Hey sexy girl, if you are responsible for all the dykeness around here


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
could you loan me some until Tuesday? I know I should ration it out a little more carefully, but you know how it is when you only have so many dykeness coupons and a family to raise. Give a working guy a break. Please.
theres hell of a lot of forms to be filled in you're never get it by tuesday :)
sexy-girl said:
theres hell of a lot of forms to be filled in you're never get it by tuesday :)

Are you sure you couldn't just slip me a little something under the table? ;)

Damn England and their overcomplicated Socialized Homosexuality Program.
I respect everyones choice in this matter and hope you nice ppl will be kind enough to respect my choice in this matter as well.

I am a straight, phone-sex-daddy-daughter-roleplay-addict !

I am not saying I have never tried it ..... (being with a woman) because i have once a long time ago but i was 19 and the woman was like 38 or somthing.... she was kind and gentle and soft and yes its very different.... and I remember if fondly .... and I might one day try it again. I am not sure what the future holds. But I dont seek out sexual realtions with females.

I think of it as a rainbow and one end of the rainbow is totally Gay and the other end of the rainbow is totally straight and very few ppl are at either of the extreme ends of the rainbow , the vast majority of ppl fall someplace inbetween.

I hope no grammer or punctation critics jump on me here LOL.

anyway...... I am Straight...... I love Men... I especially Love Older men.