How are you?


May 3, 2002
Yes you!

How's life treating you?
What's new?
What's old?
Got any good gossip? How about any bad gossip?
Hurt my neck.
Hate my job.
Not getting any.
Wish I were dead.

Otherwise, things are fine.
Thanks for asking.

How's life treating you? life is treating me shitty, in return I am treating myself damn good to make up for it
What's new? ME
What's old? me *sigh*
Got any good gossip? I heard that him and her did you know what and so and so saw How about any bad gossip? Not that I am aware of
Same old, same old...

Bills are due...
Cars acting up...
Jobs a bitch....
Love life sucks...

But you know me... I can't complain. :D

Hiya CG
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awww sorry to hear it shaft *hugs*

We gotta treat ourselfs well MzJones, who knows better?

Ice *pounce* I haven't seen you in ages. I say blow off the bills, kill the boss, and scrap the car. As for the love life thing... well I'm going back to MzJones... treating yourself well is always a good thing. ;)
Hi! I am fair to middling. But, if I lived in Texas, then I would be fair to Midland! :)

Since my plans got canceled, I decided to treat myself to a manicure and pedicure earlier. My fingers and toes are lusciously lickable in creamy mauve.

And, if it is possible, I think I am ODing on fresh, ripe, juicy strawberries tonight! Yum.

Hi girly and emoodie!
You always have the best *POUNCE* :D

Glad to see you round and about.
cybergirly1989 said:
Getting laid is she? That's good to know.

Bad? I don't think she's bad. :)

You dont think she's bad?

You havent heard about the dead plucked duck, and her nightly touching of felt
Ice Cold said:
You always have the best *POUNCE* :D

Glad to see you round and about.

Glad to be round and about... It's been a crazy month, have had no chance (or desire for that matter) to get online.

Muffeffigy that's because she just can't resist the feel of felt.

And the duck ain't dead, just tied to the bed.
cybergirly1989 said:
Yes you!

How's life treating you?
What's new?
What's old?
Got any good gossip? How about any bad gossip?

Hi there you! have not seen you in ages! :)

Life is fan-fucking-tastic since i have just gotten engaged to the most wonderful and beautiful woman.

Right now I am busy telling people who need to know and enjoying myself immensly while i look forward to returning to her loving embrace.

Time cannot pass fast enough right now, but I know the future will be be sensational so its hard to be sad while missing her.
