How can anyone feel good about voting for Herschel Walker?


Literotica Guru
Oct 11, 2011
I get Republicans vote red regardless because they want to "own the libs," but how can any of them say Walker is a great candidate and do it with a straight face.

"Cain killed Abel and that's a problem that we have. What we need to do is look into how we can stop those things. You know, you talked about doing a disinformation -- what about getting a department that can look at young men that's looking at women that's looking at their social media. What about doing that? Looking into things like that and we can stop that that way. But yet they want to just continue to talk about taking away your constitutional rights. And I think there's more things we need to look into. This has been happening for years and the way we stop it is putting money into the mental health field, by putting money into other departments rather than departments that want to take away your rights."

You guys actually feel good about this guy sitting in a senate seat?
Walker is an ignorant loon.
So is every republican according to you! But who here gives a fuck about what you think? The people of this country will vote according to what they believe in! Fortunately for the left, they are fucked and deservingly so! You would of thought that the clown that got 81,000,000 votes, would be getting a few more votes for his side and this country would be all demonrats!
So is every republican according to you! But who here gives a fuck about what you think? The people of this country will vote according to what they believe in! Fortunately for the left, they are fucked and deservingly so! You would of thought that the clown that got 81,000,000 votes, would be getting a few more votes for his side and this country would be all demonrats!
Actually, I don't believe that every Republican is an ignorant loon, but thanks for the ascription.

Maybe you can help Walker understand why apes exist.
Unlike the Marxist Raphael Warnock, Walker is a patriot with a good heart who will do the right thing for his country.
See, folks? It's always just this easy whenever there's an "R" next to the name.

no critical thinking, no assessment of the third-grader logic in Walker's statement...just whatever a "patriot" means this day ending in "y" and having a good heart will make everything lollipops and unicorns.

He'll learn the job as he goes along if you give him a chance. You know, the very same attitude they had with Obama.

Haven't we learned by now, that electing a celebrity with no government experience to national office is a bad idea?

A celebrity who wants to get into politics should start with the state legislature or mayor of a town or something.
the more extreme these people are, the less less-maga/regular republicans will be turned off by them. the herschels and greenes and ozs are manna from heaven if dems play their cards right.
Haven't we learned by now, that electing a celebrity with no government experience to national office is a bad idea?

A celebrity who wants to get into politics should start with the state legislature or mayor of a town or something.

A dumbass in a legislative job isn't nearly as harmful as making one the president.

Also, I've pointed this out before, but for all that conservatives bitch and moan about "shut up and sing" and entertainers who favor Democrats, it's pretty obvious which side of American politics is more likely to vote for people whose qualifications amount to "he's famous."

I get Republicans vote red regardless because they want to "own the libs,"

That's literally the entirety of the answer.

I'm actually surprised that Georgia Republicans more or less cleared the field for Walker, because I don't think he's a very good candidate. He's spent most of his adult life outside the state, he has a history of erratic personal behavior, and he's a proven liar. The apparent advanced case of CTE he's dealing with is just icing on the cake.
Since I never heard of him, I don't feel anything about voting for him. OP could have at least noted his home state. This thread gets around to that in the 13th post. The other party's nomination is apparently a nobody.
Since I never heard of him, I don't feel anything about voting for him. OP could have at least noted his home state. This thread gets around to that in the 13th post. The other party's nomination is apparently a nobody.
do you live under a rock? :unsure:
Since I never heard of him, I don't feel anything about voting for him. OP could have at least noted his home state. This thread gets around to that in the 13th post. The other party's nomination is apparently a nobody.
Warnock is a nobody?
Of course it is mostly harmless to fill a Senate seat with an idiot. He won't accomplish anything, but he'll reliably vote with his party caucus -- he won't do any other damage.
Walker was an athlete and has done some reality shows. Warnock is the incumbent and a pastor. Eeny meeny miney moe, pick the one with the best bullshit flow.
You guys actually feel good about this guy sitting in a senate seat?
He'd be a dependable vote against gun control, against a woman's right to make up her own mind, and for tax cuts for the rich. So yes, they do feel good about it. Also keep in mind that most Republicans actively hate government and don't want it to work right, so electing a moron like him is a net positive!
One of the all time great college players running in his home state.
Not much more needs to be said. Dude was a lock from the get go.
This thread is funny to me. You've got comments from the left Dems that talk about a Republican being a known liar and how he'll get nothing done as far as legislature and that he'll just be a seat filler with a locked in vote for the Right.
Did you think about what you wrote before during or afterwards? Because you described the whole Democratic representative bunch perfectly.
I also love how it always turns personal and how you Democrats let your feelings and your emotions get in the way of rational, clear thinking.
Now, Republicans are not much better. Because if any of them had any real balls we as individuals and as a country wouldn't be in the shit situation(s) we are in.
Both parties are one in the same. They want to fuck us as deep and hard as possible while they take away our rights and steal our paychecks. It's the same or worse than what we went to war against England for.
We need to stop letting politicians and media continue to have us fight amongst ourselves as a distraction to keep us from looking closer at them. We need to understand that we want mostly the same things and that together we can take this country back from these lying thieves who want power and money and don't want us to have anything.
This thread is funny to me. You've got comments from the left Dems that talk about a Republican being a known liar and how he'll get nothing done as far as legislature and that he'll just be a seat filler with a locked in vote for the Right.
Did you think about what you wrote before during or afterwards? Because you described the whole Democratic representative bunch perfectly.
I also love how it always turns personal and how you Democrats let your feelings and your emotions get in the way of rational, clear thinking.
Now, Republicans are not much better. Because if any of them had any real balls we as individuals and as a country wouldn't be in the shit situation(s) we are in.
Both parties are one in the same. They want to fuck us as deep and hard as possible while they take away our rights and steal our paychecks. It's the same or worse than what we went to war against England for.
We need to stop letting politicians and media continue to have us fight amongst ourselves as a distraction to keep us from looking closer at them. We need to understand that we want mostly the same things and that together we can take this country back from these lying thieves who want power and money and don't want us to have anything.
There's an old saying that is something like "if you have to tell people you're a Christian then you probably arent."
The same could be said for internet usernames.
There's an old saying that is something like "if you have to tell people you're a Christian then you probably arent."
The same could be said for internet usernames.
And what did I write about losers getting personal? Always when they have no real argument against what someone says that is truthful, they go to name calling and shaming. Every time without fail.