How did you do on your SATs and ACTs?


Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
I was just talking the other day to my friends about our standardized test scores. Its kind of an intresting fact to have around. So what were your scores? I guess we get to find out who the smart people are now.

ACT: 28
SAT: 1160
It's another test just like the ACT. It is a standardized test high school students have to take to test their apptitude and rediness for college.
Lazarus1280 said:
It's another test just like the ACT. It is a standardized test high school students have to take to test their apptitude and rediness for college.

The same math and english testing?
Then why not just have the SAT?
I only took the SAT because my guidance counselor told me the ACT wasn't necessary.

I scored 1210 the first time, the second I scored 1160....this confused me.
Been awhile since I took these (about 10 years ago, lol), but I snagged a 29 on ACT. Only took the pre-SAT.

The difference is not usually so much the college, as the state. In Michigan for example, ACT is what you are required to take to get into a 4 year university, while what I was told back in 93 when I took these, that if I planned to attend college out of state, about 85% of them required the SAT as opposed to the ACT. Can't recall my pre-SAT score, since it never came up as being important (as I stayed in-state)
My what?

Seriously, I don't recall if I even took a SAT - that was over 30 years ago.
The only one of my scores I remember is the ACT. It was a 32. I would have done better but the 31 in math screwed me.
Johnny Mayberry said:

How old were you when you took it?

Sixteen, I think. How old were you when you took it for that score? Ten? :p ;)
Man, I remember back in the days when this stuff was actually important. Now, I can't even put it on a resume. Pfft.
Pyper said:
Man, I remember back in the days when this stuff was actually important. Now, I can't even put it on a resume. Pfft.

That goes for your gpa as well. It's all about the smile.
I only took the SAT. In fact, I only know a few people who actually bothered with the ACT. My SAT score was 1530.