How do we report suspected plagiarism?

There's a 'report' button on the bottom of each page of the story. Select plagiarism and copy the link into the reasons box.I already submitted it myself and a whole bunch of the commenters have also noticed, but the bigger the angry mob for this kind of nonsense the better.

I'm rather agrived as I saw this story yesterday and it has a very similar concept to the one I've just finished writing and am currently editing. They're different enough though that I wasn't too worried. After all no-ones going to pay that much attention to this story, right?
I'm tempted to say: Don't bother. They don't care.

Look at this story: Photographs by MungoParkIII, posted in 2007
Then at this story: High-Class Photographs by loveofmyLife75, posted a few days ago

This is probably the worst example of plagiarism I have found on here so far. You'll notice that the second story is an almost word-for-word copy of the 2007-story, only that it got packed with typos and weird grammer mistakes.

I know of several people reporting it, but given how the report-button is almost hidden away (with the light-gray text color on white background), I wasn't expecting anything to happen about it anyway.
I'm tempted to say: Don't bother. They don't care.

Look at this story: Photographs by MungoParkIII, posted in 2007
Then at this story: High-Class Photographs by loveofmyLife75, posted a few days ago

This is probably the worst example of plagiarism I have found on here so far. You'll notice that the second story is an almost word-for-word copy of the 2007-story, only that it got packed with typos and weird grammer mistakes.

I know of several people reporting it, but given how the report-button is almost hidden away (with the light-gray text color on white background), I wasn't expecting anything to happen about it anyway.
The site does care, and if plagiarism is proven, stories will be taken down. A popular incest writer lost his writer's reputation just recently for blatant plagiarism. He took all his stories down of his own accord, even though he never really acknowledged any wrong-doing.

Report the story - if it's as blatant as you say, it shouldn't last long.
I'm tempted to say: Don't bother. They don't care.

Look at this story: Photographs by MungoParkIII, posted in 2007
Then at this story: High-Class Photographs by loveofmyLife75, posted a few days ago

This is probably the worst example of plagiarism I have found on here so far. You'll notice that the second story is an almost word-for-word copy of the 2007-story, only that it got packed with typos and weird grammer mistakes.

I know of several people reporting it, but given how the report-button is almost hidden away (with the light-gray text color on white background), I wasn't expecting anything to happen about it anyway.
I tend to lean your way. It seems that going by past examples of rule breaking stories it often takes multiple reports and even then nothing was done until, like now, someone starts a public thread which pressure the site to look into it.

In their defense I can't imagine how many comments, stories are reported on any given day along with other issues so I get it could take some time, but often times nothing is done.

But yet they'll kick back stories for no reason at all.

Whatever system they're using isn't very accurate it seems.
The site does care, and if plagiarism is proven, stories will be taken down. A popular incest writer lost his writer's reputation just recently for blatant plagiarism. He took all his stories down of his own accord, even though he never really acknowledged any wrong-doing.

Report the story - if it's as blatant as you say, it shouldn't last long.

So, you say the site does care and takes action. But the example you then give me is of a writer who lost his reputation after the users pointed it out in the forums, so he took his stories down himself. Not the site. Not the moderators. He took them down.

I have to admit, I kinda don't think the site has any incentive to act on plagiarism or copyright violations themselves. This site lives off user provided content. The more content, the more visitors. If they start reducing content, they'll get less visitors. So, unless authors start leaving, because they don't want their work to be brazenly copied, I don't think the admins and moderators will care.

I mean, seriously, look at the two stories I linked above. The original from 2007 is 2,035 words long. The new story is 2,205 words long. Both of them don't even fill a single page. So, it's not like whoever needs to deal with the incoming reports would have to spend even an hour comparing them. Those are each a ten minute read for the average reader, and still nothing happens.
My observation over a decade and a half here is that the site will take stories it thinks have been plagiarized down promptly upon finding out about it (sometimes maybe a bit too promptly without research into who originated the story).
As I wrote before, I know of several people who reported it. One or two days after it was posted, and I was one of them.
Let's wait and see then. Give the site a chance to do the review, before saying they'll do nothing.
I mean, seriously, look at the two stories I linked above. The original from 2007 is 2,035 words long. The new story is 2,205 words long. Both of them don't even fill a single page. So, it's not like whoever needs to deal with the incoming reports would have to spend even an hour comparing them. Those are each a ten minute read for the average reader, and still nothing happens.

One person handles all of the story processing on the site...that's submissions, deletions, re-submissions, and reports.

Things don't happen instantly.
Please check this story for potential plagiarism - you can see the referenced original story in the comments!
And it's gone.

Look at this story: Photographs by MungoParkIII, posted in 2007
Then at this story: High-Class Photographs by loveofmyLife75, posted a few days ago

This is probably the worst example of plagiarism I have found on here so far. You'll notice that the second story is an almost word-for-word copy of the 2007-story, only that it got packed with typos and weird grammer mistakes.

Seems to have recycled one of his own, too:
Looked at the original story again:

2021 Winter Contest Holiday winner. 112k views. 268 favourites. 70k words long.

Yep, this was always going to noticed pretty much immediately.

What the hell is going on with this site?
If I open "Happy ending for some", the site displays that the author has 64 stories and 289 Followers.
If I open "All in a good cause", the site displays that the same author has 68 stories and 311 Followers.

If that author recycles his own stories... is it possible that the two stories I pointed out are from the same author, just under different pen-names, and that's why the site still hasn't done anything about it?
And it's gone.
This could be timely coincidence, or confirming my post that if there is a problem story the site reacts a lot faster if a thread is made of it. Maybe the mod saw it and sent it along to the site.

A rape story spent years on the all time fav top list despite many reports, but it wasn't until I kept linking it in any "lit doesn't allow non con stories" to use it as proof they don't care, that it finally disappeared.

Better yet I used to link the search for the term budding breasts which came up with some nasty examples of blatant underage and do it to prove they didn't care about that either, now if you do the search much less comes up and its usually the word budding being used in other ways.

The site can be shamed into action if people call attention to it.
What the hell is going on with this site?
If I open "Happy ending for some", the site displays that the author has 64 stories and 289 Followers.
If I open "All in a good cause", the site displays that the same author has 68 stories and 311 Followers.

Stats on the story page are buggy. Stories and followers don't always update correctly or match. I just looked 2 stories by one of the authors I follow and the works published number was accurate, but there was a difference of 2 followers between the stories.

What the hell is going on with this site?
If I open "Happy ending for some", the site displays that the author has 64 stories and 289 Followers.
If I open "All in a good cause", the site displays that the same author has 68 stories and 311 Followers.

...and when I count the stories showing on the author's story page, I make it 70. I know things like view and score counts aren't always consistent because they might get updated at different times in different places, but seems odd for stories which don't update often.

If that author recycles his own stories... is it possible that the two stories I pointed out are from the same author, just under different pen-names, and that's why the site still hasn't done anything about it?
I wondered about that scenario. That kind of thing has happened in the past occasionally, and I think one of the regulars here has mentioned a time when they posted a story, then some years later posted it again forgetting it was already there.

But if so, the writing style differences are baffling.

First and last paragraphs of MungoParkIII's "Photographs", posted 2007:

I sat at the table silently looking over the photograph oblivious to everything around me. The photo was quite incredible, a very high quality glossy with a perfectly focused image looking professionally composed. If I didn't know better I would have sworn it was taken in a high class studio. The subject of the photo looked like a model, but I knew it wasn't, it was a picture of my wife.
As I moved toward the door I looked back at her and said, "I know honey, I love you too." I then stepped out of the house and headed toward my car. As I opened the car door I looked back to the house and saw her standing at the door watching me. Yeah, I knew that after a while she'd gather the resources to come after me, but climbing into my car I sure wished I had a photograph of that last look on her face as I drove away.

And from loveofmyLife75's "High-class Photographs", posted 2023:
Kenneth Park (that's me). Sitting at the table silently looking over the photographs. I was oblivious at everything that was going on around me. The first photograph was quite incredible. Very high-quality glossy photograph, with a perfectly focused image. It looked professionally composed.

If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn. It was taken in a high-class photograph's studio. The subject in the photo looked like a supermodel. But I knew it wasn't. It was...A picture of my loving wife.
As I moved toward the door, I looked back at her.

"I know honey, I love you too."

I then stepped out of the house and headed toward my car. As I opened the car door I looked back at the house and saw her standing at the door watching me. Yes, I knew that after a while she'd gather the resources to come after me. But climbing into my car. I wished I had taken a photograph of that look on her face as I drove away.

That "Kenneth Park (that's me)" doesn't tie in with anything in the story. Feels like maybe it's been pasted in by mistake, or perhaps the "Park" is claiming that they are MungoPark? I dunno.

But whatever's going on with that part, the second story has a bunch of errors that weren't in the original. That full stop after "photograph/s", "oblivious at". The 2007 is referring to a single photo at this point; the 2023 one starts out referring to "photographs" plural, but then switches back to "the subject in the photo" singular, and a couple of odd sentence breaks in the last paragraph. If it's the same author, their writing skills have gone badly downhill.

There's also a shift from US to UK idiom: "jack-off" becomes "have a wank", the car's "trunk" becomes its "boot", and a bottle of "soda" becomes "pop".

Did the original author decide to rewrite it in much worse English and transplant it from US to UK? Maybe but it seems unlikely.

I wonder whether some of the weird changes like the extra sentence breaks are an attempt to hide the copying by introducing small differences. But nothing else that I saw in lomL75's stories suggests that kind of sophistication, let alone the "MY E-MAIL ADDRESS DOE'S NOT WORK" in their profile.
I wondered about that scenario. That kind of thing has happened in the past occasionally, and I think one of the regulars here has mentioned a time when they posted a story, then some years later posted it again forgetting it was already there.
Yes, that was me - a complete brain fade, with stories about three years apart. I'd changed the protagonist's name for some reason in the draft, and found it in old archive (not like me at all). Interestingly, the View counts and scores were almost identical. So at least I'm consistent with myself.
But if so, the writing style differences are baffling.

First and last paragraphs of MungoParkIII's "Photographs", posted 2007:

And from loveofmyLife75's "High-class Photographs", posted 2023:
Those examples are blatant though, despite the attempt made to change sentence sequences. As blatant as the last guy; a little more inventive, even.
Yes, that was me - a complete brain fade, with stories about three years apart. I'd changed the protagonist's name for some reason in the draft, and found it in old archive (not like me at all). Interestingly, the View counts and scores were almost identical. So at least I'm consistent with myself.

Those examples are blatant though, despite the attempt made to change sentence sequences. As blatant as the last guy; a little more inventive, even.

"I borrowed a good part of the content from one of my favourite authors. Over 1600 words. Rewriting a good number of sections to suit my story as I went along. But have gone down a different route as you will see. I hope one of my favourite authors does not mind to much. I have read his story over and over again. It's great. And I will be back to it soon."

Well then.

"I borrowed a good part of the content from one of my favourite authors. Over 1600 words. Rewriting a good number of sections to suit my story as I went along. But have gone down a different route as you will see. I hope one of my favourite authors does not mind to much. I have read his story over and over again. It's great. And I will be back to it soon."

Well then.
It's the most back-handed complement a writer could give: I love your work so much, I'm sure you won't mind if I steal it. Oh wait, they only "borrowed" it, so that's okay...
It's the most back-handed complement a writer could give: I love your work so much, I'm sure you won't mind if I steal it. Oh wait, they only "borrowed" it, so that's okay...
Without even naming the author or the story they're "borrowing" from. Bit disappointing that it got through moderation with such a blatant admission in the first paragraph.