Hey You....


Feb 19, 2002
A simple phrase not spoken often enough with true meaning...but I want to say it now....

I have been going through some stressfull stuff these last few weeks and I wanted to thank some very special people for standing by me. Listening to me...giving advice when needed and just a comforting friend when there was no advice to give...so yes I am going to name names....something I dont often do.

Caly~What more can I say....you are wonderful.
Summery~ Hon I so wish the west coast office was closer!
Nigel~ As always through good and bad you have been an amazing friend.
PrettyLilStranger~ Thank you for a multitiude of smiles and giggles and hugs
Purrde Flower~ Always a willing ear and a laugh and hug...
Pipercat~ You're one of us now!!! Thanks for all the LD advice you may or may not know you have given...
Dillinger~for the kind words and the random blurt hugs...they mean so much
Vilac~ I am still hoping for June...but thanks for the estimation of a return to normalcy.

and of course...it wouldn't be a sappy post from me if there was not something for him.

S.Daedalus...You color my world.
You give me a reason to smile and laugh
You give me a shoulder to cry one
A friend to talk to
Unconditional love and support when I need it most.
You make me feel beautiful inside and out
You are a wealth of wisdom and insight
But more then anything you have given me the ability to look at myself through different eyes, to start to change the things I thought about myself and move onward to be the person I know I can be.
I know I gush about you alot but, love, there is no one more deserving.

So to all of you....

Something wonderful to come home to. You are so awesome chica!

I will talk with you later. I'm off to read with the lil ones. I really have to get your opinion rather your vibes on a certain topic from Tuesday morning which I wasn't supposed to hear back about until next week...
Well, Im sorry I got all sappy but you all have made a tough week a lot easier....
I am who I am....

And I am greatful that you see so much in me, although I too am going threw a very rough patch as well....

I often don't feel i treat you as well as you desirve, yet for some reason, things like this let me know that what ever it is that I am doing...I am doing it right...and I am doing it for you...and me..and US.

Thank you kitte,

My bestfriend, my lover, my insperation, my admireror, my guiding light, my piller of strength, my understanding....my heart.

Stephen Daedalus
Kitte....knowing you and speaking with you has been a privelege. I wish everyone could know what the people you mentioned and I know...that you are truly a wonderful woman. I love you, sweetheart....you're a true friend. :kiss: :heart: :rose:
Purrde Flower said:
Can I suck your toes? Or at least lick them?

Awww you are so sweet to offer...but my toes and all of me are spoken for:)

June was a guess. Things will be back to "normal" (Whatever that is....) long before then. The problem is...time will seem to drag on so long, it may feel like June will come first.

You know we all wish you the best....and things will get better. If there is a list of people who deserve happiness, you're certinally on it.

Hang in. In the meantime, vent to us. <g>
Vilac said:

June was a guess. Things will be back to "normal" (Whatever that is....) long before then. The problem is...time will seem to drag on so long, it may feel like June will come first.

You know we all wish you the best....and things will get better. If there is a list of people who deserve happiness, you're certinally on it.

Hang in. In the meantime, vent to us. <g>

Thank you so much V~ you are a sweetheart...and I will vent as much as I can..you dont have to ask me twice:p
Kitte said:
Thank you so much V~ you are a sweetheart...and I will vent as much as I can..you dont have to ask me twice:p

Omg...what did I set us up for? <teasing> LOL

