How comfortable are you around ppl who smoke pot?

I didn't smoke pot until second year university. All my friends always did. And I just figured... well, it stinks, and it's bad for them, so I would stay inside, and make drinks or something, while they were outside smoking.

It doesn't bother me much, except that it really just STINKS.
You can easily stay away from it, or better yet if your friends have a little respect they won't do it around you. The only thing that you should be concerned about is if you had to ride with one of your friends and they were lit. Of course watch out for the stoned skiers barrelling down the hill.
Yeah, those crazy hopped-teenagers can be a real drag...

FACT: Did you know that a Marijuana cloud is smoke that has drifted all the way up from hell?





Marijuana is a vicious racket with it's arms around your children!!! IT MUST BE STOPPED.
nitelite33 said:
Or some dude slobbers all over the tip...

nonono... a chick's lipstick or lipgloss on the tip is what pisses me off.

I generally prefer to use a pipe, though.
pot smoking

I do not hang around with anybody that smokes pot or uses any drugs. Drug use is going to destroy this country. Almost all crime is drug related. It is scary that some people see nothing wrong with using drugs. It's bad enough that we have tobacco and alcohol much less pot and other drugs.
I tried pot a total of three times and it never really caught my interest. However, I think it really depends on the behavior the person when they're under the influence of pot. Some of my friends, who smoke pot, I could sit around all day with having the most interesting conversations and others, well, they act like children. Those are the ones I tend to avoid when they choose to smoke up.
I won't suffer the presence of smokers, be it weed or cigarettes. Both smell like stir-fried shit. However, assuming that I wouldn't have to smell it, I'd rather be in the company of a toker than a smoker. Cigarette smokers carry that foul stench around even when they aren't sucking on a fag.
I dislike it when people just smoke cigarettes around me, let alone pot. I don't like the smell. However I have learned to null my sense of smell to it and those who know me are usually considerate to try and keep their smoke away from me.

The Earl
Pot smokers

As a teacher in the public schools I have some first hand knowledge about the effects of regular pot use. I know that the pot users and other drug users won't agree with me but this is what I have observed. First students that smoke on a regular basis show a drop in their grades. Second, heavy use leads to harder more dangerous drug use. Third, drug use effects the users perception of the world around them to the point they do not know they are destroying themselves. These actions take such a toll on the families of the users. The thought is "it's just pot", but it is my experience it leads to much more. Alcohol use is much the same. Kids who drink tend to drink too much and have often killed themselves in the process. Drugs and alcohol use amoung teens is so destructive. I do not understand why this continues when so many kids have lost friends to drug and alcohol.
It depends on what the situation is and who it is that's smoking it. There have been times when people have smoked around me and I don't care, and then there have been otehr times when it's made me as uncomfortable as hell.
Part of teh problem for me is the setting. If we were in a cabin in the woods, and there was plenty of ventilation, it wouldn't bug me. If it is an apartment, it will be enclosed, and I don't like it.
This is my first post so I thought it may as well be about something I'm really good at. ;)

I smoke a fair bit of weed, I love it. I have as many friends that don't smoke as ones that do. If we are all together, the smokers go out and do thier thing and the others stay inside and drink. It's never been a big deal.

I would never push any sort of drug on another person, I'm very respectful of peoples limitations. But at the same time, I just get so sick and tired of non-smokers thinking all potheads are miserable failures. Some of the most successful people I know smoke weed on a regular baisis.

We all have to choose what is right and wrong for us, but how will you ever know what is right and wrong for you if you don't try it or at least read some valid material about it.

Read, open your mind, listen less to what people tell you and figure things out for yourself.
With regards to weed...

I'm not gonna convince any of you anyway, but let me suggest this...

99% percent of information regarding ‘dangerous’ Marijuana use stems from a 120 year old agenda to destroy the hemp trade.

Of the posts on this page, I respect Earl's opinion most because he is speaking from experience.

However Earl, I would argue that different people can handle and enjoy MJ with a different capacity then others, and generalizations should be avoided about its blanket 'destructive use'.

Their physical growth is incomplete, as is their tolerance for any pharmacopia be it weed or booze.

Furthermore, using adolescents as the model for your opinion also destroys the credibility of your conclusion somewhat. If you meant to say “Marijuana use is dangerous and destructive among adolescents”, I would wholeheartedly agree with you.

But the weed has been around much longer then the modern prudery that condemns it today, and to my knowledge, no civilization has been destroyed by its use…

The Egyptians did ok with it in fact.
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Re: Pot smokers

Earl said:
As a teacher in the public schools I have some first hand knowledge about the effects of regular pot use. I know that the pot users and other drug users won't agree with me but this is what I have observed. First students that smoke on a regular basis show a drop in their grades. Second, heavy use leads to harder more dangerous drug use. Third, drug use effects the users perception of the world around them to the point they do not know they are destroying themselves. These actions take such a toll on the families of the users. The thought is "it's just pot", but it is my experience it leads to much more. Alcohol use is much the same. Kids who drink tend to drink too much and have often killed themselves in the process. Drugs and alcohol use amoung teens is so destructive. I do not understand why this continues when so many kids have lost friends to drug and alcohol.

I teach also...and think the biggest drug problem by far is BOOZE.

Some of the brightest kids I know puff herb...

They just dont do it nonstop, every day, lets get fucked up out of our brains, like the jock and preppy drinking crowd does...

not condoning, just have seen it for a long time...

who wouldja rather hang with, a bunch of drunks, or stoners...

if ya had to choose...