How do people here feel about step incest?


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
Not sure this is the right place to post as this is not really an idea, but a question. However, I don't feel like hearing any crap from some of the high and mighties over in the AH.

I was wondering how well step incest stories do here? Many places don't allow incest so being that lit does I would think "step" may not do well here.

My own personal opinion is that its "incest light" and It does nothing for me.

However I am now publishing on amazon. Amazon does not allow real incest, but step mom/dad stories make killings over there.

I have a bunch written and a couple I have converted to "real incest" for lit.

But I have some that the way the premise and story goes it really couldn't be switched over so I was thinking of posting a couple on lit, but don;t feel like being trolled.

So curious as to people's thoughts opinions on it.
Personally speaking, step incest is my favorite kind because it is still socially taboo but with fewer legal implications and next to no biological ones (i.e. no deformed babies). I think "incest light" isn't necessarily correct because step siblings can feel just as related to each other as biological ones would.
well, it features in a number of my stories... most of which have done quite well :D
Incest is one of the most popular story types around. I can take it or leave it personally but there is no denying the numbers.
While I like incest stories, I'm particularly drawn to step-incest - I had two very sexy stepsisters and a boxum blonde stepmom who regularly danced around nude in my imagination. I have one story but haven't posted it yet as there is an age issue...
I think its comes down to what the person wants from the category.

Some people want the no holds barred taboo so full siblings, lust, shades of reluctance, etc.

Others want touchie feely love stories where two deeply connected people overcome "odds" to be together.

As far as voting goes, most of the toplist seems romance heavy so if you can craft a deep connection as steps, youd be fine. (I think the romance needs to overcome some great odds so if you can make the odds great, the relationship can be non genetic)

And I doubt you would be trolled heavily as long as step was spelled out up front. If you bait and switch, yeah, flame suit on. If its just done as steps from the start, it feels like it would be fine.

Re: Incest lite. Understand the concept but never really got it really. I think the category is so frequented because it can serve so many needs (hardcore taboo to romeo and julliet romancers) As long as you chose one or the other path and stick to it, a following you shall receive. Especially you.
It gets received well enough. I've only toyed with it once (stepdaughter/stepmom) and the complaints I received were related to everything but it being incest-light, I've also rp-ed with it and had a lot of fun.

When it comes to writing it, I actually have more fun since, in my opinion, there's a lot more options. You can write it as a typical incest story by having them know each other from when one or both of them were young kids, you can play with the fact that more than one family is involved (maybe the story is about a guy who lives with his mom most of the week but goes to live with his dad and his cute stepsister).

You can also play on the stress of a divorce, maybe a son or daughter thinks their new step parent stole their mom/dad and can let that frustration mix with the stress of being around someone that they're attracted (the step parent or one of their new siblings) to but feel like they should hate, leading to them to explode one day and fuck them like crazy.

You can also do stories that play on the awkwardness of the situation. Maybe a boy's been living alone with his dad and is a bit lonely till one day his dad ties the knot with a girlfriend he never told him about and brings her and her daughter home. Suddenly the dank house hold is filled with a lot more laughter and the uptight son has to deal with his stepmom and stepsis who see nothing wrong with wearing their underwear around the house or sunbathing in the nude.

Or maybe a kid (12-14 at the start of the story) has a crush on a girl in his class and is about to ask her out/to a dance when suddenly she's at his house with her mom, planning his father's wedding. The kid feels really awkward since the girl he likes warms up to him really quick and considers him her brother. He then has to grow up in a house, watching her grow over the years into a woman, go on dates, and even hear her having sex one night, all the while he is carrying a torch for her.

In the short, I actually like it quite a bit.
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For what it's worth, this is the cliffhanger ending in Showtime's Dexter and will probably be played heavily. Might be a moneymaker for you.
I don't know. In general I prefer full incest. Well, maybe if they have grown up together since a very young age, then step incest would be also hot.

But imagine, you are aged 17 and your mother marries a guy with a 17 year old daughter. They both move in. Now think about it: Following Lit rules, they could have sex at 18. Now, 1 year is not that much to get a deep bounding amongst step siblings ...

But imagine, they are both like 3 years old, so they live together for 15 years - almost their entire life ...
Having discovered my dad's Penthouse and Hustler magazine collection in his bedside table, I raided it often stealing one of the magazines to take down to my basement bedroom. One day I kept it too long and my dad and stepmom had returned from work before I could return it and got busted when my dad noticed it missing. I was grounded for a week for invading his privacy!

The next day after school, my younger stepsister came down to my room to find out why I wasn't out with my friends and I told her I was grounded. When she asked why, I hummed and hawed and then confessed to my dirty deed. She also admited to having read them too. She then went upstairs and brought one down with her and we sat on my bed reading the forum letters...
I don't know. In general I prefer full incest. Well, maybe if they have grown up together since a very young age, then step incest would be also hot.

But imagine, you are aged 17 and your mother marries a guy with a 17 year old daughter. They both move in. Now think about it: Following Lit rules, they could have sex at 18. Now, 1 year is not that much to get a deep bounding amongst step siblings ...

But imagine, they are both like 3 years old, so they live together for 15 years - almost their entire life ...

I certainly understand the difference here.

My personal incest kink came frm my foster sister being my first lover. We were brought together at 12/10(she was older) and 4 years later we became lovers. leading up to that we called each other brother sister so there was a sense of taboo(other than our age and sneaking around behind the foster parents backs)
Thanks for the input everyone. Seems they are accepted okay.

The other thing I am taking into account is my "reputation" as I currently have over 50 "real" incest stories to my credit so going light so to speak may irk the regulars.

Maybe I'll do them under a new name.
As having both a step and a full biological sister (Never touched either of them preverts(You know who you are)) I would much rather have sex with my stepsister over my real sister

I dated my stepsister for two years. Our parents started dated when I was 2o and she 19. We were dating before they got married and we never lived together as brother and sister. If we would have though as teenagers, with hormones raging and not being related, stuff would have happened. My little sister was a nerd and so were her friends. I still slept with 25% of the girls who spent the night.
Taboo sex is always fun.