HisArpy& "the concepts of Ordered Liberty found in the US Constitution" -- when lobbying against gun control.


Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2020
Italy has a gun culture; with a lot of Italy a rural place, guns have always been a part of their culture for hunting and sports shooting. It has had only ONE attempted mass shooting in the last 12 years the article's author has lived there, and not a single school shooting, EVER. They watch the same movies, play the same games, see the same stuff online as Americans. America saw 246 as of March 2021, and we know there've been plenty since.

i think the Italian laws sound pretty doable, though the entitlement of Americans (as a nation, as a generalisation–and Americans don't really see this as Europeans do being outside the bubble of US thinking), is no doubt involved with the differences in both laws and attitude about when to use a gun.


I looked at Italy's eligibility/monitoring rules 1 by 1 and they all seem appropriate.

I'm curious. Which ones are absent// or have been struck off from US protocols?

What is "appropriate" to you violates the concepts of Ordered Liberty found in the US Constitution.

I have no problem with you getting to choose what's best for you. I do have a problem with you thinking you get to choose what's best for the rest of us.

Imo, Australian men are overall far more individualistic/cut-throat than American men are.
Yet most of them agreed to gun control measures after THEIR mass shooting years ago.

So why do American Reps act so .. uniquely when it comes to guns?
And after each school shooting, instead of softening their stance they emerge even more determined and defiant than ever.
It just defies any common sense.

Philthy& claim that for them, guns are some sort of steel penis substitute.
But I think it's far stranger than that, they're treating guns as if they were RELIGIOUS ARTEFACTS.

But what pisses me off mostly about the Board pro-gunners , is that they throw at you the same posh-sounding memes (Second Amendment, Our rights and freedom as enshrined in the Constitution) with an air of intellectual superiority, without having the courtesy of explaining them further to people like me.
I want to know, for example, why do they think that what was written two centuries ago, should apply without any adaptations to the present day?
But it isn't even about impinging on their freedom or right to bear arms.

It's about the fact that they refuse to take on the responsibilities that come with such freedom or rights.

If we applied their logic to other situations, every creep out there could foster or adopt kids at the drop of a hat, and refuse to be submitted to proper screening or risk monitoring.
The only difference being that forebearers didn't write about the right to have kids, in the Constitution.
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Imo, Australian men are overall far more individualistic/cut-throat than American men are.
Yet most of them agreed to gun control measures after THEIR mass shooting years ago.

You state your opinion, then prove your own opinion wrong.... LOL don't ever change mayfly.
Imo, Australian men are overall far more individualistic/cut-throat than American men are.
Yet most of them agreed to gun control measures after THEIR mass shooting years ago.

So why do American Reps act so .. uniquely when it comes to guns?
And after each school shooting, instead of softening their stance they emerge even more determined and defiant than ever.
It just defies any common sense.

Philthy& claim that for them, guns are some sort of steel penis substitute.
But I think it's far stranger than that, they're treating guns as if they were RELIGIOUS ARTEFACTS.

But what pisses me off mostly about the Board pro-gunners , is that they throw at you the same posh-sounding memes (Second Amendment, Our rights and freedom as enshrined in the Constitution) with an air of intellectual superiority, without having the courtesy of explaining them further to people like me.
Utter crap not worth replying to because it's just self delusion.

I want to know, for example, why do they think that what was written two centuries ago, should apply without any adaptations to the present day?
Your mistake here comes from the fact that you don't understand that the Constitution isn't a living document which grants or withholds "rights" which are subject to change depending on whose butt is in the governmental driver's seat.

WE here in the US determined that people are born with certain inalienable rights already attached. When forming the government of the States and the United States of America, WE decided that certain of those Rights would be yielded to the government. WE also decided that some of them will not EVER be so yielded. To ensure that future generations understood that, we enshrined those rights into the Bill of Rights and attached that to the documents which create the government of this nation, then by doing so incorporated the 2 documents into 1 with an overarching rule called Liberty.

Thus the Constitution can't be seen to "adapt" to the winds of change because the founding principle is that the documents establish a baseline of Liberty. A concept which can't be reshaped except by the methods which are also enshrined in those documents. And only by that method as a way to ensure that any changes are actually desirable and acceptable to our society as a whole.

Attempting to alter the principles in the founding documents without following the procedures to do so only shows that those who wish to "adapt" our society have no concept of what our society is about, or why our society exists in the form it does.

The concept of "Ordered Liberty" is that WE have the freedom to do whatever we wish subject to certain limits we placed on ourselves as individuals and society. Changing those limits because of an emotional response is anathema to both order and liberty.

Unlike most other nations, we are free, proud, and unshackled by the self emasculation present in the rest of the world. The world knows this but often refuses to acknowledge it because doing so requires an admission that they are lesser men and nations. You may disagree but remember, without us and the principles the US embodies you wouldn't be able to do even that minor bit of social discord and be free from consequence.
Imo, Australian men are overall far more individualistic/cut-throat than American men are.
Yet most of them agreed to gun control measures after THEIR mass shooting years ago.

So why do American Reps act so .. uniquely when it comes to guns?
And after each school shooting, instead of softening their stance they emerge even more determined and defiant than ever.
It just defies any common sense.

Philthy& claim that for them, guns are some sort of steel penis substitute.
But I think it's far stranger than that, they're treating guns as if they were RELIGIOUS ARTEFACTS.

But what pisses me off mostly about the Board pro-gunners , is that they throw at you the same posh-sounding memes (Second Amendment, Our rights and freedom as enshrined in the Constitution) with an air of intellectual superiority, without having the courtesy of explaining them further to people like me.
I want to know, for example, why do they think that what was written two centuries ago, should apply without any adaptations to the present day?
Stay in Australia it's an emerging a police state. The American Constitution represents a superior covenant for people who wish to be free. Those who aren't up to governing themselves or providing for their own safety should probably move to places like Australia where the ugly head of totalitarianism has emerged to extinguish the lamp of freedom.
Stay in Australia it's an emerging a police state. The American Constitution represents a superior covenant for people who wish to be free. Those who aren't up to governing themselves or providing for their own safety should probably move to places like Australia where the ugly head of totalitarianism has emerged to extinguish the lamp of freedom.
better have Sandy Hook and Uvalde school kids sacrifice themselves on the altar of freedom
than give in to the ugly head of totalitarianism,
isn't it?
Stay in Australia it's an emerging a police state.
That is quite incredibly stupid even for you.

You will never in your lifetime see Amnesty International pay much attention to Australia. And, yes, that is how you tell whether a country has a police state.
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better have Sandy Hook and Uvalde school kids sacrifice themselves on the altar of freedom
than give in to the ugly head of totalitarianism,
isn't it?

Why? Because what you're saying is that while you don't trust the police, you want them to protect everyone even though they've display complete incompetence at it time and time again on even the most simplest of things.

Basically, you're asking the keystone kops to be your savior and expecting everyone to agree with that choice b'cuz big scary gunz. Meanwhile, back in the real world, most people understand that bad shit happens and it's up to you to do your best to protect yourself from it.
That is quite incredibly stupid even for you.

You will never in your lifetime see Amnesty International pay much attention to Australia. And, yes, that is how you tell whether a country has a police state.
You should try and read the news once in while and not Mao's Little Red Book. You might learn something.
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That is quite incredibly stupid even for you.

You will never in your lifetime see Amnesty International pay much attention to Australia. And, yes, that is how you tell whether a country has a police state.

No it's not. And it's not stupid, it's just not partisan left.... usually the opposite of stupid.

Most american men are pussy cucks as evidenced in this thread.

The Canadian is screaming about what pussies and cucks Americans are for the 10,000th time......glaring insecurities, quite telling.

Why? Because what you're saying is that while you don't trust the police, you want them to protect everyone even though they've display complete incompetence at it time and time again on even the most simplest of things.

Basically, you're asking the keystone kops to be your savior and expecting everyone to agree with that choice b'cuz big scary gunz. Meanwhile, back in the real world, most people understand that bad shit happens and it's up to you to do your best to protect yourself from it.
better have Sandy Hook and Uvalde school kids sacrifice themselves on the altar of freedom than give in to totaliitarianism. isn't it?

Why? Because what you're saying is that while you don't trust the police, you want them to protect everyone.... even though they've display .....
Meanwhile, back in the real world, most people understand that bad shit happens and it's up to you to do your best to protect yourself from it.
you're mentaly ill
No it's not. And it's not stupid, it's just not partisan left.... usually the opposite of stupid.

The Canadian is screaming about what pussies and cucks Americans are for the 10,000th time......glaring insecurities, quite telling.
No screaming, emocuck. Stating facts.

The only thing screaming is your insecurities and fears. I can function in society without being armed, pansies like you can't. :)
No screaming, emocuck. Stating facts.

The only thing screaming is your insecurities and fears. I can function in society without being armed, pansies like you can't. :)

I'm not the one putting insecurities and fears out there buddy.

It's not that I can't, it's that I don't have to.... you don't get a choice, unlike me.

More insecurities of yours... you just can't help yourself can you?? :D
BoBo gets off by being a contrarian and trolling libs.

The only time I saw him taking it seriously & losing his marbles
was with that female poster who told us how she manipulates and takes advantage of loser or ugly (as she perceived them) men
lol that one was epic