

The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
OK you little bastards and I include miles and his little clone most of all, which everyone knows as PC...

We all know we've lost this war before it's even got going...

So yanks why are you, and we saying, KILLL! KILLL!...

there's no point...

do we think we're superior to those little brown men...

or what...?

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We are superior.......

When we engage an enemy for the benefit of humanity, and to secure the future of those that do not heed the dangers.
Have I said lately how excellent the UK and Australian forces are prosecuting this operation? Absolutely magnificent!
Once these zits are off this planet's face, we can get on with more peaceful pursuits, and new things to bitch about.
You think you might tell those guys in the A10's, the difference between UK and Iraqi fighting vehicles. Other wise we might have to send in the SAS, to search and destroy your airbases.
Hello PP, getting late there isn't it?

Do you just sing out in your pub of choice about your views? What happens? Do the others buy another pint for you for your speech?
peeps, you've become sort of a mascot for the GB. The Court Jester. The town drunk.
I read pp's thread and post to the tune of "Click, click, boom" and it made much more sense.
zipman7 said:
I wouldn't care if he just threw up, but he does it on his keyboard using his fingers.

I've dragged my balls across the keyboard and they make more sense than some of his posts.
HeavyStick said:
I've dragged my balls across the keyboard and they make more sense than some of his posts.

That explains why you flirt so much and he makes no sense.
To be honest, and with all humility, I must say...

that I don't trust Bush and his cronies at all...

Now if I don't, why should the little brown men?

At least Bush and America has done me no harm but to those little brown men he really is Satan...he sees them as being in his way for global domination...

although I reckon he's thinking twice about that now...

p_p_man at age 16 at home in Scrotumshire, England, 1961.

Hey p_p_

I hear the pubs are open now

why not go have a pint?
now that is funny!

storm1969 said:
I read pp's thread and post to the tune of "Click, click, boom" and it made much more sense.

I do so agree with that one.
Re: To be honest, and with all humility, I must say...

p_p_man said:
Bush... Bush and America... little brown men... Satan... global domination... ppman
Hopefully Bush's Navy will have one cruise missle left over after this war for that pub you keep getting sauced-up at.