Italy has a gun culture; with a lot of Italy a rural place, guns have always been a part of their culture for hunting and sports shooting. It has had only ONE attempted mass shooting in the last 12 years the article's author has lived there, and not a single school shooting, EVER. They watch the same movies, play the same games, see the same stuff online as Americans. America saw 246 as of March 2021, and we know there've been plenty since.
i think the Italian laws sound pretty doable, though the entitlement of Americans (as a nation, as a generalisation–and Americans don't really see this as Europeans do being outside the bubble of US thinking), is no doubt involved with the differences in both laws and attitude about when to use a gun.
I looked at Italy's eligibility/monitoring rules 1 by 1 and they all seem appropriate.
I'm curious. Which ones are absent// or have been struck off from US protocols?
What is "appropriate" to you violates the concepts of Ordered Liberty found in the US Constitution.
I have no problem with you getting to choose what's best for you. I do have a problem with you thinking you get to choose what's best for the rest of us.
Imo, Australian men are overall far more individualistic/cut-throat than American men are.
Yet most of them agreed to gun control measures after THEIR mass shooting years ago.
So why do American Reps act so .. uniquely when it comes to guns?
And after each school shooting, instead of softening their stance they emerge even more determined and defiant than ever.
It just defies any common sense.
Philthy& claim that for them, guns are some sort of steel penis substitute.
But I think it's far stranger than that, they're treating guns as if they were RELIGIOUS ARTEFACTS.
But what pisses me off mostly about the Board pro-gunners , is that they throw at you the same posh-sounding memes (Second Amendment, Our rights and freedom as enshrined in the Constitution) with an air of intellectual superiority, without having the courtesy of explaining them further to people like me.
I want to know, for example, why do they think that what was written two centuries ago, should apply without any adaptations to the present day?