Hi ho, hi ho

As much as I want to see Saddam dead I'm really hoping he shits his pants today and gives in.

If there is war, the world will hate America and Britain, which is exactly what he wants...but he'll be dead along with his regime. I don't see Saddam as the martyr that OBL is...

So what will he choose?

Is he laughing or sweating?
Saddam isn't about to die for his country or religion or beliefs...it's much more fun being a dictator than being dead

but then again, he's insane...
I think President Bush speaks today around 3 EST. This is going to be an interesting week.

Bye bye Sadamn.
And you'll be sitting in your La-Z-Boy recliner, eating popcorn, I think you said (ok, so I added the part about the recliner). I thought you were gonna be out on the front lines, sonnyboy? Or being a human shield in Israel someplace.

someone said we should meet if your the hanns they are speaking about.

we've met, now suck my dick motherfucker.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
It's off to war we go

With a bucket and spade and a fighter jet, hi ho hi ho hi ho

Its 'bucket, spade and hand grenade' you big french twat
posted by Hanns_Schmidt:

Let's not forget that the "inoccent Iraqi's" aren't quite that inoccent

Many of them would kill Americans if they had half the chance

So a few deaths amongst the arabs must be treated as a sort of justice

Someone forget to give Hanns his Lithium this morning?


Hanns is on standby. Once they go in, he won't be on here.
Then again, more than likely he will be in a trench on the front lines with his trusty lap-top giving us 60 page run downs on what is really happening over there.
The bucket is for US troops to throw up in from all the chemicals they are about to absorb. The spade is to bury their fellow comrades.
The fighter jet is to hide up in the sky out of reach of anti-aircraft fire.
Saddam will be on route into France with his billions while he leaves behind a catastrophic disaster as in flooding the marshes, gassing the Kurds, burning the oilfields and firing chemical weapons into the front lines.
All in all, Iraq will lose, but at what cost to the allies and the region as a whole.

Well done Bush. Clap clap! Fucking dipshit.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Do we know where all his little warrens are?

Maybe the German engineers are talking. Or the Chinese that built it, or the French that sold the drilling and mining equipment