How do you capture video from caming?



I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to capture video or pics from a cam session with yahoo messenger or the like. Do I need special soft ware or is it possible? I have a cam and it is in use when I cam with others...thank you if you can help me with this.
While I don't know if it's legal to "capture" cam feed without consent (not assuming that's what you're doing, but hey, I'm a skeptic by nature), I do know that there's a program called, "Snag It" or something similar that will capture live feed as a still shot.

My computer knowledge is limited so I'm not sure about recording live cam...
Unregistered said:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to capture video or pics from a cam session with yahoo messenger or the like. Do I need special soft ware or is it possible? I have a cam and it is in use when I cam with others...thank you if you can help me with this.

To capture a still image, just do a screen capture by hitting Print Screen and pasting into an image processing program. An image browser like IrFanview or PaintShop Pro can browse through your temporary interntet files and (possibly) recover the series of still images from a webcam session.

I don't know of any way to capture streaming video.

I use a screen capture utility called snapz pro by ambrosia software. However I have a macintosh so you may have to do a search on say or a search engine(google- to see what is out there, and what has good reviews), and Ambrosia for that matter might have a windows version. With this utility basically to can make a jpg of anything you can view on your screen. Either you use the cross hairs to select the size to capture, or you can open a box, and choose a size. My favorite part(since it is always running in the background)is just to use keystrokes to intiate a capture. This way no matter what you are doing you can always capture something (by in my case clicking, control z) if you aren't expecting anything to happen, then you like have a flasher-woooo hoooo!

Different utilities do different things, so check what there is out there. I also think there are cameral utilities that can take the series of pictures recieved, and turn them into photo album. However, I haven't really ever see one in action to know what the options are. I like the screen capture cause it has many other uses as well, such as the ability to snap photos of web site photos, or if you buy something online you can make a picture of your reciept with invoice numbers. Or even take pictures of boxes on your screen to show people how to set up say email, or a network.

With a variety of uses, sometimes not so is the best overall choice I would recommend.
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