Hollering above the Screaming


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
THat's all I'm doing here.

There's really not much to be said. Just drowning out the screaming.
It'd be groovy if we could have threads started by ignored users not show up at all.
I agree with Dill. That image is just so soft, caressing, and sensual. I especially like that it's in black and white. Great image choice, Eumenides.



Okay, who's up for some primal fuc...um...screaming?
Mischka said:
I agree with Dill. That image is just so soft, caressing, and sensual. I especially like that it's in black and white. Great image choice, Eumenides.

Thanks, Mischka. I wish I could say the same about your av. Ya know I lubs ya!
Just thought I would say hi to nobody in particular.
Mischka said:
I agree with Dill. That image is just so soft, caressing, and sensual. I especially like that it's in black and white. Great image choice, Eumenides.

Hey snooby pants, in your av you have something on your upper lip. You might wanna brush it off.
Eumenides said:
Thanks, Mischka. I wish I could say the same about your av. Ya know I lubs ya!
I completely forgot I was still Rob Zombie! I was just wearing him while I was being mean last night (as a Christmas gift to someone, the being mean part).

I'm off to change clothes now.

Edit: See? This one's much better. :D
She sings a song called Babushka. I don't recall her name. Ginny found it for me.
Meds can help those in need but I am not sure what would work on that mind. Electro Shock?