How do you do it.? part 3


Sep 20, 2002
Hi everyone

1.When you first see a man do you look at his mind or how he looks and dress .?

2.Do you like long term relationship or do you like to just have short term relationships with men and end it after that.?

3.Ever had sex with a friend you did know for long time but he was just a friend and there was no sexuall thing between you too.I mean just for one time thing? how did you felt when you first were naked infront of that friend that you knew for loong time .? what made you have sex with him.?

4.The same question above but for someone you know from work.?

5.Ever had sex with a married man or woman .?did you felt gulity .?how was your feeling in each case.?

36.Which one arouse you more if the man in bed was younger than you or older or same your age.?

7.Ever had sex with a person younger than you and how old was he and you then .?

8.What is your fav thing to do with a cock .?

9.How do you define cock and how do you define pussy .?

10.Ever needed to go to the bathroom while having sex.?

11.Do you get turned on when you see man jerking off.?

12.Do you get turned on when you see man peeing.?

13.Ever slaped your partner ass while he is fucking you.?

14.Ever answered the phone while the man is fucking you or playing with your pussy.? if yes which one was it fucking or playing.?

15.Ever fall down from bed or sofa cuz the fucking was too fast or hard and did it embarrsse you or did you laugh.?

thanks to all of you
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Where do you get all these questions?................I mean sure seams like alot..............:confused:

Several threads of at least 15 each?.............

More Questions?? Kane, please, this is just too much. Have you ever read through the posts in lit? Because I think you will find most of the answers you are looking for if you would just take the time to actually read what has already been written:)

Your threads have caused quite a stir lately. Maybe, you could take a little break from making them and use the time to read them. Let the friction kind of die down.;)

I am not going to harp on the location thing...I think you SHOULD understand that by now. But, I will say just because your phrase or question has the word how in it, doesn't mean it belongs in the HOW TO board.:)

One last little mindless thought for you. Did it ever occur to you that if you ask one specific question at a time, you will get a much more focused and in-depth response??:confused:

I have seen a lot of people step up to offer you advice and make casual suggestions. They, like me,are not trying to be mean. We just see tensions mounting over all this and that really defeats the purpose of LIT. :p :p
1.When you first see a man do you look at his mind or how he looks and dress .?
I look at his ass and his hands.

2.Do you like long term relationship or do you like to just have short term relationships with men and end it after that.?
I've been married for 10 years. I like relationships, but I was the queen of one night stands before marriage.

3.Ever had sex with a friend you did know for long time but he was just a friend and there was no sexuall thing between you too.I mean just for one time thing? how did you felt when you first were naked infront of that friend that you knew for loong time .? what made you have sex with him.?
I've had sex with lots of friends. I'm still friends with most of them. Some of them had problems just going back to friends which is very sad.

4.The same question above but for someone you know from work.?
Yep...makes late nights fun. ;)

5.Ever had sex with a married man or woman .?did you felt gulity .?how was your feeling in each case.?
No. Except for my own spouse.

36.Which one arouse you more if the man in bed was younger than you or older or same your age.?
I adore older men.

7.Ever had sex with a person younger than you and how old was he and you then .?
Yes, a few times, but never more than 5 years younger.

8.What is your fav thing to do with a cock .?
ride it

9.How do you define cock and how do you define pussy .?
physical anatomy

10.Ever needed to go to the bathroom while having sex.?
many times

11.Do you get turned on when you see man jerking off.?
yep...probably why I ask hubby to do it so often

12.Do you get turned on when you see man peeing.?
Yep...and I ask if I can hold it ;)

13.Ever slaped your partner ass while he is fucking you.?
no...he doesn't like that. I will slap his fanny before or after though.

14.Ever answered the phone while the man is fucking you or playing with your pussy.? if yes which one was it fucking or playing.?
Yes, both. And it was my mother on the phone

15.Ever fall down from bed or sofa cuz the fucking was too fast or hard and did it embarrsse you or did you laugh.?
frequently. We broke a bed once or twice and a dining room table once. We laughted and then got right back to it!
agggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................I have to find a key...................
kane555 said:
i know some people don't like your posts, but i think it's fun taking these little surveys! i feel like a sex specimin! :p

1.When you first see a man do you look at his mind or how he looks and dress .?
well, since i can't acutally SEE his mind, i have to look at how he dresses and looks. of course, i won't lie, great looks are a good spark for attraction, but that's not really important in the long run.

2.Do you like long term relationship or do you like to just have short term relationships with men and end it after that.?
umm...ever heard the term "serial monogomy"? i used to be like that, going through several short term relationships, but now that i'm older (i know i'm only twenty, but i was having these flings when i was like 14) i really do want something more stable, and don't like one or two night stands anymore. they make me feel bad :(

3.Ever had sex with a friend you did know for long time but he was just a friend and there was no sexuall thing between you too.I mean just for one time thing? how did you felt when you first were naked infront of that friend that you knew for loong time .? what made you have sex with him.?
yes, actually. we'd been friends for about a year and finally an attraction started to grow. i was most interested because he was a HARDCORE dom and did the most wicked things to me!

4.The same question above but for someone you know from work.?
5.Ever had sex with a married man or woman .?did you felt gulity .?how was your feeling in each case.?

36.Which one arouse you more if the man in bed was younger than you or older or same your age.?

7.Ever had sex with a person younger than you and how old was he and you then .?

8.What is your fav thing to do with a cock .?
bend over and accept it :D

9.How do you define cock and how do you define pussy .?
well, a boy has this thing sticking out from between his legs. i call that a cock. a girl has this wet delightful thing between her legs, and that is called a pussy!

10.Ever needed to go to the bathroom while having sex.?
no, i always go before

11.Do you get turned on when you see man jerking off.?
no, not unless i'm involved

12.Do you get turned on when you see man peeing.?
not at all.

13.Ever slaped your partner ass while he is fucking you.?

14.Ever answered the phone while the man is fucking you or playing with your pussy.? if yes which one was it fucking or playing.?
no, but he has STARTED to rub my clit WHILE i'm on the phone, making it VERY hard to continue the conversation!

15.Ever fall down from bed or sofa cuz the fucking was too fast or hard and did it embarrsse you or did you laugh.?
i've never fallen during sex (knocks on wood)
