How average are you? Length, of course...


Dying Truth seeker
Jul 3, 2002
From Yahoo News:

British men typically have bigger penises than their French counterparts but are less well endowed than Germans, a new study has suggested.

The average penis size for a British man is apparently 5.5in when erect - larger than the French at 5.3in, Australians (5.2in), Americans (5.1in) and Irish (5in).

Men from Africa's Republic of Congo are best equipped with an average penis length of 7.1in, while the average manhood in North and South Korea measures in at a mere 3.8in, the research claims.

The research published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences claims Ecuadorian men are among those with the largest penises, with an average length of 7in. They are followed by Ghanaians at 6.8in and Colombians at 6.7in.

British men rank 78th out of 113 nationalities in the table of average penis lengths, according to the study.

In Europe, Icelanders are the best endowed at 6.5in and the Irish are the second smallest at 5.03in - behind Romanians at 5.01in. British men come in just under the Germans, who are in line with the European average of 5.7in.

Africans have the biggest penises with an average of 6.3in, while north-east Asians the smallest at 4.2in, the study claims.

Research author Mr Lynn said that the findings confirm previous theories of "race differences in penis length". He concludes: "For most of these populations, penis lengths are predictable and confirmed."

But critics argue that Mr Lynn's research is flawed because he has gathered data on penis length from websites.

Jelte Wicherts, professor of methodology at Tilburg University, Holland, told the Telegraph: "This is a brave paper in a controversial area but the data has no methodology."
I'd say that any research based on a self measuring internet poll is probably flawed.

Cos I've only ever met one Aussie under the six inch mark.

And since his penis was freakishly small ( about 2 inches long and 1/2 inch thick fully erect) I tend to discount him as an abberation.

Although I will mention that most of the Asian men I've slept with had quite small penises.
I wonder if I'm Irish or British for the purposes of the survey? Or to put it another way, am I pulling the national average up, or pulling the national average ... up?
Well I have a 7 3/4 inch penis when erect (I round up to 8 inches of course). I am Italian, German, and Irish.:D
I said it in another post but in case you are following one - just a long day. Chores and what not. Need to relax.
From Yahoo News:

British men typically have bigger penises than their French counterparts but are less well endowed than Germans, a new study has suggested.

The average penis size for a British man is apparently 5.5in when erect - larger than the French at 5.3in, Australians (5.2in), Americans (5.1in) and Irish (5in).

Men from Africa's Republic of Congo are best equipped with an average penis length of 7.1in, while the average manhood in North and South Korea measures in at a mere 3.8in, the research claims.

The research published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences claims Ecuadorian men are among those with the largest penises, with an average length of 7in. They are followed by Ghanaians at 6.8in and Colombians at 6.7in.

British men rank 78th out of 113 nationalities in the table of average penis lengths, according to the study.

In Europe, Icelanders are the best endowed at 6.5in and the Irish are the second smallest at 5.03in - behind Romanians at 5.01in. British men come in just under the Germans, who are in line with the European average of 5.7in.

Africans have the biggest penises with an average of 6.3in, while north-east Asians the smallest at 4.2in, the study claims.

Research author Mr Lynn said that the findings confirm previous theories of "race differences in penis length". He concludes: "For most of these populations, penis lengths are predictable and confirmed."

But critics argue that Mr Lynn's research is flawed because he has gathered data on penis length from websites.

Jelte Wicherts, professor of methodology at Tilburg University, Holland, told the Telegraph: "This is a brave paper in a controversial area but the data has no methodology."


Long-time, no see... much. The thing about this study that makes it so hard to buy is that American penises are a different length than the others, when genetically, we predominately come from the otherwise mentioned countries... Very few American Indians; and everyone else is imported. Doesn't help that the 'Net helped out at all, either...

United States.
About seven inches.
Can be over if I'm really aroused.

Though I will say the legitimacy of this survey is up in the air.
A few years back an Australian journalist produced a similar article based on self measured "data."

The following week the same "data" was used in another article to prove that worlds greatest liars were in exactly the same order.:D
From Yahoo News:

British men typically have bigger penises than their French counterparts but are less well endowed than Germans, a new study has suggested.

The average penis size for a British man is apparently 5.5in when erect - larger than the French at 5.3in, Australians (5.2in), Americans (5.1in) and Irish (5in).

Men from Africa's Republic of Congo are best equipped with an average penis length of 7.1in, while the average manhood in North and South Korea measures in at a mere 3.8in, the research claims.

The research published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences claims Ecuadorian men are among those with the largest penises, with an average length of 7in. They are followed by Ghanaians at 6.8in and Colombians at 6.7in.

British men rank 78th out of 113 nationalities in the table of average penis lengths, according to the study.

In Europe, Icelanders are the best endowed at 6.5in and the Irish are the second smallest at 5.03in - behind Romanians at 5.01in. British men come in just under the Germans, who are in line with the European average of 5.7in.

Africans have the biggest penises with an average of 6.3in, while north-east Asians the smallest at 4.2in, the study claims.

Research author Mr Lynn said that the findings confirm previous theories of "race differences in penis length". He concludes: "For most of these populations, penis lengths are predictable and confirmed."

But critics argue that Mr Lynn's research is flawed because he has gathered data on penis length from websites.

Jelte Wicherts, professor of methodology at Tilburg University, Holland, told the Telegraph: "This is a brave paper in a controversial area but the data has no methodology."

i've always thought i'm 100% mexican but apparently i've a little congo in my lineage ;)
11 inches. That's just my estimate though, I've never actually measured.
My man is from New Zealand, and although I don't know his exact measurements, I do know he's the only man I've ever gagged on :cool:
And I've had a few to compare over the years.
It's not so much the length, although that is impressive..... it's the unbelievable thickness!

Hmmmm... Maybe I should whip out the tapemeasure when I see him next ;)
I am longer than the average male
I've had ONLY one women complain, a size queen:

The first, in college, said my wallet wasn't big enough
Well I guess the reseachers now have more internet sizes to go on, the guys with small penises and woman who date small penises must not yet have seen the thread to add their reports :rolleyes: