Hi All - Attention Moderator or Site Owner


Really Experienced
Jan 3, 2003
Hi All :)
I submitted a story today and realized it was the wrong copy. It was before I spell checked or proof read it.
I just resent it with a different title. The original title was Jake's Luck (Part One). The corrected version I just submitted is titled Jake's Good Luck (Part One).
I know from reading the boards that getting a story accepted here is not that easy. Please give the second one a chance if you have already read the first one.
I have the second part complete and have started on the third.
Thanks :)
If you have both stories listed as "pending" (in the submissions view area) then click on the bad copy's pending link, erase the text in the story box (if you uploaded a file, don't worry about it) and then change the title to "Delete." Put something in the notes/story field stating what you just told us here.
