an empty lot :D
Speaking from experience...

...both of her fantasies are a lot of fun!

In the car is cramped and awkward, which leads to ingenuity and intensity. I actually did it once in the parking lot of the local sex shop! We were on a shopping trip, but got delayed. :rolleyes: Several people (including employees) happened to step outside and we both got more turned on knowing they would see the car rocking and the windows all steamed up! Then we went in grinning ear-to-ear, knowing that the staff knew what we'd just done!

The woods is great too; done it twice. I recommend bringing a blanket or something to make whomever's on bottom more comfortable. Having the warm sun beating down on my back the same time her heels were was great!

Exploring her fantasies is a wonderful thing for you to do. Just don't expect that she'll automatically reciprocate with your current one. Playing with fantasies is a great way to explore, bond, and have fun. Everbody should be participating because they are excited, or at least neutral, about the topic, never opposed.

Good luck and have fun!
Gods_Favorite said:
Thanks for all the respone guys, I asked her what fantasies she has and she told me she wants to have sex outside or in our car in a empty lot, I'm gonna try to satisfy her fantasy to get her to open up more, because shes kind of shy about her fantasies, so I'm going to be looking for an empty lot :D

You know, more men should be as openly caring about what their wives think. (Yes, I know 98% of the men here do, but GF is really making this public, and I appreciate that!)

Your idea is a good one. If she is shy about sharing her fantasies - and lots of people are as they show our vulnerable side - by helping her to fulfill something she has always wondered about, will help her to share more. She knows you don't think she is a "freak" or weird or something. Plus, you are willing to please. But hey, public sex is always good!

A car is good. Can bring back days of being a kid again, making out in the backseat. Also, one of my favorites, is on a golf course in the middle of the night. They are abadoned, lots of grassy comfort (but still bring a blanket), and you have the stars overhead. Okay, so I live in So Calif, so this is a fantasy that can pretty much be accomplished anytime, but it would be great during the summer. Especially if you can convince her to "accidently" leave her panties behind. Give the grounds crew a little thrill the next morning!
Bravo GF

impressive GF. your wife is lucky to have a man so attuned to her needs and desires. i'm in florida. i'm partial to beaches myself. BIG blankets take care of the sand LOL. surf, stars, ahhhhhh. enjoy each other.
Re: Re: how do you know if your wifes ready for another man in bed?

Emerald_eyed said:
Maybe when she says " I want to be fucked by another man"?

Just a thought

Well if she said something like that I wouldn't have needed to post this thread lol, but on a serious note I want to thank you guys again for your advice. When the summer comes around wer going to try some sex outdoors in a secluded place, and see how it goes and take it from there.
The first clue that I had that my wife wanted to introduce another man into the bedroom was when I was fucking her one time and she had another mans cock in her mouth (long story). It was one of those things that just kinda happened. It was fun though and kicked open a whole new door in our life. :)

Just keep playing you fantasy in the bedroom with the dildo and she may just open up to it.

Have fun!!

Oh yeah, sex in the car......great. Sex outside..........great. The best is to try and do it where there is a little risk involved.
I'm thinking about trying it on a golf course like sexychele suggested or a park nearby.