Horror movies can be all too real.


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
Out on a seemingly deserted city street, lamplights reflecting off the damp road, mist rising from sewer grates, a woman stood shivering and crying in a night gown. Her family was dead, all murdered violently by something... And now, that something was after her.

Down the street, masked by sewer mists, a man stood in the street, calling her name. "Aimee... Aimee..." His voice was a sickening gurgle, as though his mouth was full of blood. Scuffing his feet, the man started to aproach her. Aimee cried out in fear and started to run again, her bare feet being painfully stabbed with every stride by wet little pebbles.

She only got ten paces away before she looked over her shoulder to find the thing that was after her was gone. With a shakey sigh, she slowed down, and turned to look back the way she had come from. As she looked fearfully down the way, she was backing up, and little did she know, she was about to back up, right into the clutches of her death...

Long, gnarled, and clawed fingers grabbed Aimee's shoulders and spun her about, eye to eye with her demon. She was too petrified to even scream as the thing before her opened its mouth, blood pourning from it in a gory cascade. "Why don't I take you out to dinner, Aimee, you look good enough to eat!" The thing gugled in Aimee's face as its lower jaw distended and its dagger like teeth grew out. Suddenly, the thing shoved Aimee's entire head into its mouth and BIT down, sevoring her head from her body in a gory geyser of blood as it let her body slump to the ground. "Mmm, tastes like chicken..." The beast quipped before striding away, dragging her body by one arm.


The tape Tommy Yeager was watching came to an end. "So, what do you think? Would you like to play the villain in my movie?" asked Wes Carpenter. "Well, Wes... I have to tell you, you're running out of steam, my friend... I mean... 'Tastes like chicken? Puhlees... Thats just... Stupid. Although, I do like the makeup, I can tell you, thats inspired. I'll think about it, seriously, especially if you can come up with some better dialogue."

Tommy got up and shook Wes's hand. "I'll give you a call when I decide." Wes blinked for a moment, swallowing back his pride at having his dialogue called 'stupid' then stopped Tommy with a hand on his shoulder. "Did I mention that Anastasia Stravinski is going to play Aimee?" This gave Tommy pause, she was nearly, not quite, but nearly as popular in these sorts of movies as Tommy was. For completely diferent reasons, but still...

"Wes, you ol bastard, you know just how to sucker a guy in don't you?" Tommy chuckled, and so did Wes. "Well, we all have to have our talents, else we'd never make it in this buisness you know." Tommy smiled and patted Wes on the shoulder. "Okay then, I'm in, just call me back when you want to start filming."

Tommy left then, as he had a wrap party to attend for "Deadly corpse 12: Dead ahead" to go to.
Ana smiled for the camera as she got out of her stretch black limo and winked towards another reporter, then after a wave or two she hurried into the tall looming building on Johnson’s Court. She frowned at the Doorman and removed her hat and coat leaving them thrown about on the marble floor. As she turned the corner into a well lit yellow room she stared at her agent and shrugged her shoulders, “Well?”

“He’s in; the cast is coming together rather nicely.” Jake Hill smiled and handed her a wine glass, “Here sit, and calm yourself before heading back into that jungle of a world.”

Ana laughed and sat the glass down on a table, “Mind if I make myself comfortable?”

“Not at all.”

She reached under her shirt and removes first the left breast pad then her right, reducing what use to be a d cup chest to a b cup. She tosses the gel pads to the floor and sighs, downing the wine. “Mmm much better.”

Jake chuckled and pointed to them, “Don’t forget them this time, I had a hard enough time trying to explain them to my wife when she came by for a surprise visit last week.”

Ana grinned, “Ahh the life of a child star all grown up, what challenges we bear.” She stood and picked up the gel pads, then inserted them back into her bra. “I need to be going.”

“Big plans my poppet?”

“Mmm hmm!” she nodded, “Later gator.” She blows him a kiss and then makes her way back out to the limo, coat and hat in hand. Once in the limo she grinned, Tommy Yeager was joining the cast, her day was much better already.
Lee Donowitz

"You got him, Wes? That's great, baby, just great. Okay, I'll call you in the AM. Ciao."

Lee Donowitz, Hollywood Producer, hung up the phone and swiveled in his chair to look out his office window and down over the valley. Tommy Yeager and Ana Stravinski together. He was going to make a killing off this movie. And the best part was still to come. He had to cast a bunch of cute novice actresses to get splattered. Lee tightened his silk bathrobe, and took another line of coke from his glass-topped desk. Sometimes, he loved this job.
Tommy Yeager:

Later that night, well into the wrap party for Dead Corpse 12: Dead Ahead, Tommy pulled himself out of the crowd, excusing himself to the bathroom, for a bit of air. It was always the same, everyone would crowd in on him, press down, and he would feel like he was suffocating. But then, thats the price of fame, isn't it? He asked himself with a sigh as he escaped into the bathroom, for a moment of privacy. Looking up in the mirror, he saw how red he was, and sweaty, crowded by all that body heat.. Ugh. He shook his head and sweat droplets hit the mirror. He scoffed at himself. "Look at you, Jesus, is this really worth it?" He knew this game, and with a sigh, he hung his head, knowing the answer in his heart. "Yes, its better than dying in obscurity, and thats JUST what I would have done."

He began to chuckle, then looked up at himself in the mirror. "Thats right, kiddo, you would have died, unloved, unsung, unknown." He said to his immage in the mirror, his expression completely different, much more confident. That melted away in the very next instant though, and he stepped back. "No..." He groaned, and made to turn away, as though he were about to leave the bathroom. He stopped before he even took a step toward the door, and turned back around, confident once more. "Oh yes, Tommy, you and I made a deal, remember? And its time for you to pay up." All the while, he walked back and forth, in front of the mirror, watching as his face rotted before his eyes.

Tommy tried to move, tried to cast his arms up so he could not see this horrid transformation, but he was a helpless passenger inside his own mind, playing back seat driver to this... "Demon!" Tommy spat as the threw himself to the floor and thrashed about, covering his face. A moment later, he began to laugh, a slow, chortling laugh as he came to a stop, on his back, and rose back to his feet. "Of course we are, Tommy boy, but you knew that going in, didn't you. Now, no more fighting, just server your purpose, like a good zombie."

Tommy struggled, but it was no use, so he watched, and went numb, enuring himself to the horror to come. "Brains... Hehehe-hahaha! Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnssssssss..." He moaned out as he pushed the door to the bathroom open and shuffled like the walking dead, out into the party.


Tommy snapped awake with a startled gasp, in his apartment. There was a news paper spread open over his chest. He opened it up to find an artical about how a movie monster prank had some how led to a massacar.
Anastasia Stravinski

It was always the same, every where she went she could not escape the cameras; it was almost a normal day of life for her. Ever since she stared in her first horror movie; ‘It’s Under My Bed’ at the age of 4 she had always been in the limelight. Her father had been a well known director and her mother a Screen Diva in her day before they wed and not long after had Anastasia. So naturally their daughter processed both of their talents combined, and grew up behind the cameras of Hollywood. She had stared in more horror roles as child then most adult actors had in most of their lives. No one could get over the Little Ghost, as she was eventually nicked name after her fifth movie, ‘The Child that waits in the Dark.’.

She processed the talent to make a person really feel as if the movie came alive, that they were part of her and what was going on. Of course, after starting so young and continuing a constant movie routine helped in her perfecting her skills as an actress. She never had any privacy though, other then behind the walls of her penthouse apartment on Main Street. She owned the two floors before her apartment and had security stationed there in order to keep the movie hounds from getting even remotely close to her apartment. Everyone always told her she should have bought an estate, but she felt with her hectic schedule a big mansion would be useless to her. After all, she rather enjoyed having the roof top of her building all to herself. The elevator only came up to her first floor by normal routine then in order to get to the next and then her penthouse you have to have a special code, or access granted from Ana herself. She used the first of her two floors as guest housing for familiar friends, and maybe a special reporter who was granted access into a personal interview inside her building.

The second floor contained a studio where she liked to work on her own projects, art, photography, recording and even her own film making. She always gave herself a project to finish, regardless if anyone would ever see it or not. Last month’s was a body self realization course she came up with. She took endless photos of her nude form, conducting a portfolio of the beauty of the human body. Then once finished she set it away to decide on what she wanted to do with it later, she had considered the possibility of publishing the photos, yet was still was undecided.

However today she had to spend the day out of the comfort of her solitude and in the public’s eye. She sipped on her margarita, while reading a resent magazine article featuring the top ten Scream Queens of the century. Her picture was on the front cover and she smiled amused at the comments from the journalist inside. She could see the occasional flash of cameras from outside of the small café window, while the bustle of the inside drowned out the murmurs of the fans. The waitress brought her the check and nervously smiled, Ana nodded to her and handed her a fifty dollar bill, “Keep the change; I have no need for it.”

The waitress’s eyes widened as she took the money from the actress and then glanced at the five dollar margarita. Ana nodded again, “Really, it’s ok…now go.” She slightly giggled as the woman hurried off, then turned back to the magazine. “Hmm, Little Ghost raises the ticket sales at the theaters with her new screamer, ‘Splatter 3:Let’s Get a Little Bloody’” Ana snorted and took another sip, “Wankers get off on any movie now-a-days.”
David walked through the apartment doors as if he had owned the place, and truthfully, as if he had been there a million times before. He gave a pouty smile to the man, sitting in chair.
"Good lord, what died in here? You do know there is a shower in this place, don't you? You're not one of those laid back people, are you?"
Rolling his eyes, assuming the worst already, David walked over to him, and picked up the newspaper.
"Rubbish and rubble, indeed. All death and destruction, but no real details. It's so horrid. Like a cock tease, ebbing you on, but never really satisfying you."
He grabbed a glass from beside his chair on the counter, sniffing it's contents.
"A good year, but you should never drink right before bed, don't you know it gives you nightmares?"
With this, he laughed, as his manicured nails, sharp as points nipped across his neck.
"So, word is you've got some work to do, and I'm here to help?" He took out a briefcase, from what seemed to be thin air, and grabbed a pad of paper along with a pen.
"Would you like some breakfast? I think better while I eat..." Moving into the kitchen, he tried to look for something that seemed somewhat edible.
"Oh, dairy... my goodness. All this dairy."
Tommy Yeager:

"David... Damn it, damn you, I can't do this..." Tommy shot out of his seat, feeling a wave of alcohol induced dizziness as he slumped up against the counter his snifter had been placed upon by David just a moment before. At David's offer to eat Tommy began to gag, and it was a good five minutes before he regained his composure. "I... I can't eat... I can't sleep... I can't do anything..." Tommy groaned, through a haze of pain and nausia. "You know it was me... You know I killed them... I'm on a runaway train, heading straight to hell..."

Tommy dragged himself, still in a drunken stupor, to the kitchen door way to face David. Standing weakly in the door frame, he lifted his glassy eyes upon his agent and spoke in a faltering voice. "I'll kill myself before I let this happen again."
"Human's," David poked his head from the freezer, grabbing a tray of ice, "Why do they have to be so melodramatic?"
Inside a large clear glass, he dropped a few cubes. Then he stirred in some tomato juice, pepto bismol, cracked an egg, and put in a dash of vodka, for just the right flavor.
"Here you go. This ought to bring you back to the land of the living," He stirred it with a spoon, as all of the liquids turned into a pinkish red that looked somewhat similar to vomit.
"It doesn't taste good, it doesn't smell good, and it sure as hell," He chuckled on that part, "look good, but it's got all your daily nurtients and vitamins, and you'll be as sober as a priest on Sunday in about three minutes, I guarantee."
He waved the glass underneath his nose.
"You have nothing good to eat. Fatty foods, all of it. And so much dairy, do you know what that does to the intestines? Oh, dear me. Drink, drink. Hurry up. We do have some work to do today. It can't all just be fun and murder."
He settled on strawberry yogurt, eating it as he leaned against the far stove.
"You signed a contract," He spoke, letting the spoon go in a rectangle in front of him, and the afore mentioned piece of parchment, complete with his signature appeared.
"It's a legal document, even God himself can't help you with this. He got so pissed off when we started making contracts. You have no idea what a little whiner the creator of heaven and earth is. He's down right prissy... that's not the point though. The point is, you are on your way to the top, and I'm here to help you, any and every way I can, whether you want to or not."
He took another spoonful of yogurt.
"Would you hurry up? Drink, shower, dress, something flashy to show off your jaw structure. Come on, we haven't got all day. Mortals, no sense of time at all.... Chop chop."
Tommy Yeager:

Tom pushed the glass of foul smelling shit back, gagging as he did. He turned and slumped against the counter he had dragged himself along. He got his stomach to calm enough to think again as he wiped his arm across his brow, drawing away the sheen of cold sweat that was residing there.

"You signed a document."

Tommy turned around, nearly nocking over the glass of shit next to him as he swung an arm out toward David, giving him the finger. "Fuck you, you bastard, you can take that contract and shove it up your bleeding ass!" He spewed forth in a voletile stream of hatered, realizing only too late that David, whatever he was, just fed off these kinds of outbursts.

Slumping back, his head lowered, Tommy felt weak, so damned weak. And as if he had no other choice, Tommy grabbed the glass of shit, glared with what little force of will he had in his body at David. Plugging his nose, he lifted the glass to his dry, pastey lips and downed as much of the vile liquid as he could.

Thirty minutes later, just like David had said, he felt like a new man, all those news reports he'd read, all those things he knew he had done, they didn't matter right now, he felt like a new man, like a million bucks, riding high on his own ego.

"Lets do this, Dave!" He said with exhuberance as he went toward the door.
"Now, that's my man. You see, I told you. You've got to trust me, you know. Your soul is in good hands."
David helped him out, providing the limousine. A wonderfully equipped vehicle that was about to send them on their daily errands.
"You have a full day scheduled today, you know? Meetings, appointments... Everybody wants a piece of you."
David handed over a roster of the days activities.
"Here's your script for today, a rather revolting scene, but not a lot of lines to memorize. Take you a few minutes, nothing really. I mean, this is hollywood, not broadway."
He picked up his phone, calling a few places to make sure everything was on schedule.
"You're on your way to the top," He said, as he was holding for a lunch appointment.
Tommy Yeager:

"It looks like I am meeting my co-star for lunch today." Tommy said as he looked over the list for the day. He only glimpsed at the script for the scene they were supposed to do today, tossing it aside as they arived at the restaraunt David had booked for them for the lunch meeting with Ana Stravinski. "Alirght, lets go." Tommy said as he slipped out of the car before the driver had a chance to come around and open it. Before long, he and his agent, David were seated, waiting for Ana to arive and join them.
Anastasia put away her magazine and glanced out of the limo’s window, she had just left the café when she received the call from David. “David…David, hmm why can’t I remember his last name?” she asked herself, and then shaking her head she grabbed her purse. It was a spur of the moment meeting but, it was with Tom Yeager and Ana had been wanting another chance to speak with him since she had seen him at Wes’s Christmas party last year. Now that she was going to be filming with him, she was practically jumping at the chance to see him before all the scenes were scripted and they would have no privacy to speak. Well, as private as she could get anyways with his agent being there….

She ran her fingers through her long dark curls and then glanced down to check and make sure the breasts were ok…seeing a multitude of cleavage in the tight spaghetti strapped dress she figured yeah, the boobs were ok. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she stepped out of the limo into the crowded street side and hurried into the restaurant before the fans plowed her. She greeted the Host with a smile, “Ana Stravinski to meet with Tom Yeager.”

“Yes mame!” The man looked her over, “I know who you are, this way mame.” He led her over to a back table out of the way over looking the rest of the restaurant. Seated there was Tommy and David, they both stood as she approached and she moved to shake their hands, only David kissed hers instead, bringing her pale slender fingers to his mouth and lightly placing his lips to them. She sat down in her chair and removed her sun glasses, blinking her pale blue eyes she smiled and crossed her long slender legs, “Good afternoon.”
Tommy Yeager:

Giving David an arched look, Tommy smirked at his 'gentlemanly' kiss, thinking. "How swave, if she only knew..." He turned to face Ana then, the smirk easing into a smile. "Good afternoon Ana, you look stunning, as usual." He waited to sit until she had before him. Directly across from her, he leaned forward, his eyes unconciously flickering over the luscious curves of her breasts before moving back up to focus upon her face. He cleared his throat. "So, Wes has finally brought the two of us together... It was inevitable, I suppose." Tommy arched an eyebrow. "That the two most recognized stars of the horror genre would come together. Tell me, what drew you to this script in the first place?" Tommy asked her as he lifted a glass of ice water to his lips, still focused on Ana as he sipped.
“To be honest?” She grinned, “I have not read too much of the script just yet, I know they are still working on some details, and I prefer to wait until it is a finished project before I commit myself to it.” She winked, “That and knowing that we would finally be able to have screen time together. You would think after all these years we would have been in at least one movie together before now.”

He nodded, and glanced at the waiter, motioning him over, “I agree, it is strange how that has not happened yet.”

She smiled, “A glass of red wine please, brand does not matter, I’m easy.” The waiter took a double look at her after that comment and then hurried off; she giggled playfully and then returned her attention to Tom, “What about you? How did Wes talk you into another movie? I had heard that you had other plans before agreeing to this.” Her eyes sparkled as she curiously looked him over.
Tommy Yeager:

"Well, at first, I was impressed with the make up work in the demo's Wes showed me. But that wasn't going to be enough for me to commit to the project, quite honestly. What did it was when Wes told me I'd be staring opposite you, Ana." Tommy gave Ana a sly smile. "I couldn't pass that up."

Mia Taylor sat in her agent Ronnie's office, a small room decorated in netural tones, walls covered in movie posters-most from films she'd never heard of.
She sat, slender toned legs crossed, in an overstuffed tan leather armchair. She was dressed in a simple black slipdress, short and low cut enough in the front to reveal glimpses of perfect pale breasts. She looked great in black, it was a shocking yet flattering contrast against her porcelain pale skin, shiney shoulder length red locks, and dazzling blue green eyes-though often hidden by a pair of dark sunglasses.
She shifted nervously in her seat as Ronnie chatted away on the phone with the studio.
He was trying to line her up a meeting with Lee Donowitz the producer of a new horror flick that was already creating buzz throughout Hollywood as the genre's two biggest names had been cast in the two leading roles.
She fumbled through her black leather handbag and popped open the orange bottle of pills, grabbing three she took them dry, breathing a deep sigh of relief as she felt them slide easily down her throat.
Ronnie glanced over at her and smiled.
She hoped that things were going well...she needed this job....
Wes Carpenter:

Ronnie came over to Mia, still with that smile on his face. "Mia, you won't beleive this, but Wes Carpenter just walked in over there, and he's being put on the line... To talk with YOU!" Ronnie had put his hand over the receiver so no one on the other end would hear his excited, high pitched voice. He pushed the receiver into Mia's hand then.

"Hello, Mia Taylor, this is Wes Carpenter." Came a calm, yet upbeat voice from the other end.

Mia froze as Ronnie handed her the phone. She grasped it tightly turning her knuckles white and took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself before answering.
"Mr. Carpenter its a pleasure to speak with you," she smiled nervously, her voice wavering slightly.
Ronnie watched her anxiously, crossing and uncrossing his legs as he sat on the edge of his desk, running his fingers through his greying dark hair.

OOC: Ravenloft, I wasn't sure if Wes Carpenter was an NPC or not so I'm gonna end my post here, if he is PM me or something and I'll script the convo...if he isn't then go ahead and take it from here :)
Ana felt her cheeks flush and she tore her eyes from his briefly in order to compose herself. She fanned her face with the napkin and smiled softly, “Hmm, it’s rather warm in this restaurant.” She took another sip of her wine and glanced at David, he was looking over some papers in a black leather bound notebook. Completely ignoring everything going on around him Ana slightly grinned and leaned forward over the table. She watched Tom’s eyes glance down at her breasts and she almost laughed out loud before whispering playfully, “Your agent is moderately…unsocial, is there something wrong or is he just giving you some scoring space?” The sly smile on his face grew as he leaned in face to face with her….
Wes Carpenter:

"Yes, thank you, you certainly have a beautiful voice Miss Taylor. You know, I want you to do something for me though." Wes said conversationally. "I want you to scream."
Tommy Yeager:

A grin spread across Tommy's face. "Scoring space, was it that obvious?" Tommy reached out to lightly caress Ana's hand, his eyes dancing about her body as he did.

Mia smiled, screaming was something she was good at.
She had quite a set of pipes on her from years in the church choir, then when she'd come out to Hollywood 2 years ago she'd gotten involved in a bad scene...it had been work, experience that she'd need, connections she'd need, but no longer was she the good Catholic girl from Nebraska.
She took a deep breath and screamed, a powerful bloodchilling scream that even made her hair stand on end as Ronnie hurried to cover his ears.
She held the reciever a good couple of inches away from her face, like a microphone, angled enough to cut down on interferrance.
She used the breath control techniques her choir instructor had taught her long ago to draw it out...then she waited for his comments.

OOC: :)
Wes Carpenter:

There was a momentary pause on the line as Wes grinned from ear to ear even though they were ringing. "You're hired, can you be at the meramax studio's later today? I can see that you get the script."

OOC: That was classic Kissthesky. ;)

Mia was smiling despite the fact that she was trembling from head to toe,"thank you, thank you Mr. Carpenter. Yes I'll be I'll be over right away just let me wrap things up with my agent. I'll talk to you soon." She hung up the phone and leapt out of her seat and into Ronnie's arms," I GOT IT!"
Ronnie smiled,"Thats great Mia, but did you just hang up on Wes Carpenter?"
She froze, in the excitement she hadn't thought that perhaps Mr. Carpenter might have more to say.
"Oh shit." She replied, still holding the phone. "Should we-"
"Nah, don't worry about it," Ronnie replied with a smile, his dark eyes sparkling,"here take this," he fished in his pocket and took out a wad of cash. Peeling off a few hundred dollar bills he handed them to her,"go. Get something new and nice for your meeting. I'll call the studio back and schedule a time for us to go over and get the script and such and then I'll give you a call on your cell, alright?"
She nodded,"Thanks Ronnie, I owe you for this." Her smile was back as she slipped the bills in her purse and headed out the door.
He watched her go and picked up the phone and whispered,"darlin believe me you just made my day."
And he dialed Meramax Studios.....

OOC: Thanks ;)
Pammie Andrews


Pammie stood by the copier machine and talked on her cell phone while the daily green sheets spat out. Everyday when script changes where made it was her job to make sure everyone got their corrections before the days shooting began. On a movie like this, that could be hourly since some bit of by-play may spark the director's "This'd be good if we..." factory.

"Yes, Mom? Oh, I can't. It's a night shoot!" Pammie always kept in close contact with her mother, even tho she was 22 and lived on her own now. Well, mostly on her own. She had two roommates who were startlets. Mom wouldn't allow her to act, so she'd gotten jobs like this; script girl.

"I'll be careful! I swear! Gotta go, love you!" Pammie made kissy nosies into the phone, and winked at a grip who made kissy noises back.

Movies were so fun! And the stunt guys had such great bodies, and the actors were so beatiful...if somewhat short...up close!