How are chapters separated?


Adult Fantasy Writer
Jun 15, 2023
If I wanted to make a series of books, but wanted to do like this: book 1, pt 1. How would I go about doing that? Do I just put that in the title for the work or is there some other way?
Yes, put the book and part/Ch # in the title, at the end of the title line.

The system will auto group them.

Alternatively, you can create a manual series in your control panel and group them yourself.
Yes, put the book and part/Ch # in the title, at the end of the title line.

The system will auto group them.

Alternatively, you can create a manual series in your control panel and group them yourself.
Thanks so much!
Yes, put the book and part/Ch # in the title, at the end of the title line.

The system will auto group them.

Alternatively, you can create a manual series in your control panel and group them yourself.
How do you group them yourself? I tried selecting create new series and entering in the series title, but nothing happened and it wouldn't save.