How do you find new authors/stories?

One way is being active in this forum.

I follow about 100 authors so I get updates everytime they post a story.

Sometimes I check the followers and favorites lists of the authors I follow.
I often look at the profiles of people who follow me and check out their favorite authors and check them out. Otherwise I search on tags.
Also search in the “Search Stories” function with a few choice words of what you like. I’ve recently found a few new authors with this method and it’s like Lits all shiny and new again.
Basically, the forums. I try to read something from the various authors here, although getting to everyone's back catalog is of course improbable.

Suggested Stories can be hit or miss, but that works too.

But more and more I'm finding the best writers also participate here, and there's a wide variety of styles to choose from.
Basically, the forums. I try to read something from the various authors here, although getting to everyone's back catalog is of course improbable.

Suggested Stories can be hit or miss, but that works too.

But more and more I'm finding the best writers also participate here, and there's a wide variety of styles to choose from.
Well, obviously I agree with the last part.

Sometimes I check the followers and favorites lists of the authors I follow.
I tend to do that, too. I check out every new follower, and if they're a writer I'll check out a story or two, and go look at their list of favourites (if it's a shorter list).

It's interesting to find out how they found me - that's often obvious from the last several authors on their list.
Every new follower, if they have stories, or are publishing I will follow back.
Plus looking in the new stories section!
I often look at the profiles of people who follow me and check out their favorite authors and check them out.
This, and I find I am always compelled to click on the similar stories at the end of stories I like. And when I submit one I usually find myself clicking on one or two of the stories that came out around the same time in that category. And, for the last 6 months or so, this forum!
I go to New and look to see if anything catches my attention.

If someone asks me, I'll read their story.
I start at the Feedback Portal, then go through the categories from the top, ignoring those categories in which I have no interest, perusing the new postings for the day. Some days are a waste of time, other days are like finding gold.
One way is being active in this forum.

I follow about 100 authors so I get updates everytime they post a story.

Sometimes I check the followers and favorites lists of the authors I follow.
This. So much this.

I beg authors that wish to be read by fellow AHer's to link their works in their signature.

With all the new forum/old forum weirdness, it can become a bit of a slog going through the hoops to explore a clever AHer's work.

My frustrations outweigh my resolve after enough failed attempts. (again, not author's fault but it's the way forum things go sideways sometimes so a workaround is helpful.)
Search stories, with a twist: click randomly into one or more of the 10 or 15 randomly suggested tabs, if one catches your eye.
This. So much this.

I beg authors that wish to be read by fellow AHer's to link their works in their signature.
I wonder if I've got working links in my Sig block.

I turned all sigs off years ago because I got sick of all the bright flashing lights and dodgy book covers filling up my page. My feed is nice and clean, and I just go search for any author of interest here: Search Authors
I wonder if I've got working links in my Sig block.

I turned all sigs off years ago because I got sick of all the bright flashing lights and dodgy book covers filling up my page. My feed is nice and clean, and I just go search for any author of interest here: Search Authors
Story list - check
Apple books - AA Cain, check
Lulu - Ditto
One way is being active in this forum.

I follow about 100 authors so I get updates everytime they post a story.

Sometimes I check the followers and favorites lists of the authors I follow.

A large percentage of my favorites were found among the favorites of authors I liked to read.
I often look at the profiles of people who follow me and check out their favorite authors and check them out. Otherwise I search on tags.
It’s probably an awful criteria, but I often end up reading people who come across as nice / interesting on here, or who make positive comments about my stories.

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I like to keep things random and do a keyword search for whatever I'm in the mood for. Clever titles will pull me in, titles like Son Fucks Sister Ch. 15, get an auto pass, red H or no.
I go through the new stories list every day and open stories that look interesting. If I like the story, I'll look at their other stories to see if they have anything else worth reading.
When I find an author whose work I really enjoy, I check their favorites list. I almost always find other authors on their list that I think are great.

I also browse the all-time list of the categories I typically read to get a flavor for the most highly rated stories in the genre.
I'll usually pick a category and check out what's popular in the last seven and thirty days. Most of the time the Hots don't disappoint. Occasionally an under-rated story ends up being a gem... I also enjoy positively responding to new writers. Always feels good to boost fresh talent.