hey! SaintV! C'mere a sec, would ya?


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Sorry to bug you, but would you mind settling a bet for me? I'm chatting with a friend on Yahoo and we're debating whether you're an established poster with a pseudo-nick or a new poster with a holiday theme.

C'mon...be a sport and decide it for us? :D
sorry to butt in, but nora, i've been lurking around your posts, and you got a good head on your shoulders.

just wanted to say that.

btw, black wings & handcuffs? that's could be the start of a really worthwhile photo essay.
Nora said:
Sorry to bug you, but would you mind settling a bet for me? I'm chatting with a friend on Yahoo and we're debating whether you're an established poster with a pseudo-nick or a new poster with a holiday theme.

C'mon...be a sport and decide it for us? :D

i think i've heard him say that he's a new poster, but i don't know.
Well howdy there, zotz! And thanks for the compliment! I pride myself on my good head. *grins*

The av is from a series of advertisements for a local store here in Austin called Forbidden Fruit. If I'm not mistaken, they have a link to their ad pictures on their website www.forbiddenfruit.com

The photographer is a man named Bob Sherman, and he TOTALLY rocks! This is the only one I've found of his that has the cuffed angel, though.

So, zotz...you got a guess as to whether or not Mr Valentine is a seasonal psuedonym or a newb with great taste in silent film stars?
Re: Re: hey! SaintV! C'mere a sec, would ya?

amelia said:
i think i've heard him say that he's a new poster, but i don't know.

It's confusing cuz of Aquila's Lord_Cupid schtick.

btw, *pounces on ameliabedelia and smothers her in huggies*
the only thing i like better than giving compliments is receiving them. :) flattery will get you everywhere, those may west types used to say.

can't say i have any good guess for Mr. V's true identity -- but i'm a big believer that people can't really hide their writing styles. if he's gaming you, he's gotta tell you eventually so yall can share the joke.

and i that bob sherman pic reminds me of some other b&w corset-wearing type photos i've seen. i just did a quick search on him and came up with this link --

www.sirensummer.com/ gallery_four.html

-- but those pics are in color and pretty different from your av.

man, i need a life!

Nora said:
Well howdy there, zotz! And thanks for the compliment! I pride myself on my good head. *grins*

The av is from a series of advertisements for a local store here in Austin called Forbidden Fruit. If I'm not mistaken, they have a link to their ad pictures on their website www.forbiddenfruit.com

The photographer is a man named Bob Sherman, and he TOTALLY rocks! This is the only one I've found of his that has the cuffed angel, though.

So, zotz...you got a guess as to whether or not Mr Valentine is a seasonal psuedonym or a newb with great taste in silent film stars?
*laughing at Gooey foxy* lol!

Those are some spiffy pics, Zotz! Thanks for the link!

(psst..and we all need lives. it aint' just you, hon.)
and hey!! I just noticed that there's a link to some of Bob Sherman's photos on that site! KICKASS!!
you girls are great.

and if i can't get a life, at least i can get some sleep -- i'm blowing out of dodge ladies. i'll catch you vixens on the flip side.

thanks for letting me butt my round butt in.

mwah! :kiss: :kiss: :rose: :rose:
Nora said:
and hey!! I just noticed that there's a link to some of Bob Sherman's photos on that site! KICKASS!!

oh, yeah, i'm good -- and glad to be of service.

and you know there's all kinds of pix out there of them silent film stars of yours -- and my favorites, those sultry little monkeys from the 30s and 40s.

*yawning* *turning off desk lamp* *hustling nuts* :)
Excuse me for the obvious, but what are you doing up in the wee hours Nora?

Hey foxy, I'll drink a case of you
Jim_Henson said:
Excuse me for the obvious, but what are you doing up in the wee hours Nora?

Hey foxy, I'll drink a case of you

Just getting rid of a bad habit, Mr Henson. But I'm off like a prom dress now. Have a good night/morning/day y'all. =)

*hugs foxy*
Ahhh, I wish you well then Nora. Prom dresses come off? Hmmm, gotta go to one then.

foxinsox said:
Careful Jim, I'm potent :)

Zotz, how does one hustle nuts?

I know dear... now remind me who did that painting again.
cybergirly1989 said:
Hey Nora,

I was wondering did you ever find that reciepe for stewed tomatos? :D

hahahahahh! I'm still sayin' they gotta be seeded first. Can you imagine going to the doctor with an infection after that?? :eek: