Hold still like a good patient


Literotica Guru
Sep 23, 2010
I could hardly believe it! It had been a year already! I wheeled myself across the corridor, towards the evaluation room. I doubt if my helpers fully understood just how much I looked forward to being subject again.
My black hair cut to marine standards, gleamed as I wheeled myself into the room. Ms. Baker, the 50 year old red headed speech therapist built like a blocking tackle, advanced towards me, with her usual penetrating smile.
Of all the baronesses of the therapeutic field, she was my favorite. Kindness dripped of her huge but sexy bod
Taking me in her grasp, she firmly locked my chair, before i knew it I was on the table, secured by straps and looking up at her.
"Sean, Sweetheart, I am sure your going to cooperate with me today, she crooned." Unlike most hard faced and even harder headed counterparts, she knew the value of a motherly approach.
"Lets begin by taking off your pants, We need to see what those hips are like"
Switch pants and underwear came off at one move. Her nails probed, while she measured and spoke into a tape recorder. A few thrushes later, i was sitting up, as she pulled out her flashlight. This was my highlight, the thing I faked illness to attain. "Open up Wide she insisted, the voice coming to me across the plan of arousal.
"AHH, i gagged, reverting to an almost helpless state, as the fiery light gave its powerful punch all over-me". My tonsils were invaded, and my entire body seemed to tense and release like a boxer, between rounds.