How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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guilty-because I have so many wonderful friends who care about me deeply ..and I am still falling apart.

Bitter- because the RL seems bent on showing what I want most in my life, letting me have a taste, then taking it away, making sure I know I will never have it.

Lonely- because every one of my dearest friends is more than 2000 miles away from me, and presently I see no way I can see them any time soon...or at all..

also broken,angry and frustrated...

forgive me my friends, I am venting.. I am having a bad morning...I haven't been sleeping as much as I should and every thing about my life is either unsettled or changing. I am stuck,waiting tired and board,noting but time to stress and get depressed...stuck in my little room with little actual human contact...(Dragon is starting to make sense to me)

*walks up behind you and just wraps you in her arms and hugs you close* here if you ever need me.
guilty-because I have so many wonderful friends who care about me deeply ..and I am still falling apart.

Bitter- because the RL seems bent on showing what I want most in my life, letting me have a taste, then taking it away, making sure I know I will never have it.

Lonely- because every one of my dearest friends is more than 2000 miles away from me, and presently I see no way I can see them any time soon...or at all..

also broken,angry and frustrated...

forgive me my friends, I am venting.. I am having a bad morning...I haven't been sleeping as much as I should and every thing about my life is either unsettled or changing. I am stuck,waiting tired and board,noting but time to stress and get depressed...stuck in my little room with little actual human contact...(Dragon is starting to make sense to me)

What can I say but...........
Love you babe
What can I say but...........
Love you babe

*wrapping my arms around you* always make me know I love you....sorry, I am a mess..I am so blessed to have you in my life..I feel like I should be better..but I miss you,and... and you already know the rest..*smiles*
not feeling too good today...even though it's Friday

I'm achy and my back hurts...I need percocet, lol
guilty-because I have so many wonderful friends who care about me deeply ..and I am still falling apart.

Bitter- because the RL seems bent on showing what I want most in my life, letting me have a taste, then taking it away, making sure I know I will never have it.

Lonely- because every one of my dearest friends is more than 2000 miles away from me, and presently I see no way I can see them any time soon...or at all..

also broken,angry and frustrated...

forgive me my friends, I am venting.. I am having a bad morning...I haven't been sleeping as much as I should and every thing about my life is either unsettled or changing. I am stuck,waiting tired and board,noting but time to stress and get depressed...stuck in my little room with little actual human contact...(Dragon is starting to make sense to me)

I know the feeling, dude. I try to stay postive, but live in a very chaotic environment. It's hard to keep from getting depressed at times. We got seven people crammed into a three bedroom house. Maybe not the no human contact part, but I can definitely relate on the stress and being tired part -- I work night audit at my hotel, and my family makes it almost impossible at times to get any sleep during the day. Little kids screaming and running through the house and banging things, stepmom screaming at them to shut up, dad then screaming at stepmom and then at the kids himself... Sometimes I want to cry I am so tired and just want to sleep. I've tried earplugs, but they just fall out. I've tried sleeping with my headphones and blaring Static-X or Linkin Park, but then the ear pieces dig into my canals and they hurt like hell.

Even if not for the sleep issues, this household is a very negative environment, due mostly to my stepmom -- she bitches about everything. It's in stark contrast to my positive personality. I always try to focus on the good things, the things to be thankful for, but stepmom is always too focused on what she wishes was better. She's got a "I'm gonna get what I want or someone's gonna pay for it," attitude, making her very hard to deal with.

I've moved out several times, but always end up finding my way back. This last time, I came back to help them financially. You'd think for someone who so desperately needs my help, she'd make being around her a little easier. So anyway, I have forked over nearly a thousand dollars to them in the last six weeks, and was finally ready to leave again. I was actually going to move out today. But earlier this week, my stepmom had health issues, has been in and out of the hospital, so that bill is huge. They did scans and gave her morphine and stuck a tube down her stomach. and all kinds of stuff.

Shit happens, I understand that, but the doctor says she is in such bad shape because she stresses too much. Well duh. Anyway, so she's been out of work all week. Then the pump on the car is discovered to be bad. Everyone starts falling into a spiral of financial despair because everything looks hopeless. My stepmom says to me, "And with YOU moving out Friday..."

Long story short, I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future. She's losing an entire week of pay, and the hospital bill is going to be in the thousands. I want to get away from this fucked up stressed chaotic household, but I cannot refuse someone in need... I gave them over half my paycheck, and will probably end up doing so every payday for who knows how long. Luckily, I had some overtime on this check, and my next check will have at least sixteen hours of overtime -- I have no days off this week.

Sorry, didn't mean to ramble on. But yeah, I can totally relate to feeling stressed, emotionally tired, and just fed up with life. But life goes on, nonetheless. Despite conditions that might cause some people to become suicidal, I find happiness where it exists. For instance, admidst all this chaos and craziness, Lit has always been there for me. I can come here, rp, release all my pent up frustrations through creative expression, and smash the shit out of some skulls in an rp fight. If you have ever seen my rps, they all have violence in them, or some sort of battling or conflict. Writing out these scenes is like battling my own inner conflict.

Find an outlet that you love, and pour yourself into it. Release the pent up frustrations and teach yourself to look for the good in a sea of bad. No matter how bad the hurricane is, the center of the storm is always calm. You just have to find it.
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Right this moment, I am feeling rather barbaric, yet stunningly victorious -- I was sitting here and suddenly this big ass black wasp-looking thingy came flying by my head. I value all life, even that of bugs, but that bitch was huge and had to go down. He entered my home and was gonna sting me, I just know it :). I turned into like samurai warrior mode, grabbed the broom, and went after the bitch. Oh, I got him, but there were casualties on both sides -- let's just say now I have to buy my dad a new broom!
Right this moment, I am feeling rather barbaric, yet stunningly victorious -- I was sitting here and suddenly this big ass black wasp-looking thingy came flying by my head. I value all life, even that of bugs, but that bitch was huge and had to go down. He entered my home and was gonna sting me, I just know it :). I turned into like samurai warrior mode, grabbed the broom, and went after the bitch. Oh, I got him, but there were casualties on both sides -- let's just say now I have to buy my dad a new broom!

Jeff that was hilarious! Once we had like five bees enter our apartment in the course of the day. For every one of them, I went shrieking from the room. Which of course, made my partner laugh at me. FIVE! shudders

I am alive, alert, enthusiastic? Maybe...
Jeff that was hilarious! Once we had like five bees enter our apartment in the course of the day. For every one of them, I went shrieking from the room. Which of course, made my partner laugh at me. FIVE! shudders

I am alive, alert, enthusiastic? Maybe...

Five? Damn. *shudders too*

Don't feel bad -- I went running from the room too, but then again that was because the broom was in the kitchen, lmao. Though, before grabbing the broom, I grabbed some foam spray. Awesome. Spray. You be dead bitch. What? DO NOT use indoors? FUCK YOU SPRAY! Plan B. Broom. Broom in hand. Alright, let's go. AAARGHHH!!! *sound of broom smacking through the air, then a loud crack as it snaps in two on the floor* Bitch is still alive! DIE! AARGHH!!! *smacks the little bitch over and over again with one half of the broom* I win.
Five? Damn. *shudders too*

Don't feel bad -- I went running from the room too, but then again that was because the broom was in the kitchen, lmao. Though, before grabbing the broom, I grabbed some foam spray. Awesome. Spray. You be dead bitch. What? DO NOT use indoors? FUCK YOU SPRAY! Plan B. Broom. Broom in hand. Alright, let's go. AAARGHHH!!! *sound of broom smacking through the air, then a loud crack as it snaps in two on the floor* Bitch is still alive! DIE! AARGHH!!! *smacks the little bitch over and over again with one half of the broom* I win.

Falls over laughing

Best. Story. ever.

Mine however was not that heroic.

La la la, of course I am on lit and yahoo jabbering away nonsensical shit, my windows are wide open, and we don't have screens cause we live on the fourth floor of a shitty old building. Suddenly I hear it.. bzzzzzzzzz The telltale sign of a insect that hates me, that will hunt me down just to sting me. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz it's getting louder! Oh shit it's in the room, oh shit! Oh SHIT! Grab my laptop and my dog and run and hide in the bathroom AUGHHHH!!!!!!!

Yeah.. he thought it was funny as hell. You could pretty much rinse and repeat, five times.

I am such a chickenshit.
Falls over laughing

Best. Story. ever.

Mine however was not that heroic.

La la la, of course I am on lit and yahoo jabbering away nonsensical shit, my windows are wide open, and we don't have screens cause we live on the fourth floor of a shitty old building. Suddenly I hear it.. bzzzzzzzzz The telltale sign of a insect that hates me, that will hunt me down just to sting me. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz it's getting louder! Oh shit it's in the room, oh shit! Oh SHIT! Grab my laptop and my dog and run and hide in the bathroom AUGHHHH!!!!!!!

Yeah.. he thought it was funny as hell. You could pretty much rinse and repeat, five times.

I am such a chickenshit.

LMAO! Hey, the first aid kit is in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom -- you gotta secure that! If the bees took that over, there would be no way to nurse your soldier back to health after the battle! You made a smart move, kept your priorities straight in the face of danger. Got the dog as a bodyguard as you check medical supplies, got the laptop to contact 911 if need be, and got the toilet right there, just incase you really do shit your pants!
LMAO! Hey, the first aid kit is in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom -- you gotta secure that! If the bees took that over, there would be no way to nurse your soldier back to health after the battle! You made a smart move, kept your priorities straight in the face of danger. Got the dog as a bodyguard as you check medical supplies, got the laptop to contact 911 if need be, and got the toilet right there, just incase you really do shit your pants!

oh. I am so using this.
I am so happy I'm not the only one who becomes a panic stricken half-wit in the presence of bees.
I dont know that I would go that far *grins* but each to their own. I am addicted to Shaiya at the moment.

I have yet to play Shaiya but I do know I would pick it over Fable (or Warcrack) any day of the week.

@Ezzy and Logan: er...wha? *blink blink*

I am feeling exhausted, but happy, because I should be able to pay off most, if not all, of my cable bill this month, and may end up having the 95USD left over to finish paying off the PSP I just put on layaway at a pawnshop (plus I found a GBASP)
happy, content and focused for the first time in a while.

Actually it has been so long, it kind of feels weird.

Might as well just go with it for as far as it will take me.
Nice and relaxed. Kids tucked up in bed, after a good evening out with them to the cinema, and nothing on for tomorrow so a quiet day at home. It's a nice way to feel at mind's comfortable and lazy.
The battery died on my computer before I saved my report for work!! The last one before the weekend!!! Now starting over and its almost 6pm!!!!

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" (name that movie):)
The battery died on my computer before I saved my report for work!! The last one before the weekend!!! Now starting over and its almost 6pm!!!!

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" (name that movie):)

The battery died on my computer before I saved my report for work!! The last one before the weekend!!! Now starting over and its almost 6pm!!!!

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw!" (name that movie):)


And that would be Heathers?

Fuck Beaten.
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