Housewife and dirty old man sex stories.

I have a neighbour who is gorgeous... slightly better "padded" than most with a stunning pair of breasts. .. who will be doing a photoshoot with her husband. My fantasy eould be for it to get very raunchy and end up with her impaled on me while she has her husband in her mouth...
Any help??
Housewife ran into a dirty old man stories ideas.
We used to have a neighbor, a widower, who was ex-military, very handy and in good shape. He would help fix things around the house while I was out. He never accepted money, but we could gift him things, invite him to dinner etc.

I would try to encourage my wife to dress extra cute/sexy when he was over to give the guy a bit of a thrill. We occasionally discussed her seducing him and what that would look like.

Always found that hot.
I'm a dirty old man. Hmmm... Ray and his pretty wife Nancy had moved into the house next door late spring. Nice friendly couple and was glad to see someone take interest in the place. It needed sprucing up - not that it was an eyesore but the older lady who lived in it (older than me that is!) fell one night and got whisked away to the old folks home by her kids. The inside of the place hadn't seen much done to it since the 80's was my guess. Anyway Ray especially liked that I had experience with the gazillion DIY things that needs be done by a home owner as he'd none. So he - and a lot of times Nancy - would invite me over as they went over their plans for the place. I sorta wondered though if Ray was going to stick to their plans. He seemed to be into a lot of things. Had a lot of buddies.

And after a couple of months I noticed Ray wouldn't be around on Sundays. Then it got to be both Saturday and Sunday. I started helping Nancy out with things - the girl didn't have a clue about painting for example. Neither did Ray. So I started spending a lot of my weekends with her, going over the basics at first. She was a good learner. And attractive. I guess Ray didn't feel threatened by an old geezer helping out his pretty wife - he probably felt relieved. He shouldn't have. Nancy and I developed a friendship - which sometimes led to flirting while we were alone.

August got hot. And their AC broke down. Nancy started wearing a tight pair of old denim Daisy Dukes and a thin spaghetti strapped top - no bra of course. I had sort of mentioned something to her about it and she just grinned - said she didn't mind. I sort of knew she wasn't happy with her hubby taking off all the time. By mid morning it'd be plastered to her body due to sweat. Anyway she and I had started doing some tile work in their en suite off the master bedroom. Close quarters. Real close. I was wearing pretty much the same thing - carpenter shorts and T shirt. We'd finished the last tile in the shower stall - stood back to admire our work. I put my arm around her shoulders - not really meaning anything about it - and next thing I new I had an armful of a lush younger woman pressed hard against me, her lips against mine and her tongue...
Okay this is a very BTB idea.
Husband and wife are on a weekend road trip. The have stopped at a roadside cafe/truck stop. He's suspected for a while that she's been cheating and this trip was planned in the hopes of making things good between them again. While she's in the ladies room her phone chimes and he unlocks it and reads the text, which confirms all his suspicions completely.

When she comes out of the bathroom there's only a note on the table with the bill.


Husband is gone taking her phone and purse. How she gets home across six states from a truck stop is left to your imagination, but plenty of dirty old men are involved I'm sure.
Maybe a sexy younger neighbor married lady who helps the older guy out by cleaning his house once a week, but on his birthday, she gives him a blowjob birthday present?
I have a similar incomplete story in my files. An older man is downsizing his house to move into a 55+ community. A young housewife neighbor or from church offers to help him sort and get rid of his possessions. As they work they get closer and he gets bolder.

After he moves into the new place, they continue seeing each other and he or she offers her services to other men in the community.
I have a similar incomplete story in my files. An older man is downsizing his house to move into a 55+ community. A young housewife neighbor or from church offers to help him sort and get rid of his possessions. As they work they get closer and he gets bolder.

After he moves into the new place, they continue seeing each other and he or she offers her services to other men in the community.
This is a great idea! I kind of like the progression and boldness as she opens to him about life and such. They help each other. The real physical doesn't happen until he is on his new place. (Not sure I buy the rest of the community.....yet....)
Okay this is a very BTB idea.
Husband and wife are on a weekend road trip. The have stopped at a roadside cafe/truck stop. He's suspected for a while that she's been cheating and this trip was planned in the hopes of making things good between them again. While she's in the ladies room her phone chimes and he unlocks it and reads the text, which confirms all his suspicions completely.

When she comes out of the bathroom there's only a note on the table with the bill.


Husband is gone taking her phone and purse. How she gets home across six states from a truck stop is left to your imagination, but plenty of dirty old men are involved I'm sure.
I like it. Has a lot of elements - all which will go so very wrong of course at the end. Hubby probably can't cut off her credit card until he gets home so she buys a pre-paid phone at the truck stop and pulls out some cash figuring the card is gonna die within the next day or so.

Then goes the full 'fuck him' mode. Hits on some drivers until she gets a ride - oh hell let's make it a hubby wife team who are always on the prowl for some bi sex girl to give whoever is in the sleeper cab a good time. Along the way she gets introduced to Amateur Night at the Pole Cat Club - then a series of Glory Holes - and of course the couple decide to pimp her out at various rest stops along their route.

Of course she doesn't exactly get home this way - but hey! Adventures! In the mean time hubby has tried to shack up with his wife's sister - a obsessive compulsive who's a bit too much into making sure her digestive tract is as free of the 'evils of man and his insidious tendencies of corrupting all of Gaia'. She insists on his taking at least one coffee enema - after which he tries to break it off with her. Oh no. She's out to save him. Damn. Got the title already. The Saga of Lucile. Oh yes.
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So tell us one. This dirty old man wants to hear it.
Just a teasers

A couple moves to a neighborhood where a dirty old man has a small grocery store. The young housewife, out of pity for the old man, constantly buys some products only from his grocery store. She enjoys talking to him; he competently uses her ears for his dirty plans.
And now she is already jealous of him when he stares at another customer's ass.
Soon she is already going there without her panties, because the old man likes it.


A bored housewife entertains herself by talking online about kinky topics.
Eventually she agrees to meet one of the men, a dirty old man of course, who asks her to pose for him while he jerks off. She becomes addicted to these encounters and things finally get out of hand.


A housewife causes an accident by crashing into an old man's pickup truck. Because of her fatigue and stress, she is even rude to him. The dirty old man calms her down with a few hard slaps on the ass and offers his services to properly educate her. She is so impressed by all this, that after a few days of thinking, she agrees.

I don't know if anyone has already written this, give me a link, please )
I like it. Has a lot of elements - all which will go so very wrong of course at the end. Hubby probably can't cut off her credit card until he gets home so she buys a pre-paid phone at the truck stop and pulls out some cash figuring the card is gonna die within the next day or so.

Then goes the full 'fuck him' mode. Hits on some drivers until she gets a ride - oh hell let's make it a hubby wife team who are always on the prowl for some bi sex girl to give whoever is in the sleeper cab a good time. Along the way she gets introduced to Amateur Night at the Pole Cat Club - then a series of Glory Holes - and of course the couple decide to pimp her out at various rest stops along their route.

Of course she doesn't exactly get home this way - but hey! Adventures! In the mean time hubby has tried to shack up with his wife's sister - a obsessive compulsive who's a bit too much into making sure her digestive tract is as free of the 'evils of man and his insidious tendencies of corrupting all of Gaia'. She insists on his taking at least one coffee enema - after which he tries to break it off with her. Oh no. She's out to save him. Damn. Got the title already. The Saga of Lucile. Oh yes.
He took her purse, she doesn't have any credit cards, I'd or cash
I got one:

Housewife lives in a nice gated community but everyone there works during the day unless they’re retired so housewife is left alone most days. The home has every modern convenience so there’s not even much for her to do.

Next door neighbor is an older man who is cordial and always polite and has a nice little herb garden that he says housewife is free to use.

One day HW feels like getting some herbs but neighbor isn’t home, so she hops the fence. Neighbor comes back with a young woman even younger than the housewife, and at first she thinks the woman must be his granddaughter till the old man dominates and gives her a rough fuck, which HW watches while trying to stay hidden. Not only that, she then watches the older man give the young woman gentle, loving aftercare.

HW sneaks back over the fence and the next day, her neighbor comes over saying that he knew she watched him fuck his little Wednesday. Not her real name of course, but rather the girl that he has come over on Wednesdays. He’s actually looking for a Thursday girl and wanted to see if she wanted the position.

HW is stunned, but wants to talk the lifestyle as she’s at least a little intrigued and it’s very different from the vanilla sex life she has with her husband. So old man tells her all about it, slowly pressing himself against her as he talks, letting his hand stroke her thighs and by the end of the conversation he’s seduced her. They fuck the rest of the day and wife becomes his Thursday girl, though she soon is begging to help fill in or even join in with the other girls.

Another idea:

HW who day trades for fun winds up losing a lot of money. Now HW normally handles the finances but husband will check at some point.

She goes out on her porch and looks forlornly out at the street when her old neighbor happens by who greets her warmly and gets her to spill the beans. He laughs and tells her he can help her out. He just needs her to do a few things for him.

She goes over and is led into the basement where old man has a stripper pole, a long couch and a stack of small bills.

Old man spells it out: he wants HW to be his personal stripper. Since she’s just in her casual clothes he won’t pay too much but it’s guaranteed money. He’ll even play by club rules: no touching her.

HW objects but figures she can do one striptease. She doesn’t have anything too sexy on and her movements are clumsy but seeing the old man drink her in really turns her on…and she gets more turned on when he puts some bills in her panties.

Still though, it’s a near bundle of cash, but not even a tenth of what she needs.

So old man says he’ll pay more for a lapdance, and he has a change of outfits she can try on. She changes into some pasties and a g-string and gives him a lapdance. HW is getting turned on and the money is better but she wants more so oldman offers to pay more if he can touch and grope her during the dance.

She agrees and is soaking by the end but leaves before he convinces her of anything else.

However, it’s still not enough and with some car repairs coming due, HW needs the cash so she calls neighbor up. He says he can get her that amount but she’ll need to do some “hourly work” for him, and this time she’ll need to dress sexy, full wardrobe, makeup, etc.

HW does and old-man fucks her for the whole day. She makes the money…but the experience turned her on so much that she starts going over there pretending she needs more cash
We used to have a neighbor, a widower, who was ex-military, very handy and in good shape. He would help fix things around the house while I was out. He never accepted money, but we could gift him things, invite him to dinner etc.

I would try to encourage my wife to dress extra cute/sexy when he was over to give the guy a bit of a thrill. We occasionally discussed her seducing him and what that would look like.

Always found that hot.
Extremely hot. Have also thought of similar scenarios.
I have a similar incomplete story in my files. An older man is downsizing his house to move into a 55+ community. A young housewife neighbor or from church offers to help him sort and get rid of his possessions. As they work they get closer and he gets bolder.

After he moves into the new place, they continue seeing each other and he or she offers her services to other men in the community.
Been there done that too Mmm
I am not sure about this idea, but please... tout up or throw eggs equally at the idea as everyone sees fit...

But an Erotic story called "The Square Root of Sex". In it, two middle aged ladies, math teachers who were both recently divorced and have become friends because of it, devise this kind of game, a challenge, where whoever gets the lowest number; wins. The math equation is simple, their ages, multiplied to their lovers age, square rooted. What the winner gets is not discussed to build tension in the reader. But this one teacher realizes, she can easily win their game by using the devised equation in a different way. Rather than have frivolous sex with many men close to her age during the winter school vacation, she can sleep with a much older man to get the same results, fast. So she sets out to seduce a much older man, and gets him.

The real trouble is, it is much more than a game for her now. It blows her mind how great the sex is with a much older man. He in turn gets inquisitive of why such a younger lady wants him so sexually, and starts to investigate her motivations. It all comes to a head... literally... as the loser of the bet carries out her end of the loss, by tasting the teacher to orgasm. This she enjoys, but out of guilt, stops the other teacher halfway through, knowing it is the older man that she now wants. He in turn has gotten there by way of his investigation, and sees the lady first enjoy, then stop the sexual bi-sexual pleasure because she wants monogomous sex with his aged self.

In a surprise twist, the other teacher admits that she wanted to lose the silly game, and always wanted to sexually have the winning teacher, but concedes her friend over to the older man, wanting her to be happy. Of course, it could end with the older man telling her, "there is more than enough room in the bed", thereby a suggesting a MFF threesome is about to take place as the second teacher learns that an older man can be enjoyable.
whoever gets the lowest number; wins. The math equation is simple, their ages, multiplied to their lovers age, square rooted. What the winner gets is not discussed to build tension in the reader. But this one teacher realizes, she can easily win their game by using the devised equation in a different way. Rather than have frivolous sex with many men close to her age during the winter school vacation, she can sleep with a much older man to get the same results, fast
What? I mean, if the lowest number wins, then it doesn't make any sense.
Good catch, I should have said largest number wins. Sorry!!

If the ladies are 40 years old, and the number is multiplied by the mans age they have sex with, then square rooted, the HIGHEST number wins according to their bet.

40x45 year old man equals 1800, square rooted equals 42.2.
40X70 year old man equals 2800, square rooted equals 52.9.

But add in any equation you want to make the bet work. I deal with square roots a lot at work, so I have an out of control fetish for square roots!
A handsome older man moves across the hall to a mid thirties couple. She's an artist and works from home, husband is a traveling administrator in a big global company. She's home alone a lot. She strikes up a friendly chatting friendship with the man but that's it.

As the man gets settled he starts bringing home women. A lot of women. A true playboy. She watches the women leave. Disheveled, exhausted, and smiling.

She begins to have dreams of him. Such dreams. Then one day she wears something much sexier than she ever has before. Wears makeup and a nice set of heels. He smiles at her. She smiles back.

But something happens to make her cross that line. I wonder.
I wrote a story along this line @Rob Royale

It was about a woman in the 1930's who owned a granite quarry, and the foreman of the quarry, an older gentlemen from a foreign nation, found an amazing flawless piece of granute and had it takn back to his shop for something special. He was uninspired until the owners wife visited and sat outside his shop.

He then started to make the granite into her sculpture, and she was angered when she discovered what he was doing, but then was talked into posing for him... NUDE. She loved it and would masturbate as she posed, him never sexually touching her as she was wed, but her discovering that art and sex were united.

Then her husband found the granite statue, knows its his wife...NUDE and blows it up with dynamite killing the granite foreman in the process. She is so angered she ends his life with a revolver for being so foolish as to not appreciate art and killing an artist over his work. She could never be married to such a foolish, foolish man.