How do I...


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
How do I tell my niece and nephew that I don't want them two bring in to adorable puppies in to my home because I know they have flees without hurting their feelings? I have my puppy to worry about.
Oh my god I can't take it. I feel so.... argh!
Why not just tell them the truth and then teach them how to keep their puppies flea free, too?
J.B. said:
How do I tell my niece and nephew that I don't want them two bring in to adorable puppies in to my home because I know they have flees without hurting their feelings? I have my puppy to worry about.
Oh my god I can't take it. I feel so.... argh!

Sounds like a flea bath is in order.......:)
Oh no!

Take it from someone who suffered with those critters hopping and biting all summer long.. keep them out!

Why not help the kids bathe their dogs in flea shampoo and introduce them to flea medicine so that they'll get rid of them. Explain how horrible it can be if they get into your home.. I doubt they'd want your puppy to catch them or to be digging at themselves whenever they happen to pay a visit. Tell them then after their dogs have been rid of the pesky varmits they may enter into your home.
Because they refuse to admit that they do have them. You have to understand these kids they’re … what’s the word? Spoiled, yet not. I love them don’t get me wrong, but you say something even the slightest bit wrong and oh no you’ve just insulted them and they’ll never speak to you again. And honestly this isn’t something that really bothers me they get over it or they don’t but I don’t want it to come across as snobbieness you know?
I don’t know I’m going to go nuts in a sec
april-wine said:
Sounds like a flea bath is in order.......:)
too young not even 5 weeks old
Maybe you could "lie" a bit - lol - and tell them your vet said your puppy has an illness of some sort.

They won't want their own puppies to get sick - so - they can stay in the garage (or home!)
3 and 8
they're out thank god.
I was having heart failer I just couldn't take it. My pup's a long hair. I can't have her suffering.
Get a flea comb and show them how to use it. They'll see the fleas and start the de-fleaing process at the same time.

The other thing might be keeping the dogs in the garage or some other "safe" place when they visit.
Give him one of those new applicators that kill fleas and ticks. Just rub it on the back between the shoulder blades.
I'm getting some flee prevention stuff tomorrow. ech. I got so grossed out at the thought of those things in here.
bknight2602 said:
Give him one of those new applicators that kill fleas and ticks. Just rub it on the back between the shoulder blades.

Be careful with that....there's a brand that has had life threatening neurological side effects that are not listed on the label.
Let the parents deal with telling the kids. Parents don't take enough responsibility for there children or teach them respect for other peoples property. That is why you have so many screwed up people today. I used to get my ass blistered and hey, look how I turned out ;)
J.B. said:
Because they refuse to admit that they do have them. You have to understand these kids they’re … what’s the word? Spoiled, yet not. I love them don’t get me wrong, but you say something even the slightest bit wrong and oh no you’ve just insulted them and they’ll never speak to you again. And honestly this isn’t something that really bothers me they get over it or they don’t but I don’t want it to come across as snobbieness you know?
I don’t know I’m going to go nuts in a sec too young not even 5 weeks old

They're spoiled, maybe its time someone starts to unspoil them. My nephew was a spoiled little brat. My sister and nephew came down to visit a few years back, and he didn't get what he wanted on something and was whining about it. I just looked at him and told him 'That's life, it isn't always fair, live with it.' My sister's jaw almost hit the floor. No one talks to her baby like that. But guess what, he is never a spoiled brat when he comes here to visit anymore. Plus my sister is finally reeling him back and he is turning out fine.
You can get Advantage from PetSmart or PetCo.. (maybe even your local Pet store) for a reasonable price. It can be used as young as 7 weeks. (You might talk to the vet.. mine had me using it on my 6 week old puppy because she was infested with fleas and ticks. I had rescued her from a horrible home/puppy mill).

Why do the kids have a 5 week old puppy anyway? Isn't that a little young to be away from it's mom?
nimbus9 said:
I used to get my ass blistered and hey, look how I turned out ;)

so did I.... and look at us now, we're posting semi-regularly on a porn board. kids these days ;)
They live right next door to us and the mom’s very close by. it's not like they came all the way accross town with momless babies
Ahh.. Ok.

I see now. I assumed they were visiting from far away.

If they live next door.. just explain to them that you don't want fleas in your house. They need to leave the puppy home.

Somebody has to teach them they don't always get their way. And as hard as it is.. that somebody (in this case) is you.

Tell them if they can get the puppy/ies flea free.. then they are welcome to bring them to your house.

Explain that fleas are bad for dogs, cats and people. They are old enough to learn that.. and hopefully their mom will help to teach them how to care for the dogs.

Mine go in monthly for a day at the "spa". Bathed, nails clipped, groomed and de-flead (with Advantage). For 2 dogs it's around $50. It's well worth the money, I think.
Five weeks is awefully young to use chemicals on, imho.

And if they aren't weaned, which they shouldn't be, they're going to get flees right back from their mom if she's not de-fleed.
weed said:
Be careful with that....there's a brand that has had life threatening neurological side effects that are not listed on the label.

What is it, I have three dogs, and so far nothing has happened?
Freaky mine goes too. I just can't trim her nails myself so I figure I may as well pay a little extra and get her cleaned up.

weed: you're right they have been bathed and combed through, but that really doesn't help. I've begged them to take them all mom, dad & pups to the vet, but they don't I've even gone as far as giving them the card of my vet and offering to take tem my self and nothing.
bknight2602 said:
What is it, I have three dogs, and so far nothing has happened?

I'm not sure (a Hartz product??? but don't quote me) but a family member used it and it almost killed her cat.

Something you use a drop on the back of their neck.

The vet was familiar with it and called the company at fault. The company took total responsibility and covered the vet's bills.

Still....the vet and the company knew it as an affect but no warning on the label.:rolleyes: