Higher VitaminD3 levels reduces overall mortality


Really Really Experienced
May 24, 2007
hyperlink: http://www.lef.org/whatshot/2013_08...in-D-levels-with-reduced-all-cause--mortality

It says in the article that those with low vitamin D levels under the age of 65,had a 12% increased risk of mortality.Clic the above link and scroll down for the story.

Those over the age of 65 ,low vitamin D levels went up to 25% increased risk of mortality... source ,the Life Extension Foundation at www.lef.com

Vitamin D3 is the best form of vitamin D to use.One 8 ounce glass of milk only has 100IU s of it in there,so taking a supplement with 1000 IU to 2000 IU ,usual dose,would mean drinking 2 and 1/2 Qt to 1 gal 1 qt to get the same vit D as the cap...

People with Multiple Sclerosis frequently have low levels of vitamin D,supplementing increases overall effectiveness of therapy.Experts think its because it helps increase absorption of calcium and magnesium that improves reconstruction of the nerves sheath/membrane/mylin,incl the brain.

Primarily D is taken for bones,teeth,joints.It also acts as a steroid,and boosts the immune system.Drs look at vitamin D levels,for AIDs patients mortality prognosis.The ones with the lowest levels have the poorest prognosis.

Elsewhere it says vitamin D can stop the progression of neuro disorders,is anti viral,maybe up to 800% better than taking a vaccine,see : breaking news archives at www.herbalhealer.com its about 3/4ers down on the opening pg where it says breaking news.click that,then it takes you to health related news archives,scroll down those headlines...

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin,but it doesn t make it through the windows.So its especially important to take in fall,winter,and spring.Night shift workers,chronically ill,those that burn the midnight oil going clubbing,post surgery/bedridden,vegetarians,office workers,shop workers.

Those with darker skin suffer real need for the vitamin...Helps bones,chrohns bowel disorder/irritable bowel,MS,Cancers,breast,prostate,tumors,incl brain,& colon.
High Blood pressure may go down as much as/up to 40%.Good for arthritis type symptoms too,apx 40 million americans suffer this.Helps sugar diabetes too,if you had it in family history,you should start young ,in taking it.

Live in northern climate,all the more reason to take it.Seizure disorder people use dilantin,this depletes vitamin D.400 IU is RDA,but Dr Atkins says several times this dose is more like it in his book:Dr Atkins Vita Nutrient Solution,ISBN 0-684-84488-5 Fireside book pub,sub of simon schuster pub went for 15 bucks trade paperback.health& fitness/vitamins 407pgs.
aslo see/clic this: http://www.lef.org/abstracts/codex/vitamin_d_index.htm? source=search&key=vitamin d3 also see this foR A OVERVIEW.
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I hate to break it to you and the other "new-age medicine'-types, but the probability of mortality is 100%.

For everyone and regardless of vitamin D3 levels.
No one gets out alive,nothing sure but death and taxes...

So ,do you want to go sooner ,or later,begs the premise?Also,do you want a heart attack or stroke to cripple you up and languish away handicapped for yrs,or take such precautions like a supplemental vitamin cocktail,to live with better health in the mean time?
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It's a fallacy to think that one has choice in the timing of one's death, excluding suicide.

What you're really asking is if one prefers to be a "healthy" corpse or not.
Well,Islandman,judging the tone of your comments,I d say you were feeling a bit down.

This indicates a bit of a depressive state.Vitamin D also helps that,as does a few things like /St Johns Wort Extract,or Kava Extract,Whey protein Smoothie,maybe with a scoop of 5000mg of extra glutamine powder in it...5HTP is good for depression,stands for hydroxytryptophan better at bedtime for a good nights rest.

A couple of my favorites are pecans and walnuts.Making a meal out of them 4 oz upwards brings the major neurotransmittor seratonin up within 24 hrs.

There was a bit done on it in Psychology Today some yrs back.It said thats why some gourge themselves on carbs too,because it brings seratonin levels up.

Avacados do as well,besides the tryptophan,ie,5HTP supplement,&walnuts/are stronger than pecans,in effects of bringing up seratonin levels.These help the melancholy/Blues/Deression ,one might note;ie,to bring the spirits up a bit...hOWEVER,VITAMIN d3 IS JUST THE THING FOR SEASONAL aFFECTIVE DISORDER IN WINTERTIME=DEPRESSION.
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Well,Islandman,judging the tone of your comments,I d say you were feeling a bit down.

This indicates a bit of a depressive state.Vitamin D also helps that,as does a few things like /St Johns Wort Extract,or Kava Extract,Whey protein Smoothie,maybe with a scoop of 5000mg of extra glutamine powder in it...5HTP is good for depression,stands for hydroxytryptophan better at bedtime for a good nights rest.

A couple of my favorites are pecans and walnuts.Making a meal out of them 4 oz upwards brings the major neurotransmittor seratonin up within 24 hrs.

There was a bit done on it in Psychology Today some yrs back.It said thats why some gouge themselves on carbs too,because it brings seratonin levels up.

Avacados do as well,besides the tryptophan,ie,5HTP supplement,&walnuts/are stronger than pecans,in effects of bringing up seratonin levels.These help the melancholy/Blues/Deression ,one might note;ie,to bring the spirits up a bit...

I'm not feeling blue; I just don't agree with the premise of your thread.

Is there something you can eat to make yourself better handle criticism? Maybe a juicy mango?
I don't know about mortality statistics, but Vit D makes a considerable improvement on my mood.
Mangoes...Anti viral and full of vitamin C...Criticism,mmm,having ones neurotransmittors higher,makes one better able to handle it...Tho generally,people most always don t react positively to criticism...
Then maybe you should work on that rather than worrying about living longer.

First things first, you know.

I don't know about mortality statistics, but Vit D makes a considerable improvement on my mood.

Lovely av.
Think your vit D is low?
Get up, turn off the computer, and go take a 20 minute stroll in the sunshine.
Added bonus: excercise!
swansonvitamins.com had a 250 count bottle of vitamin d3 for 5 or 6 bucks,5 buck shipping on whatever you buyI ve done business with them for years...

They are one of the best overall pricers in the business...However,you could use the search engine for vitamin mail order sellers.

I got the one a day generic/equate 200 count bottle times 2 at walmarts for 12 bucks last month,a yrs supply,to take with the extra vitamin D3

So i stock up when I buy.
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Well, this is interesting as I was just researching this very thing. I don't like sunshine and get depressed and anxious when its summertime. I also have had issues with excess seratonin production, so for some people its not good to get a lot of Vitamin D or be in sunshine. They need things which produce more melatonin, like locking themselves in a dark closet most of the day.
aye . Miltown is a drug that depletes seratonin ,if my memory serves me,you might look it up and share with your doctor,as its a prescription drug.Kind of a light tranquilizer like valium.Was that rawolfia?ie,miltown?
Melatonin,its available in the USA over the counter in 3 mg tabs to take at bedtime for a better nights sleep.Me,I got headaches from it,and a hangover type symtom,so I threw it out...

Oh,and MN guy,try taking it to the cash register and paying for it.Theres cams everywhere,smile:your on candid camera,lol...

My moms dad was from MN,his brother had the MS.Then his brothers son had the MS...They had moved to montana and got a small general store,worked it from wheelchairs because of the MS...people like that need to start taking vitamin D early,and those with it in their families...

My Granddad was born to Canadian parents,had about 4 generations in Canada dating back to 1800,but their 500 acre landgrant turned out to be this side of the border,so granddad got citizenship for being born here.
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Update<: This week at www.swansonvitamins.com/vitamin-d website on research updates,a free weekly update you can sign up for,there were 2 articles on vitamin D. www.swansonvitamins.com/blog/druglessdoctor/dr-bobs-top-5-tips-on-vitamin-d

For Health and Longlife ,your chances of dieing from a heart attack go up to double,with low levels of vitamin D.

It didn t say so there,but I read 3/4 of the population are low on vitamin D.D3 is the form to take.Swansonvitamins.com has some of the best prices Ive seen,& I am not affiliated or getting remunerated for this.

Its presented as a public service,as my mental health social work major was in the public service cluster,like fire and police.

Heart attacks are the no 1 killer in the USA...The number 1 supplement people are using for the heart is sofgels of 100 mg/ co Q 10 ,though.It was 1st extracted from beef hearts and gum tissue ,before it was synthesized.It acts as a antioxidant that also protects kidneys and brain,besides helping the heart.

Vitamin E used to be touted as a supplement for helping the Heart.Now,ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid does all the stuff Vitamin E was supposed to do,like helping with Cardiovascular disorders,Pottassium gluconate and Magnesium Oxide=electrolytes, are helpful minerals for cardio issuesin heat ed climates,as well....
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Personally,I went to a Osteopath for years ,as a family Doc ,up in the Detroit Suburbs.The school of Osteopathy is part of Michigan State U ,in Kalamazoo,but their 800 plus bed hospital is just off M-59 in Downtown Pontiac,MI.

If youre not having much luck with mainstream med treatments,it may be a alternative,to find a osteopath.They try anything that works,eclectically.

I recommend the book Prescription For Nutritional Healing,3rd ed by Balch and Balch,MD $23.95 ISBN 1-58333-077-1 Avery pub776pg trade paperback8x11"

Its America s no 1 guide to natural health.If you re strapped for cash,try a used bookstore like www.alibris.com The above book says 57% were deficient in vitamin D,on pg 21...67% reporting intake below the RDI,were reported as being moderate to severe deficiency on vit D3,best form to take...

It Says it helps prevent colon and breast cancers,some of the most common types,helps heart rythmns,and muscle strength too,osteo stuff too.Also says take calcium with it,I get that in my one a day vitamin Equate,from Walmarts...
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400 IU is RDA,but Dr Atkins says several times this dose is more like it in his book

Is that the same Dr. Atkins with the diet?

Personally, I'm on the Susan Atkins diet--I'd kill for a loaf of bread.

This thread needs ducks.
That was the diet doctor Atkins.He had a 8 story clinic as big as a hospital ,up in NYC...While I didn t adhere too much to the diet stuff,I have the opinion that his book was a masterpiece for health food store type stuff/natural medicine.

This other book ,Prescription For Nutritional Healing, says 1000 I U s a day.They vary from Dr to Dr...This latter book says people taking cholesterol drugs,cal channel blockers need it more ,too...20% of the population have heart issues,mostly the arrythmnia.

I like bread and baked goods too,they don t like me though,like borderline type2 is epidemic.\

i was reading a article over the past 2 mo,where wheat was genetically altered to contain 30% more carbohydrates=GMO ,since 1981,go figure.

One congressman up in IL has a bill up to ban a lot of natural medicine,usually got from health food store/vitamin outlets.

On this,I was a member of the www.lef.com the Life Extension Foundation for 15 yrs,off and on.They state that 80% of the rest of the world use nutritional supplements, and vitamins,minerals as mainstream medicine,in their materials.

They,the www.lef.com have a 20 doctor,and 20 scientist board of advisors,a non profit on the edge of Miami ,FL...

As far as this thread needing ducks in it : www.lemonstube.com for recreational adult therapy and your lube,to spank the monkey with,if ya don t like that one,theres 200 alts to clic/bookmark at bottom of that pg for what ails you prevention,male or female forms,PRN=whenever necessary protocol for life s contingencies.Use search engine for dating niche sites,as well.lol,...

down the rabbit hole with you,like alice in wonderland...Is that the Freudian take on things,its about sex and frustrations equating to the thanatos? sex
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